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California is pretty much a lost cause, unless ten million illegals magically disappear.
fuckin cali im movin to dallas
Everyday I hate my state more.
I wish I got into Rice University.
This is a good thing, think about it. Cali was blue to begin with, now the illegals can stop fucking up other states and go there making more states red.
Wouldn't that just give california more of those electoral votes?
can't get more without proof of citizenship
I truly hate my state, North Korea should just fucking nuke us already
>passing a bill that would prohibit local law enforcement officers throughout the state from cooperating with federal immigration officials
Explain to me please, burgers, how this is legal. Or is it illegal and Cali is pushing to see if the feds will fight them?
Electoral votes are on residents, not legal citizens
California saying this basically admits they'd rather have illegals propping numbers up than address the issues.
Also factor in that the state is running out of money, and the Justice department cutting federal funds = even worse news
If I were in IT in Cali, I'd be looking for a job in TX. Your state is fucked and run by loons
tell me aboot the Islamophobia bill and we can talk about "legality"
Anything is legal because of my fee fees
anti-cali shills.
Tell me shills, what is the state with the most white people in it?
Tell me shills, what is the state with the most white republicans in it?
Tell me shills, what is the state with the best economy?
but yeah, let's just nuke it all. divide and conquer amiright, fellow redditors?
Well, it looks like the spics will get their aztlan after all.
Civil War 2.0 when? Maybe Trump will end up being like Lincoln.
states rights faggot
Cali fag here. This is going to have the obverse effect that the State wants. It will lull illegal immigrants into a false sense of security, and Trump will step up ICE raids in the State. Pretty dumb of them honestly, but you can't reason with a liberal just learning to flex it State's rights muscle for the first time.
M103 is hot bullshit and I will not defend it even under hypothetical argument. It's not a law though. The motion was to get it before a judge who would then see whether it should become a bill, and after that whether it would pass through the house to become law.
if they cut off taxpayer funded free meals the mexicans will deport themselves along with the degenerate deadheads and other wastes
Ugh, this fucking state. Hell bent on destroying itself.
what blue states without voter laws can we flip red by deportations?
Wouldn't immigration be a completely federal thing?
Californian... I left my homeland long ago...
>All the illegals move to California
>California still doesn't get more electoral votes
>Red states kept red
>Blue California becomes super blue
>Trump rules for a hundred years
you California transplants are ruining our state as bad as Mexicans
>California breaks federal law
>California loses government funding
>California has more than half of their workforce removed because of government subsidizes
>California goes bankrupt in less than 5 years
This is about as good as it gets Lads.
The future is amazing.
It's unconstitutional. The federal government has plenary power over naturalization and the Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed this fact.
California and the other cities doing the same are practicing what is called "nullification", the same thing the Democrat-ran South engaged in leading up to the Civil War.
I'm Hispanic, and to see our race get degraded and put down into a welfare state by these fucking Democrats only for political votes is sickening. PUT A FUCKING END TO SANCTUARY. Send the people who shouldn't be here back home, I don't associate with them. God. People legitimately think we get targeted by Trump, lol, he's actually doing a lot to maintain the dignity of our entire race.
Sorry, pol, I just needed to vent.
I see. Thanks.
It literally isn't legal.
This is what the Civil War and Civil Rights movement were fought over.
If Trump doesn't have tanks rolling through Sacramento should Jerry Brown sign this I will be massively disappointed in him.
>Tell me shills, what is the state with the most white republicans in it?
Did you learn nothing from your elections? That doesn't matter
>immigrants are bad for the state
California continues to dominate tech, entertainment and agriculture. Pays more taxes than it receives in federal funding.
How do you guys reconcile this?
>the govt would let cali go bankrupt
kek kek kek kek kek
>Sup Forums during election
>Sup Forums after California uses state's rights
It's 110% illegal.
>Encourage all beaners to move to Cali
>Beaners in Cali push support for Calexit
>Trump waits for them to overplay their hand and try to separate from the US.
>Sends in the national guard to deport all of them/kill any resistors.
ca here
I'm sorry but you guys are wrong this time. Making a few states sanctuary actually could be better for the country as a whole.
no thanks to illegal immigration how do you reconcile that?
