Is she fucked?


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You can say she will RICE to the occasion.

In the ass

Clinton lost so...yeah

I honestly thought in the beginning that the left and the MSM would be able to spin this as literally nothing, but why would she lie about the incidental collection then?

Literally if she said "yes there was reason to believe the transition team was communicating with the Russians" and admitted to the surveillance it would have been 10x easier to spin

Instead she lied about knowing anything about it, which leads me to believe there was wrongdoing.

People in the comments sections of articles are still spewing "HURRR IT WAS HER JOB X---------DD"


Next question?

Blacked is the future for you.

-Susan Rice REQUESTED intelligence reports with names unmasked. There's no word on if she recieved them

-At the time, Susan Rice was the NSA and these requests were a routine part of her job.

-It's not clear WHY she made these requests, IF she received the information, and WHAT she did with it if anything.

-Flynn was caught in a lie because the record of his convo was unmasked. But this has not been linked to Rice.

-No other unmasked intelligence has been released our caused any damage to Trump that we are aware of.

>TLDR: hurrrr Rice did her job durrr

Everything else is just speculation. That's fine, but be honest.

It is always about the cover up.

... Everything she did was perfectly legal. She will convince the house oversight committee of this by pleading the 5th.

And you would have sources for those claims, right?

I thought she was fucked after lieing about the cause of the beghazi attack. But she got away with that.

Susan Rice lies about everything. She seems to enjoy going on sunday political shows and openly lieing to the public. She's an absolute disgrace with no honor.

>Lied about beghazi while underoath
>muh video tapes goys! They radicalized them!

She's in hot water now again?

Oh yeah, this time shit will stick on the wall, too bad Obama et al. Will pin it all on her and he'll walk free.

But one is better than none.
Hillarys next

I think they were all banking on hillary winning and left a lot of loose ends. This warms my soul becuase they never EVER expected a non establishment non-goy to come and clean up shop.
It's gonna be a great next few years.

How many threads are you gonna post this in???


checked. and sadly this is probably the best outcome but we're still in the infancy stages of this scandal so I do have a glimpse of hope maybe a few people higher up on the food chain will be going down.

1. We at least know she requested the unmasking.

2. Despite what shills are saying, in order to unmask a U.S. citizen there has to be damn good reason to believe something illegal is going on if it's picked up in incidental collection. It's dying a slow death but the 4th amendment is still a thing. If Flynn was the most damaging thing they found (which wasn't illegal in the first place) and believe me if they'd found any damaging information in the other civilians who were unmasked we would have seen it, then that tells me there was nothing significant found through unmasking the others.

3. we know that from Nunes that the data collected came from routine surveillance of foreign ambassadors and had nothing to do with any ongoing investigation about Russia, just simple routine surveillance.

So pretty much we'll have to wait for the transcripts to be declassified to really get a good idea of how fucked Rice is but from the above thing that we already know there's a good chance that there was no probable cause in what was collected to warrant the unmasking and dissemination of U.S. civilian's names and information.

No one in government positions is ever actually facing punishment for anything they do.

Not what normal people would call "punishment" anyways. So no.

Then why would she lie about the incidental collection and unmasking if she did nothing wrong?

isn't obama 'vacationing' in a country with no extradition?
how now brown cow


Valerie Jarret is the source of that leak, and the only one who has mentioned it.
It's almost like they're all covering for where he really is.

I think she's fucked hard and I really hope sessions throws the book at her.

It's gonna be a good couple weeks while this all keeps pouring out. Enjoy the ride!

Kinda funny how vocal Obama is and now all we hear is crickets.

From the start when trump dropped the tweet and there was utter silence from Obama and his crew, I knew this was hot shit.

Obama also must know he's in deep
Like I said series they left loose ends becuase try were 100% sure a pozzed honorable membah, was gonna be in office.

Trump side swiped em hard.

>Then why would she lie about the incidental collection and unmasking if she did nothing wrong?

Could be a thousand reasons. Maybe she's afraid of being railroaded?

So the truth will come out eventually and she'll be fucked hard regardless, I can't wait.

She's fine now go to bed

So you're in favor of railroading people? Kangaroo courts too?

Good to know.


>Obama also must know he's in deep

this fucker is in over his eyeballs ~ 'lost' a trillion dollars and oh, by the way at least ten countries would love to have him. smart money is on pakistan.

>worked for Obama

Is she fucked? Lel not a chance

Can i get a quick rundown

>tfw first and last black president is also first fugitive from justice president.

>everything she did was perfectly legal

This is precisely the issue. The 4th amendment should have prevented this from becoming legal. I don't give a shit if you blame muh Bush or muh Bummer, mass surveillance needs to fucking stop.

This is on the thrid page, there are 12 anti trump threads before this. MSM isn't talking about it, and if they mention it, they quickly defend her. The facist left propaganda machine is winning and Amerifats are too dumb to realize what is going on. We have lost and it is our own fault.

>is she fucked?
No, if Drumpfty tries anything the Deep State will reveal his ties to Russia. Good job draining the swamp guys.

New Sheriff in town


This might backfire badly for the WH. It's going put more of a spotlight on Ezra Cohen and what his role in the NSC actually is. Do you all notice McMaster (his boss) is pretty quiet about this?

