What will happen when the first brick is laid?
What will happen when the first brick is laid?
your wallet getting thinner :^)
no se preocupen paisas yo estoy de este lado y les abro la puerta
A massive outrage from mexicans crying and whining because "muh taco pride" with lots of stupid reasons of why building a wall is "racist" even tho Mexico built a wall in it's southern frontier with guatemala. Just the usual shit that comes from Mexico these days.
yeah sure it will happen, just as everything trump has said lmao
dont care, LA taco children getting skinier
Well tell your government if they got their head out of their ass and stop letting 10s of millions of it citizens leave he country and suck another country dry with no consequences.
Government won't do shit as always, they don't care, they are just trying to use all these "trump is the devil" as a divertion, so they can look like a bunch of poor opressed people, and mexicans are stupid enough to fall in the tricks of their own government
>They still think they can run away
Do you really think the scum we sent to your country will be accepted overe here? We'll just send them back. Enjoy the chicano Conquistadores destroying your cities, Tyrone.
>It's an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-
10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year
after year.
Nieto is already succumbing to Trump's negotiations.
You do realize with better negotiations your country can become the new China, right? No slave labor, but the close proximity more than makes up for it.
>He thinks we have any control over our politicians
>He thinks our politicians give a shit about Mexico
>Nieto is already succumbing to Trump's negotiations
I'm sure Trump will find a way to fuck up that as well, just as he has fucked up every other promise so far.
It is very annoying to see all these retards thinking that it is right to enter ilegally in a foreign country and having economic problems justifies their wrong doings.
the beans will chimp out because they can't easily exploit their neighbors to the north.
probably a siesta or wife beating considering the builders
Sup Forums should send people to start building the wall themselves
After one round of golfing:
>"Eh.. yes.. señor Trump y yo have reached an agreement, and the cuesta required for el pared will be provided by Estados Unidos Mexicanos."
Does anyone else see visions of Cartel members attacking the wall workers? That's been a pretty big concern of mine because that could escalate into bigger things
>thinking the wall is going to be LITERALLY made out of brick and mortar.
Do you even border control?
They're going to start a wall right were the briges are and are going to stop the nonsense a few miles onto each side.
Hopefully we set up temporary sniper towers and just blow anyone to bits that comes within a mile
>Be American brick in border town.
>Get laid.
Hopefully that's volunteer work
I hope that happens, maybe USA can bring an end to the narcos, since our country is such a pussy to do something.
Sorry bro but i think it is not happening.
I PRAY they do. Finally an excuse to go into taco land with guns.
I hope you like getting your face peeled off by the narcs then.
Whatever you say, buddy.
>implying american military is like ours
Think about this Paco.....Pakistan could easily wipe you off the map
All of you
All that would be left would be a greasy stain
Spic narcos Vs Marine Expeditionary Force.
Did i hit a nerve you little queers?
Off topic, but are Mexican anons brown behind the computer screen?
No i'm an american nigger,
Why do americans ALWAYS end up being a bunch of pro-prohibition/religious + military worshipping cucks?
All it takes to fix this mess is legalizing drugs, and both countries would be immensely rewarded both in terms of generation of revenue, and elimination of wasted taxpayer money on prisons, police, r&d for the war on drugs, crime lowering, having cops pursue real crime, etc
It's almost as if everyone here is some D.A.R.E brainwashed burgerbreather who just wants to fight what he doesn't understand and perceives as "evil"
fucking mexicans are so impressed with themselves
Ya fucking leech
Nope , as white as a mexican can get here
Only mentally challenged people would come up with the idea that narcos are better than marines, sadly many mexicans support narcos and think they are going to free us from our government
We'll legalize your weed after we annex you and kill off all the working age males.
Burgers already have Mexican justice in Supreme court.
So why does Sup Forums always cry for muh wall?
>"It was a wonderful talk, and lemme tell you, Nieto is a great man and a terrific asset for Mexico right now. We absolutely agreed on the wall, and on how great it would be for both our countries to build it"
>"O-of course they'll pay for it, and lemme tell you, it will be beautiful. We are gonna start building it as soon as I get back to the White House"
>Wall engineers to start design by 2020
>even tho Mexico built a wall in it's southern frontier with guatemala
commit sudoku
My mother is french, my father is Mexican with Spanish and German ancestry. I'm pretty white, and so are a lot of people who live North of Mexico City.
not all your people are pro cartel
maybe your people should grow a pair
>also, pharmaceutical companies, judges, lawyers, police, bail bondsmen, jailer all make too much money off drugs being illegal...that it why it won't change
we have allways lived on a constat civil war to see who is the king of the shit mountain and when the next one comes the only group with power to take over the shithole is them.
