Why do white people get mad about being replaced but only have 1 kid?

It's annoying how Sup Forums will complain about demographic changes and replacement but yet white people as a whole only have 1.5 kids on average.

If we want to maintain and grow our population every white couple should be having 3 kids minimum, and that isnt even that many considering REPLACEMENT is only 2.1

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quality > quantity

white people pay for their own kids, not get paid to have kids

shitskins wouldnt understand

Those who have one kid aren't mad. Most white people don't realize that they are being replaced. Some are in denial an prefer to ignore the issue. and others hate to be white.

This, I plan on saying fuck it. I'm gonna go live in a trailer park and live off welfare thanks to my 10kids from 8 different baby mamas

nigga u dum

>1 person = 1 vote
>white people have comparatively low birthrate compared to muds in their own countries
>become politically disposessed

I have 3.

by this i mean that "OVERBIRTH NIGGERS" is a very shitty tactic and it lowers whites to nigger level. We should reduce üntermenschen, not increase ourselves, because raising a proper human requires lots of time, money, intelligence etc and you can't just dump 3-4 babies into this world and hope they will develop themselves.

If there was no third world immigration it wouldn't be a problem. Japan will still be japanese in 50 years unless they are retarded and make the same mistake.

Growing the population isn't the answer. Irresponsible overbreeding is just nigger-tier behavior. There are too many people on the planet already. We need to stop sharing medical technology, food, and resources with the pocs. Let them live with the results of their own mindless replication like cancer cells. We're under no obligation to help them and we should just STOP.