Disavowing Christ

I am publicly disavowing Christ. I no longer believe that the Christian church is moral or just. I believe in God, a higher power, but organized religion is dead to me. All my life I've always felt a calling to believe in a higher power, but Christ and Christians have left me feeling nothing but emptiness. I wouldn't put my faith in Islam or Judaism either. Both of them are as useless and full of shit as Mormonism and Joseph Smith to me.

Christianity is a Jewish invention for subversion. Nietzsche was correct, that Christianity is weak. It's a religion made for the stupid and weak so the strong don't crush them.

God values only strength.


>I am publicly disavowing Christ
No you aren't. You are turning your back on "the church"; whatever that is. I get it. You are disheartened by the turn the church made sometime around the late 1990s when everything went to media and showmanship on the pulpit.

Disavowing Christ is something else entirely. Saying that is the same as saying he bore no influence on your character at all. That the parables are all incorrect, and lacking true wisdom.

Do what I do, and read the bible. Just the parts in red - minus Revelations. Eschatology doesn't really help you in day-to-day; unless you get off on God killing (almost) everyone... twice.

Find the true strength in yourself.

did you feel... euphoric after making this post?


>If we died with him, we will also live with him;
>if we endure, we will also reign with him.
>If we disown him, he will also disown us;
>if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

nice ASS

>Nietzsche was correct

Nietzsche was promoted by Jews.

i bet she takes bbc


Fucking heretic faggot, enjoy that slow burn.



>It's a religion made for the stupid and weak so the strong don't crush them.

But, but...I thought if I just keep my head down and don't rock the boat, even though my whole life is shit - in the end I will win, after I die! I will go to heaven and live in paradise forever, while the strong who rule over me will suffer - after they die! I'm going to win when I'm dead! Don't tell me anything different - I'm ignoring you, it conflicts with what makes me feel good.

Mormons aren't Christian, you fucking moron.
Fuck off kike.


Correct, which is why he liked taunting Christians that their religion was weak so they would cling to it all the stronger. FFS all white people need to do is look up pre Christian religion in Europe to realize that the earlier pagan religions encouraged far more self actualization, responsibility and independence. Christianity is like everything else the jew touches; organize to standardize, standardize to mass produce, mass produce to sell. Shekel on, shekel off...

You are a jew. Your ancestors in Europe are rolling in their grave at the thought that their descendants adopted the religion of the conqueror and corrupted all that we held holy. You shall be purged in hell fire yourself as you see it user.

Christians don't believe the church is necessarily moral and just, retard. Read the bible.

Careful with that edge, kid.



>I am publicly disavowing Christ.

Anonymously. What a bold move.

>random, well-circulated image, which has absolutely nothing to do with text but is likely to get attention
>illogical babble
>not politics
>unverifiable personal nonsense which cannot be right or wrong or quantified

>thinking you are better than the church god created for your salvation


into hell you go boyo

>God only values strength
>Jesus humbly submits to a horrible death on the cross after subjecting himself to brutal torture


I don't want to sound judgmental because I too am a sinner but your beliefs are totally wrong

So just be aware of that

Hopefully you rethink your position after you read some more books

Because you sound like a faggot who needs to read more

thanks for the blog about your faith and the pic of adolescent girls' asses

But by some strange paradox, the religion of weakness was the only one strong enough to conquer the world

No, you're the heretic that actually fell for a fucking internet meme.
>lul Christianity is da real juuz.
If you were a real Christian you would know it has nothing to do with (((them))), aside from how hellbent (((they))) are on trying to destroy it. They tried to kill it with Jesus, they tried to kill it with Bolshevism, they're trying to kill it again to this day with cultural marxism.
You're fucking stupid and don't deserve anything more.