It's annoying how Sup Forums will complain about demographic changes and replacement but yet white people as a whole only have 1.5 kids on average.
If we want to maintain and grow our population every white couple should be having 3 kids minimum, and that isnt even that many considering REPLACEMENT is only 2.1
white people pay for their own kids, not get paid to have kids
shitskins wouldnt understand
Jaxson Ramirez
Those who have one kid aren't mad. Most white people don't realize that they are being replaced. Some are in denial an prefer to ignore the issue. and others hate to be white.
Hunter Cox
This, I plan on saying fuck it. I'm gonna go live in a trailer park and live off welfare thanks to my 10kids from 8 different baby mamas
Sebastian Jackson
nigga u dum
>1 person = 1 vote >white people have comparatively low birthrate compared to muds in their own countries >become politically disposessed
Jeremiah Gonzalez
I have 3.
Carter Williams
by this i mean that "OVERBIRTH NIGGERS" is a very shitty tactic and it lowers whites to nigger level. We should reduce üntermenschen, not increase ourselves, because raising a proper human requires lots of time, money, intelligence etc and you can't just dump 3-4 babies into this world and hope they will develop themselves.
Lucas Bailey
If there was no third world immigration it wouldn't be a problem. Japan will still be japanese in 50 years unless they are retarded and make the same mistake.
Jordan Hill
Growing the population isn't the answer. Irresponsible overbreeding is just nigger-tier behavior. There are too many people on the planet already. We need to stop sharing medical technology, food, and resources with the pocs. Let them live with the results of their own mindless replication like cancer cells. We're under no obligation to help them and we should just STOP.
Jason Stewart
This desu. Focus your time on raising two to three kids very well instead of 5 half assed
Alexander Harris
Muslims seem to be getting along fine having 5+ children. You're correct in identifying the dilemma of having to spread resources thinner to support and actualize your children, but these are desperate times. Without the demographic power, your people will become completely dispossessed. Peaceful secession is a pipe dream, and the only way forward is to start having more white babies.
Adrian Gray
If we want to have more kids, we need higher wages. That can't happen with a jewed economy, and it can't happen with mass immigration driving down wages.
Nathaniel Nelson
Have four. Convince friends to have 3
Oliver Morris
Because white people don't want their kids at min wage.
Mexicans seem to love it
Julian Cooper
>why dont you like unlimited 3rd world immigration
nice shitpost bro
Leo Rivera
Hi kike.
Having 20 kids they get education they can work to pay for college, go and tach me and go take trips, that's it.
Daniel Walker
>There are too many people on the planet already
In China India and Africa yes, not in the west.
Ryan Jackson
>Why Hard to have kids when you're actually working for a living vs living off welfare getting paid to shit kids out.
Daily reminder each white has racial duty to have 20 kids if wife can't give birth it's allowed to remarry.
Xavier Carter
half of those nigger kids end up dead anyways
Grayson Baker
I have number six on the way, due in August. Fourth son. I'm totally stoked.
>yes i'm white
Zachary Thompson
>have 4 kids >doesn't matter because the government imports 300k migrants every year
It's not about us replacing ourselves, it's about others replacing us. We would be completely fine with zero non-white immigration.
Luis Price
White people don't want to be on the gibs so they only have kids that they can financially support. All the wealthy people I know have 5+ kids.
Thomas Jenkins
TFW all my dads sisters are rich af with 2 or more children
Benjamin Johnson
White people don't get the benefit of gibsmedats and affirmative action that enables us to shit out kids at will
Austin Williams
becuase if we wasnt paying out for niggas we could afford to have more kids but we are taxed to fuck
and that tax money goes on nigga breeding machines
Jaxson Howard
We want our kids to have it as good as many of us did growing up, which is never going to happen because well.. globalization, multiculturalism, etc.
Too fucking bad. Stop being a baby, and go make some already!
Charles Peterson
You need to be pragmatic. This will simply not happen under our immediate political circumstances. Whites will continue to support these people under the pretext of owing a moral debt, and only through continuous assailment of this narrative and an increased birth rate will whites have a CHANCE to prevail.
Dominic Torres
Because white people are fiscally responsible, they have as many kids as they think they can raise and support given their income. That number has gotten significantly lower because wages have stagnated for 40 years.
Josiah Thomas
Just embrace it
Its funny though, its the religious whites in the US who still have 5+ kids, look at the Amish and Mennonites
This pentecostal church I used to go to had a minister who had 7 kids and had the 8th on the way and said that "We should have as many kids as God wants us to have"
What's wrong with this?
Kayden Johnson
We could definitely meme this shit into the mainstream zeitgeist
because fuck overpopulation. Oh look a leaf with 1 post saged
Levi Bailey
Also this.
If they're going to keep calling us an enemy, let's see how well they like us when we start acting the part.
Chase Nguyen
We receive ZERO benefits.
Sure tax returns are a little healthier. But No EBT or any gay shit like that unless we just white-trash our lives up.
Angel Sullivan
> mudslimes > fine
Nicholas Carter
because white people in the west have a great fear of being poor and not giving their kid everything
so we have fewer kids who grow up to be spoiled
Carter Hill
What's wrong with that particular situation is that the minister makes a boat load of money every week as his collection plate is actually a purse.
Easton Murphy
Sup >Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Kayden Walker
>having a large & fast growing population isn't the answer goys i swear!
Cameron Russell
So what do you propose? Do you think the left will suddenly throw up their arms and allow us to take our societies back? Hell no they won't!
Oliver Smith
I aint even mad anymore. Just letting shit happen so I have something to laugh at. Working at work because I know a lot of people can't say even that. Every day gets a little bit hotter in the fire.