>The facist left propaganda machine is winning
Wrong. The are crying rivers of tears no one gives a shit about.


Sorry that the report Blackwater dude (Betsy Devos brother) making back channels with Russia for Trump the day after pee pee dossier came out dominated this bombshell. Also Kushner meeting with sanctioned Russian bank president without disclosing it also stole the headlines.

what did he mean by this

Get a load of this retard

I read that... more allegations of Russian involvement. Same old tired narrative.

Yes because she is going to be the fall guy.

OR...she testifies against the entire administration. All it takes is one Judas.


It looks like this is the case. Epic fucking panic in the DNC the past few months.

>Holocaust attorney E. Randol Schoenberg has collaborated with genealogist Renee Steinig to unearth something surreal. Ezra Cohen-Watnick’s wife Becky did public relations for the Russian government. The source: her own mother, Vicki Fraser. Schoenberg points to an oral history provided by Fraser which states that her daughter Becky Miller “works for Ketchum, a PR and marketing firm in Washington, D.C. and her big challenges right now are Ketchum is responsible for providing PR and marketing to try to make Russia look better which is particularly difficult when they’re invading other countries and when Putin is somewhat out of control.”

Look at those mental gymnastics woooo

holocaust attorney and genealogist- gtfo

Based Gowdy

I would be surprised if Hilldog is involved in this

the palmer report ~ oh god you slobbering retards never disappoint

The amount of shilling should give you your answer.


Putin is just a better leader then Obama could ever dream to be. Why is it so bad to have peaceful relations with Russia? You are a useful idiot to warmongers around the world.

>holocaust attorney and genealogist

these are the sources CTR is using now......

No the US is full of traitors, they're the majority. She will be shamed in the media for being caught, that's all.

>Nice job draining the swamp guys.
I know, right?! How these people even begin to have the gall to try to dislodge our heavily entrenched corruption. I'm all over here like, "You didn't build that, guys!" Oh well, at least we can still rig our own DNC elections. They can't do squat about that!

I'm sorry, shit just makes me so mad they won't blindly accept our blatant, unscrupulous criminality. GAH!

No, its OFA

thats the diversity for ya!

Yea it's pretty sad

Nice one, Mohammed

How am I a useful idiot to warmongers?

In the A? Maybe someday. Maybe today.

take a look at the shills out in full force.

I wouldn't say she's fucked. But she is certainly in hot water. Trump has to play his cards right.

Says the member of the nation of the black bull brothers.

>unmasks a big guy
>is extremely painful for her

I can only hope and pray this makes its way back to the former president. I would love to see him go to jail... It would just be fantastic

I want proof it's directed by the Clintons.

nigger women ~ yep, this is gonna work out just fine and dandy

She's 100% fucked.

>that smug Reddit superiority posting...

So that's a no?

>-Susan Rice REQUESTED intelligence reports with names unmasked. There's no word on if she recieved them

surely these documents were withheld from the national security advisor to the president

it's illegal to have anything to do with russia


Pic unrelated

Either Rice is fucked or the Dems are fucked for giving the Administration the precedent of using raw intel to destroy them. I think the Dems would rather she just get Benghazied again.


why does she look so different? ot's got to be some fall girl. even considering aging she doesn't look anything like the rice that was working with obaba did

Putting the First (and last) nigger president in prison is exactly the kind of demoralizing optics that we need to agitate the POC into riots

>>Putin is a great leader

>From the start when trump dropped the tweet and there was utter silence from Obama and his crew, I knew this was hot shit.
I noticed this with the media in general as well, they suddenly stopped talking about any form of information that had been 'leaked' and haven't gone back to using any leaked information since.
>I think the MSM is going to be on the de-monopolisation block next,

She's utterly fucked but I'm afraid she's just going to be a fall guy for this, and it won't get back to Obama.

that's a man my dude.

since it was against trump, all is forgiven, our at least thats what cnn told me.

Praise kek.

Not as fucked as her boss!

Assuming Barack Obama gets sentenced to 10 years in prison, and he gets mouth raped by 12 members of the Aryan Brotherhood a day:
>>He will ingest a gallon of semen in approximately 21.3 days.
>>That works out to 170 gallons over the course of his sentence.
>>At an average of 18 calories per serving, he will have consumed 778,400 calories.
>>Assuming a normal diet with no physical activity aside from blowing Nazi's, Barack would gain 225 pounds of fat.
>>Using an average of a billion sperm per tablespoon that's 43.8 Trillion sperm down the ex-Potus gullet.
>>That amount of sperm cells stacked end to end would measure 86.7 Billion inches or 1.38 Million miles.
>That's long enough to go to the moon and back almost 3 times.


so you got all the facts on sperm. look guys the sperm master.



Obama will hide behind plausible deniability. Wink wink nod nod... Ultimately Rice will be the one that pays the price for everyone.

South Korea just jailed their democratically elected President a day ago FYI.

and she then lied about all of it because......?
you don't try to cover your tracks if you're doing nothing wrong

Did they ever tie her to the boat?

She blabbed to some degree already, my guess is she'll spill the beans and it's going to be amazing.

Normies will be shocked, we will wink and nod slyly and remember the gook posters.
