A SCIENTIFIC study found that professors that were womyn of color spend the most time serving their students, their universities, and their professions. Meanwhile white male professors get to slack off all day because of their white male privilege.
Breaking news: white men can explain shit so clearly that they dont need to mentor the shit out of their students
Julian Thompson
hmumumufufliuppu u eyeyeeeeyaeyeyyye ewhite mene fbtfor whowowowowowoowowo !!!! 1hahahah agoood post my man uboated wowowow cool yeaheheahehe wowoweeefefef
Christian Brown
>professors that were womyn of color spend the most time as slaves to their students, their universities
This thread is now about slavery
Caleb Nguyen
Jaxon Ward
It's a literal scientific fact that white men are the niggers of gender
Nicholas Powell
Having had both men and women professors in the same field both back to back, I can say men tend to just get shit done.
When a man teaches he tells you what you need to know. When a woman teaches she constantly goes off on a tangent and spends ages talking about shit no one needs to know or cares about.
Kayden Hill
Why would I believe a "study" that uses "of colour" as a label? Anyone using that would be biased against white men to begin with.
Kayden Baker
So fire all white male administrators and professors immediately?
Most of the are white, anti whites anyway. They will celebrate a neighborhood other than their own being forced to integrate. They are not friends of white people. They see white people as the problem to be dealt with.
Ethan Martin
Seriously. Niggers take twice as long to do anything, goatfuckers thrice, and Slavs at least ten times. Don't even get me started on fucking Indians. They just can't do in the first place.
Anthony Cooper
Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, research. Universities have never been the centers of intellect and learning that (((they))) want us to think they are. KYS user.
Hunter Hall
>slavs >taking longer than niggers
Evan Morales
Julian Nelson
So professors that are white men that put a lot of time into it are being classified in the study as being either minorities or women?
Angel Foster
The source doesn't even explain their methodology behind these numbers. I'll guess self-reported; women overestimate their work because they have poorer spatial and time intuition than men.
>spends ages talking about shit no one needs to know or cares about In my experience they spend ages talking about shit they find interesting, instead of actually teaching to a logical schedule. For example, I'm taking an eastern history to 1500 class right now as a non western history requirement. The female professor spent 4 weeks of the 16 week semester talking about Buddhism in India. Now we're spending 2 weeks on Confucianism and Daoism instead of actually learning Chinese history.
Thomas Campbell
>those who cannot teach, research you're aware that professors not only do both, but most of the shit you see nobel prizes for are from academia, right?
Bentley Miller
>do >research >implying there is a difference
Zachary Cruz
Only sjws think all people who aren't white should be lumped under one category called "of colour" (not "coloured people" that's RACIST!) therefore the author is an sjw retard who hates white men therefore the "study" is invalid.
Mason Jackson
But how would this methodology artificially inflate the scores of women and non-Whites?
Nathaniel Ramirez
Why are they allowed to study things like this, but do a study about IQ and race and you get btfo of everything, like James Watson?
Parker Gray
Sounds like a complete waste of time class anyway. Maybe if they stopped teaching useless bullshit in general, we could be productive.
Jordan Russell
>apologizing to SJWs >saying there is no scientific basis for this belief, even though there is Cuck
Parker Bennett
This. I can interpret the results of the study this way and it's just as valid.
Elijah Taylor
So the insinuation here is that even the hardest working associate professors only work 32 hours a week? Sounds cushy as fuck.
Isaac Bailey
Unless they also have other jobs
Jeremiah Murphy
Not an argument
Mason Gonzalez
>Continue fighting for a bunch of white numales and hambeasts who despise every inch of you to your core, and have given you absolute hell. >Just give up and say "fuck it, let'em burn," and live out your last 10 years in peace. I know which option I would pick.