Just like legal marijuana in California. It's still against Federal law, and they can do raids at anytime. ICE is Federal.
I'm just your average Joe. Someone could probably fill in the details.
Pic is my captcha lulz. You can't make this shit up.
Oh hey look they're going to die, cool
Also considering the massive IT flight to Texas and Arizona, CAs biggest cash crop. You dumb dumbs is fucked
>Tell me shills, what is the state with the most white republicans in it?
Texas, probably.
If he does that, MSM will scream for a coup
Best thing to to is completely defund the state until the cut tha shit out.
Think libtards are willing to starve for "muh Muslims"?
Satan has dominion over the earth until Jesus returns.
Of course his satanic little kike children wield power and have lots of money and control of mass media.
I'm not going to Hell with them over worldly things.
Contrary to what Democrats have been claiming for nearly 200 years, "States' rights" doesn't mean they can nullify federal authority they previously and explicitly agreed to cede to the federal government in the Constitution.
i like my dick, but if it had fucking dick-cancer and it was going to kill me i'd cut that mother fucker off and get on with my life.
California is dick cancer in this analogy.
80 IQ wetbacks aren't the faggots making grinder apps in Silicon valley with their shitty webdev3.0 degree
>implying california's agricultural production does not depend heavily on illegal immigrant labor
>implying every Hollywood star doesn't have an illegal immigrant maid
>implying Uber and Lyft drivers in Silicon Valley aren't mostly illegal immigrants from Eastern Europe who overstayed their VISA
It's like you don't even live in this state.
>oh shit nigger! Where'd my federal funding go?
I'm saying this as someone who lives in commiefornia. Please make us hurt.
Cuck ass Trump got fucked again.
This. I would LOVE for Trump to cut all federal funding to CA.
This shit HAS to stop.
Oh come on man, we lead the country with bullshit gun laws, we value illegals and invaders over the native population, we have state and sales tax, we regulate the fuck out of businesses, we're the source of all the kike cultural marxists media, our economy is propped up on credit and our biggest city doesn't have a natural water source
We're a joke man, we automatically give the democrats 55 electoral votes every election, we can't even get a republican to run for the senate, we've had the same kike senators for over 2 decades, we re-elected Moonbeam and the government is replacing us with illegals and mexishit nationalists
But hey, we got great beaches and weather so I guess that cancels out what a steaming pile of shit we are
The moment we begin to face these problems and attack them, is the moment we begin out redemption
Yes goy don't you worry bout a thing here on earth. Focus on the afterlife. I promise you there is one.
except it's not cancer, just a VD that requires some ointment. and it's a 12 inch girthy dick that will kill you from blood-loss, if not, make your balls shrivel up and die.
If that happened I think CA citizens would stop paying federal taxes. Would be a net loss for the Federal government since we pay more taxes than the state receives in federal funding.
>implying they haven't let it go bankrupt before
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
Federal law is superior to state law, but state governments are not directly subordinate to the Federal government in the way you might expect. State police can't legally interfere with Federal law enforcement, but they're under no obligation to help. The Federal government has relatively few personnel, so lack of assistance from state and local police can be limiting.
It's a trick to make Trump look bad.
If Trump decides to send in the National Guard and roll up with tanks, the media and the left will use this to go "see look at Trump, he's being a fascist dictator trying to control people's lives"
If you fucks so set foot in Colorado, I'll kill you.
So, how exactly do we fix California without Genocide?
Because that's the only option I see.
Cali goes bankrupt every couple years tho
field laborers maids and lyft drivers are not beneficial to an economy when they take more than they receive. If you weren't some libtard faggot you would realize illegal immigration is not the same thing as illegal immigration.
By moving as many shitskins there as possible then covertly pushing Calexit as hard as possible while deliberately sabotaging any efforts to keep it into the Union.
You can go on about muh 50 state union all you like, but this is like cutting off a gangrenous foot to save the leg.
Literally everyone out of state here is Californian
>school filling with South Dallas diaspora
>mexishits blasting their awful polka
Could be worse
It's OK to take a hit to federal funding on the govt. end so long as it sends the proper message.
Some things are above money.
