Why are asian girls like this?

why are asian girls like this?

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Western women in general are materialistic cunts with inflated opinions of their own self-worth.

>no cricket
What a fucking pleb

Asian men treat women like shit. Very insecure and controlling.

Because Asians like to eat dogs. Duh..

>DOG PERSON ONLY and I won't eat it before you ask wtf
Top kek

Can't say I know for sure in terms of your question, she's obviously very westernised (more than likely born here) which would probably have something to do with it. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a troll account.

Nothing to do with Asian girls, practically every girl who is even remotely attractive on Tinder is extremely rude.

>a sport

Why are Australians such faggots?

>implying they don't want bwc
>Implying white men aren't the only interracial relationship their parents will allow without being cut out of the will

They know what the true master race is

>unanswerably broad question
>one-line writing prompt one-post

the same reason euro women are like this

>literally every american sport can be summarised as niggerball
>the ads during the sport are more entertaining and talked of than the sport itself

Fuck outta here

Wow Asian chicks are race traitors to their own kind, I feel sorry for Asian men.

Oi mate you wanna cop the side of me willow or what

Piss of seppo or ill stomp ya with me boots aye

Women will openly and proudly turn on their own people if it benefits them.

Asian men are generally shorter and less masculine than white men, but once you control for social class they make only nominally more money.

Don't worry about it too much Huang. 2-to-1 odds says she comes back to Asian men once she's had her fill of white men. We get the same thing with some white women going after black men; only difference is that the highest quality Asian women chase white men, while it's mostly the low quality white women who chase black men. Never mind all the Jewish women getting goy'd.

basically this. That's why my ex liked me. Nut then I started acting that way too cuz she was being a texting other guys and shit. I seriously don't understand how girls are so fucking retarded. I had t explain to her why I didn't want her going to a place for a bondage session.Dumbest cunt I've ever met.


Yeah, about that

If you can't beat the fuck out of the opposing team it isn't a sport.


>20 km
absolutely disgusting

why do women perfer to get PUPPED rather than have white children

How come that hockey field froze over?


>Hockey is all white
>Baseball is spics
>Football is mixed
>Fighting sports is white and spic

Really only 1 American sport is black and that's basketball

>and i won't eat it before you ask



Taps into their motherly instinct without them needing to give up career prospects. Little do they know they'll be lonely as fuck by the time they're 35.

>baseball is a spics

it was spring

interesting viewpoints

No Cricket. Dropped

>Old white men

Great examples Wong

Stop race mixing.

Eastern European mail order brides are to top 1% wealthy Asian men*

Meanwhile on reality

Because whites are the niggers of asia

Why don't you guys play snow cricket like a true Anglo would?

>Jew and a 5/10

Uh oh......

>ugly white men with Asians way out of their league
What are you trying to prove here

Because nobody even knows what the fuck cricket is. like why would you name a game after a bug?

That's anecdotal, all stats disprove the anecdotes you spam 24/7

Asian women have pretty much gone to shit, frankly.

You gotta get one that's right off the boat if you want her to retain any of those good eastern values

>practically every girl who is even remotely attractive on Tinder is extremely rude.


Tinder does weird things to the female brain, they get unlimited amounts of attention, praise, and complements from hundreds of attractive men per week, they become extremely arrogant, pickey, and aloof.

I've completely given up on tinder, there is no point, the pussy market is so overvalued that I can't even get 6s to reply regularly

PUAfags are right, IRL approaches can never be replaced with this cucky messaging app bullishit

What does that slut see in that ugly Chink? It really grinds my gears.

He's a butthurt chink who spams a anecdotes and ignores statistics.

flat chested?

"""highest quality asian women"""

This is what a healthy relationship looks like

Why do you chinks use the same strategy to shill everytime?

You post some average looking Eastern Euro mail order brides with rich Asian men then reply to your own post on a proxy pretending to be an angry white man.

i seriously dont believe a girl can be so dumb as to need an explanation for why you wouldnt want her to go for a bondage session


race-mixing creates a stronger genetic offspring. disagree? then go fuck your sister or mother see how that pans out.

Another rich chink with an average looking Eastern Euro mail order bride.

Money, son. Everyone keeps forgetting that East Asians are wealthy as fuck.


>you stayed with her long enough to give an explanation as to why she couldn't go to a bondage session
I don't usually say this, but Jesus Christ you're a cuck aren't you?

>I had t explain to her why I didn't want her going to a place for a bondage session.Dumbest cunt I've ever met.

What needs explaining? If I were you all of her shit would be outside frozen in a giant snowbank with a note saying "fuck off ya cunt"


Pro Tip for Women: Never get a dog if you are looking for a man.

if you go to asia they're all normal, its just in the US. I think its because the want to rebel against their fathers/mothers and date a white/black guy instead of being set up with some random family friend

Why do white guys who cry about white genocide end up with Asian women?

