Girl Trump supporter problem

Speaking as a woman who is red pilled and supports Trump I have the following problem:-

I've been with my boyfriend about 18 months, recently we went to Malta and he refused to enter the old churches 'on principle' that he is an atheist. I'm not particularly religious or political (I'm conservative, he identifies as a remainer liberal democrat), but this was a bit annoying because I wanted to see the renaissance art. When I am with conservative friends (which honestly isn't that often), if they talk about anything even vaguely political he goes out and has a cigarette to calm down. I love the guy and want to start a family (I'm 29) but if I talk about the issue he just cold shoulders me. What to do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

your boyfriend sounds like a faggot

Sounds like emotional abuse that will escalate into physical abuse.

Tits or GTFO is not a joke.

sage do not respond to shills

What a loser. Also saged for good measure

Why the fuck do women always make terrible fucking life choices?

>I love him but he can't accept a base part of me, I'm sure he'll just get over that at some point and completely change for no reason

Go to /r/RedPillWomen with this issue. This isn't the place. You are going to be accused of LARPing.

At first I was wondering why a supposedly "conservative" girl would want to do with a liberal atheist? Then I saw "I'm 29". Also you are probably not a conservative more one of those PJW/Milo/Gavin McInnes faggots who tolerates homosexuality and all kinds of debauchery.

Provide statistical facts that he can't deny and have arguments at the ready. Show him some Jordan Peterson videos to redpill him on why religion has been a constant throughout human societies. If he refuses to use logic defiantly stands by his cuckoldry even when presented with hard facts he is not a man and shouldn't be fathering any children.

>things that never happened:the thread

Ditch the loser. He sounds like he has autism.

Fucking tom Brady looking bitch

Exactly. He's going to cheat on her. But she's 29 and wasted her youth either being a Lauren Southern or a thot.

>the mere mention of politics causes a near mental breakdown
>I want to get married to him

beauty and the beast is just a fantasy

He sounds like a bitch. What's your number? You sound like you need to vent. Also post more pics

She went on holiday to Malta with him? Where they likely shared a room and slept with each other. She's equally as trashy as him.

Hello fellow virgins

Your BF is a faggot who fears confrontation and you're about to be too old to have kids without risking birth defects.

OP confirmed for larping hambeast

You're boyfriend is a faggot.
Find someone with higher T levels that knows about the Jews.

Sounds like you have a goyfriend.
Dump the zero and get with a hero, bb.
I'll put white babies inside you, over and over again until your vag is BTFO.

>1 post by this ID
Sage and move on lads

You're one of those religious conservative faggots, aren't you?

He once threw a cigarette end in my face for disagreeing with him when I pointed out the anti fascist protesters were causing most of the problems during the EU referendum - but he apologised the next day and nothing like that has happened since.


Your boyfriend is a closeted homosexual.

Never trust anyone who doesn't believe in god.

Your little girlfriend needs her ass beat and taught some manners =]

He is a weak liberal, he will have weak willed children. Why would you fuck someone that is literally dependant on the protections and shielding of the good conservatives of the world?

Whiteknight beta detected

Look, I know you women are fucking stupid, but what do you think he's going to do when you're forced to live with each other 24/7 and have real problems and issues? It's going to be more than just a cigarette.

Let it out user. Let out all your terrible arguments for atheism.

You deserve him.

No such thing as being red pilled and supporting Trump. Mutually exclusive.

What if someone lived there whole live a good person, but never heard of god, could you not trust them?

Naw man, you don't flick cigarettes into peoples faces, shits fucked up =]

Morality doesn't exist apart from God. But you seem to be too inept to even maintain a discussion.

I'm agnostic/ slightly Christian leaning, and he can be quite a smart witty guy. Its just that he doesn't want to settle and can be a bit of a dick with his smoking and temper.

that's a hard way of finding out your bf is a demon.

No. People know of God whether or not they hear of Him. The world is a testament to His existence.

You dumb cunt. You are going to get beat.

>Speaking as a woman
>As a blankety blank i feel bloopity boop
Honestly just get the fuck out

Proof that your a grill. Post tits.

Leave him and marry me.
I don't know why faggots like that have any kind of woman.

Which god?

Leave him. If you don't, it only proves that you deserve all of his abuse towards you.

he's obviously an insufferable cunt

leave him, you know you want to

Scrapping the bottom of the barrel, huh?

>What to do Sup Forums?

Get a real man.

Just move to the US and start a family with me. Duh.

He's going to hit you someday and you will get on an online forum and ask for advice about it

Dump him, it will only get worse. I'm serious, he is naive in politics and can't control his emotions. Find a better man.

I'm an agnostic and I don't go into churches out of respect. I wouldn't want to enter a place of worship and reverence and be in disagreement.