It is
Furthermore, states can't vote to ignore federal law
We have precedent
You have no idea how pozzed it is here. What you've said is likely the only solution.
California was built on decades of legal residents under Republican rule. That Democrats took over in the past 40 years and made it a dumping ground for illegal immigrants isn't what made California wealthy.
>If that happened I think CA citizens would stop paying federal taxes
And then they would be fucking bombed you arrogant traitor.
Or do you put it above Trump to bomb foreign brown hordes?
How is this Trump's fault?
This is California we are talking about here. You know that state that wishes openly to be brown communists that want to kill whitey.
>California passes the measure
>gets flooded with illegal spics
>Trump stops all federal funding to California
>Sessions orders the FBI to raid all dude weed stores for the lulz
>remaining whites leave because too many spics
>more diversity arrives
>entire state becomes Mexico II
Sounds good to me
So that's why Nigel's here.
Fuck it, cut those faggots off. Democrats won't win an election for 50 years
Every other word in that shit is a huge (((blue))) flag.
Dude, I love California, but it's seriously fucked right now. They're about to raise the tax on gas by like 12 cents over night, pretending like they're going to use it to fix the crumbling roads, but it's clear that they need to take money from somewhere to pay for pensions. They're literally about to steal taxes for their pension plans. It's not looking good, and then to top it off they want to pull this shit
We don't even need the whole state of california to leave, just the areas around san diego, los angeles, and san francisco.
Civil war is better in the long run, as it gives excuse to massacre treasonous whites as well as kill/deport nonwhites.
I'm honestly wondering what the fuck this orange man is waiting for? Does he really think it'll get better without violence? This shit cannot stand. This is literally trampling on Lincoln and MLK's legacy while claiming to be anti-racist.
Cali can do whatever they want but they cannot stop federal police from enforcing federal law. Cali is in no way obligated to help but it is illegal to stop the feds. Sorry pedro but you are going back,no ifs,ands,or buts.
good, then trump has an excuse to cut funding to the state and let it burn. fuck em.
t. nor cal
ya right faggot we're building a super train in the desert as we speak. well we are getting ready to lay the track at least.
you're a defeatist shill. i wouldn't be surprised if you're a mexicant. the blood of pioneers runs through the veins of white California. our feet were tired and we could have stopped in Texas. our people were starving and we looked at the rocky mountains and said "fuck that, we're going to traverse over that and see what happens" while leaving the cucks behind. we had 40 years of being a red state and you want to just give that up because the last 20 have been manipulated by the spics? fuck you. you're not welcome in this great state.
I don't think people would be ok losing 1/7th of the US's GDP and handing leadership in technology and media to China for next century.
I don't think it will come to that though. Trump will likely lose in 2020 if he doesn't resign before then.
Trump's main tools are cutting off federal aid and grants, and maybe relocating/reallocating federal facilities or military units. He can't force them to vote a certain way at the state level. Cali is free to tie the noose, Trump is free to kick the stool out from under their feet.
You can't refuse to pay taxes.
They can be coerced to pay. Funding is not a right and refusing to follow the law is illegal.
Companies are already leaving CA, you dumb fuck
Keep threatening nullification and secession. We'll find a second Sherman to March to the Sea against Democrat scum again.
So? Trump can still legally enforce Federal immigration law in Cali without the blessing of the state unless they decide to go full retard and block federal access. At that point they may as well secede.
Since I don't live thwre, I hope all the mexicans move to California.
I hope Trump sends ICE to California for monthly raids and cut almost all fed money. Fuck this dumbass state legistlation.
God, I wish global warming was real and not just a NWO plot. The seas would rise and rid us of these coastal progressives
serious question are you an anchor baby?
I'd be happy to sign up to march on cali.
You underestimate how hated you faggots are.
Your shithole is where all of the nation's most retarded policies come from. We hate you niggers.
I would love for you fags to quit paying fed taxes. No taxes, no representation. Goodbye votes in the house and goodbye electoral college votes. We'll never have a democrat president again, and we still won't be tired of winning.
Don't forget Hollywood moving to GA.
>implying Texas would be allowed to secede
My state is about to receive a big ole redpill.