>ctrl+f "petersburg"
>no matches
Why is there not a thread about today's St. Petersburg subway attack?
Is our board seriously being slid this hard?
>ctrl+f "petersburg"
>no matches
Why is there not a thread about today's St. Petersburg subway attack?
Is our board seriously being slid this hard?
>muh slide
>muh shareblue
>muh ctr
these are real occurrences
Sure thing pal
can we please focus on the issue at hand?
maybe because it happened more than 12 hours ago and there is nothing new to talk about?
fuck russia
That dude didn't do anything , they just saw a guy with beard on the surveillance cams and decided he did it
He later that day went to the police to clarify his innocence
Shareblue is at 100% attendance this evening
you cant hide yourself shareblue by saying "theres no shareblue shills goyim" we already know you fuckheads are still spamming this board.
I hope they bring back the my little pol board. Everything seemed legit who posted.
I know they have been shilling for the wsj too lately.
>Why is there not a thread about today's St. Petersburg subway attack?
seriously the 8th time ive seen this posted today go fuck yourself
You do realize naming files like that has been a meme ever since the whole 'they're shilling here' right? Why do you think you see it so much?
>It's just ironic!
Some Russians got blown up by a muslim
Call the Kremlin, not even Russians give a fuck
I specifically came on here to find more things about this and this is the only thread I can find. Where are all the happenings threads?
fuck you spaz, it happened like 12 hours ago. ofc there were fucking threads but no one cares anymore cause its russia
Fixed pic
Same, this is why I started the thread
Fuck off
>becomes mlpol for a day
>shareblue scripts broken
>no hill shill for a day
Pay Denbts
What happened?
Saw a thread at 7:00 this morning before work and didn't have time to read it. Heard nothing about it all day. It was a 'Happening' thread so I assumed nothing had really occurred.