Well, what lives and what dies, Sup Forums?
You can eradicate two of the four from the face of the Earth, the others will remain
Without Judaism and feminism the other two can't exist.
Islam and communism gone. Keep Judaism and feminism.
I kill Islam and feminism so that the new enemy of the West is easily identified as commie Jews.
I'd kill communism and feminism, as the other two are only issues when communism and feminism reign supreme.
Id pick Judaism for number one
and i guess for the second one id choose Judaism
lol. if you got rid of judaism it would effectively eradicate communism. i would then get rid of judaism and feminism, because i think isalm would be the easiest to work with.
Judaism is the roots from which the other three grow.
Very simple puzzle.
How new are you? Judaism is the source and the core of all this mess
Just kill Judaism and you've killed the rest
Comunism and Judaism for fucking sure
If you get rid of communism but keep judaism, it will come back eventually, feminism will fade without those 2 and western society will be so strong islam wouldnt even be a threat
Feminism and Islam. Communism is basically nonexistent at this point and a lot of Jews have high IQs.
Based aussie has the right idea
>wipeout judaism and communism and feminism dissappear
>use your remaining shot to kill all those goatfucking mudslimes
This, kill the jewish ideologies and the sandniggers along with women will fall into line.
Really depends on what you mean by Judaism. If you mean strictly the religion, then eliminate Islam and Feminism.
If by Judaism you mean the culture of Jews - including the demonic Synagogue of Satan up at the top - or you mean Jews as a race, then eliminate Judaism and Feminism.
Feminism and Communism
Why communism then? Why not say that will fade without jews, then you can rid the world of islam?
Eliminate Judaism and Islam. Communism and Feminism cease to exist on their own after a generation.
removing both communism and feminism is redundant
liberalism created feminism and liberalism will always eventually morph into cultural marxism
>no leftists = no feminism/no communism
Trick question. Going back in time and killing Judaism would prevent the others from existing.
Even if you get rid of the jews, the ideology will still be there with all the books and brainwashed sheeple
You have to get rid of both, and when you do, the other problems sort itself out
Communism and Islam
Feminism and the problems that Judaism causes all die along with Communism.
Feminism would die if general Marxism were eliminated. It survives if just Communism is destroyed.
Judaism, without jews there will be no more communism and feminism
So the only other option is Islam.
Judaism x2
minus the jews, communism and feminism go away, (((they))) created it. Islam would be fine without da joos fucking up their shit. we shouldn't be fucking with them if it wasn't for (((them))).
communism = marxism
inb4 it hasnt been really tried yet or there is a difference between the two
Judaism and communism, the rest falls soon after without these two.
Communism & Feminism
>all of these ahmeds defending pisslam and the pedo prophet
remove pisslam and jewdaism
Islam and Judaism
without (((them))) communism and feminism wouldnt even be a big thing
If you kill all the commies, that's all the worst jews gone right there.
Judaism and Islam.
Communism and feminism are the works of judaism, but we permit it for dealing with islam.
No islam, no need for judaism.
Easy: Islam and Communism.
feminism twice. but this is retarded you can't eradicate a religion or an ideology. they will always exist.
You really are basement dwelling retards aren't you. There are more freaky sluts who want to be tied up and dicked down than ever before. All of my favorite misogyny themed tumblrs are run by rad fems.
If you are even a moderately successful dude who's at least a five it is the greatest time ever to be a guy. Just forget about marriage though. That's the downside to all of it.
Judaism alone would get rid of communism and feminism in one fell swoop, but Islam obviously needs to go too.
First correct answer in this thread
Islam and Judaism, the other two would collapse without the latter
Kys shlomo
Judaism and Communism.
Jews fund feminists. And without Jewish tricks Islam may not disappear but they will degrade into Disney level tier villain.
Communism, the economic sort, is a real fucking danger for humanity as a whole. It says a lot that Jews stopped funding it and prefer Islamism a lot. It became self-conscious and went after the Jews itself. Governments still spend a ridiculous amount of money to keep it from spreading.
And no, feminism is not Communism. I do not believe that the likes of Clinton and Soros would willingly share their wealth with the plebs. Communism is a mistake and replaced with liberalism.
Eliminate Judaism and communism.
Then convert to pisslam.
Judaism and Islam. Without Judaism, Communism and Feminism wouldn't exit. So 4 for the price of 2.
Judaism is Marxism.
Judaism and Islam. Without jews the other two fall apart rather easily.