He's a faggot and a pussy. Best to move on because any more involvement will only bring misery. If you are conservative and red pilled you should know damn well that he's a idiot who will scorn behind your back since he doesn't have the balls to deal with it in person

>refused to enter the old churches

its highly possible your boyfriend is literally demonically possessed.

not joking, it's happening more and more, worldwide. and yes, it's a real phenomenon.

you are dating a man who doesnt respect you or your opinions.

He also sounds like an elitist.

kek approves

You already know you want to dump him. You are just here looking for moral support. Just do it. No more questions, no more thinking about it. Do it.

You may as well burn coal. Your kids will be ugly and stupid, but at least they won't be ugly, stupid, and cowardly like your BF.

Enjoy watching your boyfriend explain to your future children why they are a minority in the country their forefathers built, and why that's a good thing.

>you are dating a man who doesnt respect you or your opinions.
Where do you think you are, leaf?

>Its just that he doesn't want to settle

You mean he doesn't want to start a family? And you're 29 and want to start a family? You need to find a successful conservative man and dump this cuck. He sounds like a real loser if he's still behaving like that at his age (I assume he is around your age)

>you are dating a man who doesnt respect you or your opinions
This is all fine.

What isn't fine is that he's a limp-wristed pussy.

Nu/lol/ is straight cancer. All these responses

Tits or gtfo

Troll-larp lvl 6/10 I'm impressed user, better than we usually get around here

He's an immature faggot if he ever uses violence on you. He's especially immature if he won't go look at art with you because it's in a church. Just fucking leave him before he beats you or your kids.

>have someone so juvenile that they refuse to enter churches because he'll be deeply disturbed
>throws tantrums when he hears the other side of stories
>should I start a family with this man?

So are women just all retarded then?

Atheism sounds like a religion

When I don't know what to do with a loved one due to a political divide I just kill myself.

reminder OP is faggot


For the most part, yes. They are fucking retards.

Dump him and come get you some real alpha Anglo.

>blue eyes
>light brown hair
>athletic build
>8 inches

What you waiting for?

Learn your place. What right do you have to question a man on anything, seriously he should beat you but he sounds like more of a bitch than you are. Enjoy your lesbian relationship and go neck yourself you dumb cunt for being a moron.

>Not married

Obviously I'm not entirely serious, I'm just making a point that the dude she is with is worthless and there are other guys who aren't total shit who would love to have a conservative girlfriend that would be more likely to be worth having children with.
White people need to reproduce immediately and they don't need to be teaching their children to be liberal faggots.

>What's your number? You sound like you need to vent
You are right, here you go..Big goy

These are slide threads btw. It's like the third "I'm conservative woman with a liberal bitch boyfriend/husband" thread today.

OK, I am going to quit my boyfriend, honestly, I did kind of came on here looking for reinforcement from people who hate chain smoking angry liberal atheist types, and I've got it.

I am attached to him, but I know I'm not too old (right now), to move on and get someone else. Next time he storms off (this happens quite often) my phone will not be picked up.

>Start a family
>With a fucking SJW liberal

Worse than getting BLACKED

Also, will actively cuck your frustrated beta boyfriend, and slap him for the cig incident after I've nutted on your tits.

Come get some.

>Speaking as a woman
Stopped reading right there

Don't worry, you're a woman.... you can literally find a man in a second because we're just walking cumsticks looking to bust our load in/on something.

>smoking cigarettes

Automatic trash tier shitskin. Dump his stinky ass.

>running out of time
sad sad love

Bag a white conservative and make white babies.

Is your boyfriend 15yr old me?

>next panel, not pictured:
>"Oh, we know about the jews. Kike faggots."


>sounds like

>pic related

He ***IS*** a fucking faggot.

If he is SO >>>EMOTIONALLYthis guy was right????

Lose that fucking loser... but find a quality man... QUICK!!

At 29... you don't have much time left dear!

God. The God. G-d. Not Baal, not Shiva, not Budda.

Allah isn't god. Allah is the leftover story of an egyptian moon god.

You're one of those conservative conservatives aren't you.

Plebbit please go back.

A woman being a democrat is excusable because of irrationality. A man being a democrat is definitely not excusable. It means they are straight retarded/gay. Why the hell would you date a democrat?

It's not because he's an atheist; it's because he's disappeared up his own ass. You can appreciate a culture's achievements without buying into what they believe.

It is.

Note the tightpants faggot leading the service

>he identifies as a remainer liberal democrat
>want to start a family
Your problem is you're a retarded woman who thinks she can "make it work" with someone you obviously have irreconsilable differences with. What is he going to do when you're teaching your children conservative values... go outside and smoke?

Women are literal fucking retards.

But they would say the same thing against your God, so who is right?

Ditch his ass if he throws shit at you. You need to get away asap. I don't even care if it is LARPing

As a woman you should


unless you want to make a statement that has nothing to do with a gender you can't prove.

Don't wait. Do it NOW! Dump him NOW!

Shut up. Just do it NOW. The fuck are you waiting for?! I SAID DO IT NOW!! It's for the best.