Gook that Mexican is here legally. He didn't jump the border and start living off of Commiefornian state benefits.
People see me as a white but I don't think I'm that white
mexicans will become expert skydivers
ps. the wall is meme and wont be built from CA to TX.
also cheka los wey
>Nieto is already succumbing to Trump's negotiation
Hes on his way out
In less than a year we have elections and the jext prez can undo any deal
I don't know what this meme means, I lean towards libertarianism.
Keep being a cuckold to the cartels and government
Ok, stormweenie
How can someone can a) speak English, and b) have accest to internet, and yet manage to be an uniformed retard.
>mexican intellectuals
Construction will have started by then.
>mexicans will become expert skydivers
Please do
>couldn't get his shitty bill passed
>imposing a new tax in florida, and who what others state will do the same, to contirbute to the wall
>hillary isn't in jail
>was supposed to drain the swamp, but instead decides to hire goldmansachs guys right and left
>the jobs will come back, companies keep coming to mexico despite the threatens made by cheeto guy
>every muslim ban has got BTFO by random judges
>muh winning
ayyyy kek
Kek, we're gonna wipe you off the face of the earth.
What is stopping the mexican government (pri) from taxing american companies in mexico (there is alot) in order to pay for the wall?
I mean, we can tax them, but they can tax us, so how does that pan out exactly?
Not today my weeabo taco friend.
Yes we also are a bunch of cowards that's why mexicans prefer going to your country than fighting our government.
They already have the power, they work hand by hand with the government.
dude those are fine cultured latin women who are doing their makeup in similar fashion to women from the 1930s and 40s
show some respect please
>An executive order for a wall that has no funds, no design and no backing by the international community signed by one of the most infamous and incompetent presidents to ever grace the US
wew, you got me shaking, Tyreese
>even tho Mexico built a wall in it's southern frontier with guatemala
muh fucking sides, proxy fag detected, there's no such thing as a wall on taco southern border,, the only thing the government built over there was a sorry ass fence, not really that talll by the way, which no centraca gets over because they prefer to take their chances across the jungle between both countries. Next time you shitpost or pretend to be a mexican, at least try to get your facts straight, you dipshit.
>implying he is a fellow taco
come fucking on, dude!
fuck off this would never happen and you know it.
keep dreaming.
inb4 beaners try to bait
>US is better in every aspect and we dont want you ruining it sorry
Sorry, this is what I reallly president wanted to say: peña best president, fuck donald all it's his fault, viva la raza cosmica, narcos will save us from el peje
Substantiate your claims or shut the fuck up, you are acting like a retard and you are proud of it.
america will be a little bit greater again
Again, what is stopping the mexican government from taxing american companies in mexico in order to be able to pay for the construction for the wall?
Or are we going under the assumption that mexico will just fold because a guy with funny hair and alot of money says so?
Because is thats not a set up for failure, I dont know what is.
Real kek right there.
That's a nice wall you got there, Cletus
>what is stopping the mexican government from taxing american companies
A weak goverment, that will hopefully be removed next year
even though i have got shit on by my own countrymen in this regard, the reason they haven't done it is because all the political elite is literally on suicide watch. Trump literallu came along with a hammer and brought down the pillar which their system has been based upon for the last twenty-three years, if they go so far as doing that, they know damn well it'll backfire as both burgers and tacos already despise them. Also, they still hope the current administration will change their mind about still considering them northern americans, which doesn't seem to be the case this time around given the measures taken by trump and his sort of aggressive rethoric, if they make a wrong move and fuck it up they will be on their own as the burger political elite is no longer for there to """help them""" like in the past (why do you think their shills over here wouldn't shut up about him being rude). Although hard to believe, the impoverished middle class as well as the regular brayan do not care that much about the wall because they have never thought of themseles as northern americans, unlike politicians and other greedy elitist who ar ein bed with narco psychos.
Actually it's an open position. In addition to a resume, send Immigration and Customs Enforcement a 1000yard range card.
Attempt at leftie color revolution
*if they go so far as to doing that
*is no longer there to
AMLO 2018! Viva CDMX
>what are guns
I'd like to see the ladder you'd use to outclimb a bullet in your burrito hole
>Mexico built a wall in it's southern frontier with guatemala
Is this true, is there a normie-friendly reference in a communist newspaper? If so this kind of neuters the entire political debate around the wall
Wall, fence whatever you want to call it, the intention was the same and my nationality will be the same, your oppinions on me will not change that
Mexico cries that America is evil racist. America finishes wall.