Christian Scott
Daniel Collins
>the corrupt minister meme
He was a nice fella, I forgot what his real job was but he was really respected in his community
Can't a man be a religious leader and a good person? Or is everybody in Canada a fedora?
Ayden Hughes
What a shitty cop-out. That problem will be solved only after we take the reigns of our government institutions. The NIgerians will not decide to stop having 7-odd kids per woman until we MAKE that decision FOR THEM.
Josiah Nelson
So much this. Fuck them, and take varg pill so that we become cheaper workers without need for immigrants
Joshua Price
The people on this board, on average, probably have like 0.05 kids, not 1. The actual typical white people who have kids don't give a shit about whites not reproducing, they're more concerned with their career and their stuff. It makes sense though, for whites kids are massive money sponges, for non-whites kids are assets that actually contribute to the family
Lucas Robinson
>expecting or needing permission from the left to do anything What are you, a cuck?
Isaiah Lee
Owen Baker
After paying for Tyrone's illegitimate brood, there's not enough money going around to care for your own. Additionally, single-provider households are a thing of the past, so you can't have someone at the home to care for the kids.
Cooper Ross
But is your wife white?
Parker Gutierrez
This is just a dumb argument and I can never understand it, unless you are actually below the poverty line in your country, having more kids just means less luxury.
And that is the entire problem, the Western culture as a whole is obsessed with one-upping other people when it comes to material wealth, even if it means having 1 or 2 or 3 less kids.
Just stop this nonsense about "can't afford it". I'm an engineer and my wife is a teacher, most of the people I know are in a similar situation when it comes to family income and none of them are having more than 1-2 kids. Why? Because they want luxury, not because they are fiscally responsible.
Jaxon Howard
And now, another question. As a self-respecting man, do you want to live with your intelligent wife, the mother of your children, or with an üntermensch-tier dumb incubator? Smart women can raise smarter children, which means every next generation only gets better. Shitskins and mudslimes stay at the "reproduce to make humans who will reproduce to make humans who will reproduce" level. We are superior, because in fact their method doesn't work as good s our and many children die, UNLESS some degenerate cucks support them. Daily reminder that 1) first you educate and develop yourself, then make new humans 2) to reproduce isn't the main mission in life
Landon Moore
>why don't white people breed like subhumans really makes you think
Henry Lee
Thanks big business and feminism.
Connor Morris
How are you going financially?
Xavier Peterson
>I'm an engineer and my wife is a teacher and who cares for the kids at home? or are you abandoning any bonding with them?
Justin Turner
Stop helping subhuman countries and races to survive
Elijah Turner
nobody cares about your fat wife
Ethan Walker
nigga u dum. white people are shit liberals these days
Isaac Harris
Also praise Bill Gates cause apparently he helps sterilizing them
Parker Myers
>not misspelling words when you're trying to convey a meaningful point
Jackson Butler
this is my point too they have 10 kids because from 9.9 to 10 of them die naturally before turning 18, so it's a surviving mechanism which makes sense. But if you support subhumans and let ALL the 10 niggers live, you're fighting natural selection and the nature itself
Kayden Green
nigga u dum
Trump and Brexit won because of white people
The SJW idiots just get disproportionately much press.
>almost as if someone had an agenda to normalize their behavior and used the media to do this
Blake Butler
Bugger off you disinformation peddling tripfag baitposter. Whites are by far the most "conservative" demographic across the West. Why would any other group want to fight for our interests?
Hunter Thomas
The Amish are dangerous. Not only do they prove that White people can still have many children, but can do it living like it's still 1850. Granted they do work outside their communites some for extra income. Imagine what could be done if White people pulled their heads out of their asses and decided to live in small family orientated communities again, while taking advantage of modern technology.
It's surprising the jews haven't launched an all out attack on Amish yet.
Jace Carter
Because whites wouldn't have to pump out child after child if their countries weren't being flooded by brown people, all while being forced to pay for them.
Many whites WANT to have multiple white children, but they are heavily taxed, while brown people are paid with this same tax money to do literally nothing but breed like rabbits.
Luis Allen
>It's surprising the jews haven't launched an all out attack on Amish yet
But seriously, its not like any Amish kids are gonna watch this
Isn't it true that they're the fastest growing white group in the US?
Isaiah Ramirez
Or maybe you're projecting some.
Lincoln Young
Beta cuck your right, moahammads seed is better than yours continue letting him fuck your wife every night until germinastan is under sharia law
Nathaniel Young
Ever seen that movie idiocracy?
Blake Collins
It's a matter of interests. Of course they wouldn't give permission. This is an uphill battle, and the real war being waged is in the demographics.
Kevin Brooks
gr8 b8 m8, i'm Russian on vacation
Daniel Nelson
Because our taxes are so fucking high paying for the spics and niggers welfare.
Sebastian Diaz
What race are they...
Isaiah Bennett
No worries OP, my gf is white as fuck and we are going to have 4 beautiful white kids
Eli Campbell
Dylan Jackson
Father of 4 reporting in all blonde with blue eyes. They are already redpilled
Oliver Clark
I see your point, but they sure as shit aren't dying where they're getting hand-fed by the gubbmint at the expense of taxpayers.
Lucas Baker
I have sired three white males, I've done my part.
Zachary Young
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin
It doesn't matter if whites are more intelligent. if we won't adapt to current reproductive needs, we will cease to exist.
Hunter Torres
the left wing are taxing working white people to death to support the brown and black and stupid white flood.
Elijah Wright
Good thing there is this beautiful thing called human technology, which throws this Darwin quote right out the window.