No, they're different. Communism is Marxism applied to society or government. Socialism is Marxism applied to the economy. Feminism is Marxism applied to gender. Multiculturalism is Marxism applied to race and/or culture. Etc, etc. Cultural Marxism encompasses all of these things.
You shouldn't correct people when you don't know what you're talking about. Shut the fuck up and KYS.
I'm tempted to conflate Judaism and Feminism into one, so I can get make islam my second choice.
>Why worry about it, goy? Just get your dick wet with slightly greater ease than before as society collapses around you.
You could say that marxism is the argument for the removal of all hierarchies in the name of equality. If you define it as such, then it becomes easy to say the all forms of heirarchal removal are marxism.
One could also say that you sucked your dad's dick until he died, sealed your lips to his cooling anus, and slurped his death shits rabidly, but it has no relevance to anything until someone actually says it or provides evidence for it.
Flawless victory
Only judaism.
The others will dissapear without them. No joke, arabs actually claim descent from a jew
It's always funny how commutards must resort to baseless namecalling when they've been out argued.
We can eradicate the other 2 by educating our youth on why it is bad.
Islam and Judaism. With Judaism gone, the commies would never have even gained influence and would soon disappear. Feminists are the weakest of the four and the easiest to deal with.
Jews + Islam
You didn't even make an argument, fuckwit. You just pointed out that someone COULD say something. It's therefore not clear if you're claiming I'm saying that, if you're asserting it yourself, or you're just observing that it's possible to say that.
Only cowards and the disingenuous use that kind of weasel language, cocksucker. And no one here is a communist - read before you fucking post.
I sympathize with parts of Islam so definitely not that. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and the biggest enemies are Judaism and feminism, and Islam hates both
Definitely Judaism and Feminism how could you say the other two? Fuck communism but who created communism? Jews
Then I'm asserting it. Marxism at it's core is the idea of the removal of social heiarchies. This removal of heirarchies can be applied to social class, to gender, to economics, ect. It's the defining characteristic of the ideology. To seperate all the different forms of heirarchal removal defeats exposing the source of this mindset. To conflate them into a single idea will only help illustrate the disasterous consequences of all these heirachal removals methods by allowing people to see how it works across the board.
Now I know what you're saying. But WHY are you saying that, and why to me? As far as I can tell, you're just rephrasing what I said in the post you replied to.
Islam and Jews.
Communism and Feminism vanish along with Jews.
was about to post this but fpbp
Islam and Judaism. Most cultural bs is propagated by Jews, with Muslims as their tool to do so
>No, they're different.
It seems to me like you are seperating the different forms of heirarchal removal. I'm not sure if you are doing to obfuscate the source of the ideology or what, hence the clarification.
Judaism, the others will fade away eventually without their usual (((assistance)))
And feminism just because I want it gone faster.
Judaism and communism.
Feminism is caused by both, and Islam has only been a problem because of jews.
Islam, that's a significant portion of the shitskins gone.
Feminism and Judaism will fall soon after.
Islam and Judaism
>implying the dumb goy would magically become redpilled
wake up retarded bogan, everyone know mudslimes are the enemy, its jews telling us they arnt.
take the jew out and feminism/communism go for sure
so jew and islam is the most obviously optimal choice
I literally just said that all of those ideologies are Marxism. Did you ever read my post? Seriously. This is not a rhetorical question. Did you read the post you responded to?
Let me give you an example to make it clearer. Cats are animals. All of them - all cats - are animals. Not all animals are cats.
In the same way, all Communists are Marxists, because Communism is one form of Marxism. But not all Marxists are communists. One might be a feminist, for example. A feminist is a Marxist because feminism is Marxism applied to gender. But they're not necessarily a Communist because that's Marxism applied to other things.
Therefore, the guy who said that the destruction of Communism would destroy feminism was wrong, just as a person would be wrong to say that destroying cats would destroy dogs.
Without Judaism, Feminism and Communism go away. Then, we remove Kebab to clean up that whole mess, and we're good to go.
So Judaism and Islam, obviously. Only correct answer.
Judaism and Feminism without a doubt.
The only correct answer.
I totally disagree. What we are talking about isn't feminism or communism, we are talking about the removal of heirarchies, something both idoelogies have in common. You are making a mistake by seperating them, because once you've done that, it becomes easy to say that they aren't related to one another at all. They are totally different things. So like you said, communism could die, but that wouldn't neccessarily mean feminism would die. However if we conflate all types of Marxism under the header of Marxism, then we wipe out Marxism we wipe out communists, feminists, etc
Mudslimes to slash a large portion of the third world population out of existence, and Jews since removing Jews also removes Communism.