Is it because they weren't good enough for white women?

asians worship whites

Rounders is for children.

im weaboo, koreaboo trash

I will never marry a Chink.

I will fuck and date them though and it makes me happy knowing some virginal elliot rodgers shill has an entire forum dedicated to crying about how their women worship white cock.

Lived in East Asia 8 years. Exact same thing can be said about the women there. In China it's practically law that a man must own a house and at least two cars before proposing to someone.

Why would you date someone you wouldn't marry?

Probably half of them are fake profiles made by asian cuck fetishists.

Why not just do MMA or wrestling if you want to fight? Why play hockey on ice? So many questions.

>good eastern values

Yeah, nah faggot. Chinks/taiwanese women are pretty much tween white girls. They love shopping, boy bands, and watching MTV. Apparently they turn into control freaks once you put a ring in their finger. I thank christ every day I left the flat faced gook I was once engaged to.


Why not do both? Why not play on ice? You can play hockey on any surface.

>westernized "women" are horrible, tepid examples of actual women

Most likely because she went to a majority white school and felt inferior the whole time. If they grow up surrounded by other gooks it's less likely they end up like this.

No one is impressed by wm/af relationships

If you could get white women, you would never bother with asian women

Some Asians like white guys
some white girls prefer black guys
it has to do with racial tendencies, blacks tend to be more masculine, asians more feminine

How does he do it? He's been at it every day since at least as long as I've been on Sup Forums (2012ish)

Asian women hate their own race. But when they are inevitably impregnated by a white man and give birth to their half Asian son, they somehow have to instil self worth in them despite their own inferiority complex. That's why hapas are so psychologically fucked up. They have a fetidh couple for parents i.e. narcissistic bossy tiger mom and cucked autistic white dad.


>highest quality asian women
Not at all, really. They are usually the ones with exaggerated oriental features. Have em all, I dare say.

>Parents abandon homeland because they are cuckolds, money and status is more important than their own blood or happiness
>raise me in country where majority of country is white, most things cater towards white people
>Parents force me to spend 8 hours a day studying, playing violin and working the convenience store, ruin my vision in process and have to wear glasses
>Parents prevent me from playing sports, or only allow me to play some faggy sport that no cool kids play
>parents feed me rice all day so I'm short and scrawny
>emulate my parents confucian nature and never stand up for myself
>parents ban me from doing anything fun because that is not important!



Because the hockey part is pointless if you just want to fight.
Ice is a shit surface, use fake grass and a ball that is actually round.

Nothing more masculine than a literal ape wearing a doo rag, no shirt, 7 year old baggy red sweat pants while getting high and speaking in an unintelligible version of English.

I agree but for some reason American women are annoying as fuck. I love Euro girls though.

Its a law that you need some form of housing before being about to be legally wed. The cars not so much.

Wrong. Genes are optimized to work together. Going too far outside your race has it's own ricks. There are many genetic disorder associated with being mixed race. Your best bet it to breed with someone of similar genetic background to your own but different enough to avoid recessive gene disorders.

Just remember, high pride cometh before the fall, and the bigger it is, the harder they'll fall.

She'll be an obese wankstain in 5 years guaranteed, based on this pic.

western asians are trash

Because Asian men are short and have small presses.

>Because the hockey part is pointless if you just want to fight.

The option is there for those who want it. Someone starts some shit with you and you're allowed to beat them to a pulp. Fantastic game.

>use fake grass and a ball that is actually round

Enjoy your cancer and (((grass))) burns.

Bump. Attention is what girls feed on, yet they simultaneously loathe the men who give them it. Beta orbiters exist to fuel their egos and make them feel important, yet they really want a guy who thinks they are worthless and ignores them. Giving a girl the time of day = signalling you're beneath them = automatically losing interest in you sexually.

Just like the white women who hop from black cock to black cock, this whore most likely has daddy issues.

you are mine jessica

>I won't eat it before you ask

what does this mean

Maybe girls just want to mix to increase the genetic diversity of their offspring

your entire country decended from murderers rapists and thieves, or a bunch of bush people i.e. niggers that lived in australia.

so get the fuck out of here, you are barely worth noting as a country, more of a fucking prison continent. go back to the flying fucking nightmare spiders and other insane shit that kills you and beat each other senseless with this libtarded "moslems are nice human beings" bullshit.

i dont even understand half the fucking gibberish you are talking, but obviously you are barely more than neanderthals talking about fighting over the internet... fucking cucklords.

asians jump from white cock to white cock

upper left is a cutie


>Hey Sup Forums here's a picture with some text I added underneath

It's amazing how gullible you people are.

>ur entire country decended from murderers rapists and thieves, crime isnt inheritable and australia has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

You are are a moron for thankinking Christ for anything. Dumbeass

>all of her shit would be outside frozen in a giant snowbank


How common is it for Asian dudes to get mail order euros?