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wtf i love pizzagate now
>Fake news
This is definately bait to catch a leaker. They really expect us to believe the russkies knew drumpf was gonna be president all the way back in 2013? get out of here
He's been laundering money for them since at least 2009, trumptard.
Anything that doesn't fit your world view is fake news, kys
Can you save his heavy dirty soul?
>washington post
give me a real news source.
Is he under arrest for it?
>still less connection that the Clinton clan, not to mention the Clinton connections with multiple other states that should be considered as much worse.
WaPo is a CIA rag, keep in mind that Nixon also hated the CIA because is full of Liberals.
Summary: The unofficial spokesman talked about Iran and how to convince Russia to back away from supporting them.
Was Hillary under arrest? Your reasoning skills are at a grade school level.
no because he fired the us attorney who was investigating it. duh.
Washington post every single time
you mean the newspaper trump personally calls when something big happens?
even if trump/russia was true all it did was expose to the american people how corrupt democrats and the media is. how is this bad again?
You shill niggers need to try harder.
Proofs? You think he calls up Bezos or Podesta and tells all?
>that chart
lmao, this is some Red Scare 2: Electric Boogaloo shit
Yeah, we need someone on twitter
u mad?