Great answer, and mine too.
Well, you are just fucking retarded and do not understand basic logic.
What you're saying is identical to saying that it's bad to call cats animals because we might forget that they're cats. Here is your argument applied to animals:
"You are making a mistake by separating cats and dogs, because once you've done that, it becomes easy to say that they aren't related to one another at all. They are totally different things. So like you said, cats could die, but that wouldn't neccessarily mean dogs would die. However if we conflate all types of animals under the header of animals, then we wipe out animals we wipe out dogs, cats, etc"
Are you not able to see how retarded you are?
It's completely legitimate and very useful to categorize things and ideas in hierarchies likes this. It's useful for animals. It's useful for Marxism. I can't even believe I'm arguing with someone this dumb. It feels like teaching a special ed class for 3rd graders.
I eliminate communism and feminism.
>whites were the un-evolved ape men of the past
No thanks, Schlomo, I don't buy into that garbage theory.
>Are you not able to see how retarded you are?
I guess not. I'm telling you, you are making a mistake in your classification, that it's counter productive in the end. Also, why are you comparing a physical things like animals to intangible ideas? They two things are so unrelated it's absurd. It's like you can't see how fucking retarded you are being.
Get rid of Islam and Judaism. Judaisms demise will mean that Communism and feminism disappear with the Kikes that made it
Has anybody replied, stating that eradicating Judaism would clear up Feminism and Communism, yet?
Judaism created communism which created feminism.
Hey... you aren't me.
Eradicate Islam and Judaism, any other answer is retarded.
Welp, that was easy. Judaism did make Communism and Feminism, no?
Explain why communism can't exist without judaism.
Do you even know what an analogy is? Seriously. Please please answer this: do you understand what an analogy is? This is not a rhetorical question. Answer this.
The point that is being made is that Communism and Feminism and Socialism are FORMS of Marxism. They are the application of Marxist critical theory to government, gender, and economics (respectively).
This isn't something that's debatable. This isn't a label that is being applied. This is the actual meaning of words. By arguing that only one word must be used for all of these things, you're arguing to limit language. To make it less expressive. To destroy nuance and meaning.
What you are arguing is exactly like saying: eliminate the words 'cat' and 'dog' and just use the word animal. It's fucking stupid. And you're fucking stupid. I've legitimately never spoken to someone so dumb while being completely certain that they're not trolling. I hope you get raped to death by rabid niggers.
Judaism if it includes all Jewish ideology, tons of Atheistic jews push for degeneracy and eliminating the religion alone would do nothing.
And communism. Feminism will die naturally if people stop idealizing degeneracy, women are born followers. I don't give a fuck about Islam as long as we don't let it into the West
Oh I understand analogies, but comparing a physical object to an idea is about the dumbest thing I've read today.
>The point being made is that Red, Blue and White are FORMS of color. They are the application of the physics lightwave to our eyes, brains and minds.
Do you see how easy that is?
Now lets argue over whether or not red white and blue are just different wavelengths of the one light vs seperate things all together.
You obviously don't understand analogies. The intent is to compare the RELATIONSHIPS between things, not their physical or other characteristics. The logical relationship between cat and animal is IDENTICAL to the logical relationship between Communism and Marxism, moron.
You're making my argument for me. Red, white, and blue are all useful concepts. It is useful to have words for all of them because there are differences between them. It would be criminally stupid to argue that the words 'red', 'white', and 'blue' should be eliminated and replaced with 'color'. Just as it's criminally stupid when you argue the same for 'socialism', 'communism', and 'feminism'.
I'm convinced that your brain is about 15 steps behind your mouth, and when you finally realize what you're saying you'll slink away in shame. And hopefully KYS.
>The logical relationship between cat and animal is IDENTICAL to the logical relationship between Communism and Marxism, moron.
Not idiot it's not. A cat is a living breathing entity, while an idea exists only in your mind. They are so unrelaed to one another that only fucking dipshit would even begin to try to find some correlation between the two.
whites, patriarchy
Let's go back to basics, and see if we can hammer this into you, tard:
All cats are animals
Not all animals are cats
All communists are Marxists
Not all Marxists are communists
Do you get it yet, cocksmoker? Do you see the relationship? Do you ever understand what is being compared here?