How much control should landlords have over who they rent to?

How much control should landlords have over who they rent to?

Should they be able to ban children?
What about pets?
What about certain races or religions?

My apartment building just lifted their ban on dogs and I am absolutely livid, last building I lived in didn't ban dogs and they were barking at all fucking hours of the night.


How much control should renters have over who they should rent from?

Landlords are rentier scum and should not be tolerated. They are economic parasites.

can rent from*

Hey don't feel bad irish lad, I'd let you stay at one of my apartments for the same rate as anyone else!

This desu

also, trips

I only rent to Germans, the rest are a bunch of dirty scumbags, even my people.

curry smell really doesn't go away. had a m8 that rented an apartment after some poo-in-loos, and no matter what he couldn't get the smell out. ended up switching units.

now, should poo-loos be banned? no. but the curveyors should definitely pay the landlord like any other damage (e.g. smoking stains/smells).

>Italy saying shit about leasing


>landlords provides a tenant a place to live
>the tenant doesn't need to invest in property and can freely leave after the duration of their lease if the property or neighborhood has decreased in value without any loss than the money spent on rent

literally hitler

>continuing the war on families

Young white people don't need yet another reason to not have children.

They should be able to 100% control who is able to rent using any criteria they want.

>Rent controls are bullshit
>Low income is bullshit
>section 8 is bullshit

They should be able to keep whoever they want out, and they should be able to easily remove people they don't want in their buildings, as long as it doesn't violate the contracts that they have, if wanting to remove someone, the contract either has to run out, or a cancellation agreement made.

>because of 'the curry smell'

this cannot be real


have you smelled curry?

it's fucking disgusting

Yes, but it doesn't penetrate walls - at least in my experience. I've lived in the same hallway as many curryniggers and although you can smell it come through their door, you can't smell it in your own unit.

That's a straight up lie.. I could smell my neighbors curry inside their house 50 feet away

Yes on all of them
The government shouldn't be involved on how you run your business.
If people don't like what a company is doing then they can go to a different one.
So the companies that do something the people don't like will not make as much money as before or they will go out of business.
It's called competition

I want to say they should have absolute control, but that would result in a LOT of homeless people in my city. House prices here are insanely inflated (typical mortgage payment is about double the rent), pricing a lot of people out of the market. If we fixed that I'd be in full agreement, but at the moment buying isn't a viable alternative to renting here.

It's real and he's fucking right, our buses absolutely reek of curry powder, it's like Indians bathe in the stuff.

Stinky fucking bastards.

His property and he's not breaking the law either.

landlords aren't responsible for promoting families using their businesses.
shit argument.

>leafs knows about the curry smell

fuck you, you don't know what you're talking about.

it's like me telling you how to hunt moose.

Why is it worse up there? Two Indians, both from India move to Canada and Britain, why does yours smell worse? Not disagreeing with you, just wondering why.

>pungent pajeet is having a party
>Says its just gonna be his family
>around 50 people show up and are somehow all related to him
>says he is about to start on the curry
>Batten down the hatches and put towels round the door frames
>Watching from the window in horror
>3 gas burners are placed on the ground outside
>He and is his brother emerge from his house with the huge metal dish as wide as your outspread arms
>This is placed on the burners
>An unholy amount of chicken is thrown in
>Now comes the horrors
>His mother emerges from the house with the spice tins
>He begins adding powder after powder to the metal dish
>Then with the addition of water and cream he begins to mix
>The smell hits like a truck even through the sealed windows and doors
>I feel I'm on the verge of having WW1 mustard gas flashbacks
>My eyes are watering
>My throat is dry
>Pajeet and co are unaffected
>The partying goes on into the night and the smell stay with it
>Wake up the next day its still fucking there like some kind of ghost fart

Fucking curry nogs.