Seriously, just nuke the entirety of the south Americas, including Mexico.
Fucking hell that shithole is worse than Africa.
A massive autistic screech that will be heard worldwide.
Mexicans will screech.
Liberals will screech.
Minorities will screech.
Even Trumpeters will screech, out of happiness though.
what you probably didn't know was that if your ladder has an american flag on it, it automatically self destructs when mexicans try to climb our wall with it. happy landing.
>I mean, we can tax them, but they can tax us, so how does that pan out exactly?
They will most likely do it but not now considering we are having elections soon and more taxes are no no
Fair point, still doesn't mean they wont do it. And now with the oil reserves drying up, it seems like a perfect time to also put american companies on a choke gold and tax the living fuck out of them, which in turn makes monsento reconsider being in mexico and leaves.
I'm sure mexican campiseros would love to see that happen. I know I would.
To see corporate globalist get fucked like that. Would make my day.
Hang in there bro, our country will pull through. And all thanks to this crazy dude and his way of shaking shit up.
Remeber get your IFE ready. AMLO 2018 or we riot! The PRI must fall,
I'm acting like a retard? We are the assholes in this situation, there is no excuse for us to enter ilegally to another country, cry when that country doesn't want more of us in when our own government doesn't want to do something about the inmigration problem but still bitch about how USA is doing it wrong
>muh guns
>literaly anotha shoa
>when dust is settled (((the chosen ones))) will have one more thing to fuck you up
>implying that shit was built to prevent anymore centracas from getting across the border
>implying we're threatening another country for the consequences of a economic model they themselves created but got utterly butt fucked when chang and our exploited dudes were more competitive due to certian things that many other chaps here have explained in the past
oh yeah, we sure as fuck told them that if they didn't want to do as we say, there would be consequences...this shitshow started when your greedy overlords wanted more shekels at pretty much everybody else's expense, billy bob.
>Not being a Jalisquillo
CDMX aguanta, pero Jalisco es el mejor estado. Lo siento, senpai.
Kill one of us and 2 of our brothers will take our place, Joe Bob. Its pointless to resist.
where is the wall with guatemala?.. i dont remember this.
Nah, pura madre; nadi se mete con los del d.f. Carnal
ahhh, no. speak english.
Ok, eat shit mustio.
How about that?
go back to honduras faggot
this joke, are too old you know?..
>they wont do it
they won't do it, you wouldn't believe how desperate they were, or rather still are to still be considered northern americans (even regular guys who are just light-skinned go around claiming to be white even though they don't have any real caucasian traits, it is some sort of syndrome which has lead to this unfortunate outcome where they agreed to sign the NAFTA and contributed to this mess). Trust me, they won't do it
>muh international commerce organization will come to rescue us
i wouldn't be so sure about that one, the political elite knows they are cornered, they will eventually realize the party is over and that their shitty system is unsustainable.
>AMLO 2018
although sure as hell many tacos will call me chairo just for mentioning that dude's name, he is the only thing that is left after the bizarre show that PRI and PAN rules were, he is a complete jackass, so much that it is sometimes creepy, but that imbecile has gaining momentum due to the reasons mentioned above:
-PRI, and PAN to some degree, getting utterly and irrefutably BTFO for the rest of eternity
- ever since the (((((war on drugs)))) PAN is regarded as the same sumc as PRI
- PRD is doomed to fail miserably as always...come to think of it, what do those guys stand for, anyway?
i know it's fucked up fellow tacos, but it would be stupid to shut our eyes and pretend everything is going to be okay, all the other parties are cancerous as fuck and their system and formulas are useless thanks to the paradigm shit that's ocurred, it's going to be a bumpy a ride lads, so we'd better hold on to something and hope for the better (getting a gun, food and some othe resoruces wouldn't be a vad idea though, just in case).
>deeply concerned face. jpg
>couldn't get his shitty bill passed
You actually think Donald Trump, the man who puts his name on EVERYTHING supported "Ryancare"? Lol give me a break.
>imposing a new tax in florida, and who what others state will do the same, to contirbute to the wall
>hillary isn't in jail
No, but Obama soon will be.
>was supposed to drain the swamp, but instead decides to hire goldmansachs guys right and left
SUCCESSFUL business leaders are bad for the government? He was one too you know..
>the jobs will come back, companies keep coming to mexico despite the threatens made by cheeto guy
Yet he's already saved nearly 1.2 million jobs?
>every muslim ban has got BTFO by random judges
You mean liberal judges connected to Obama with no ground to stand on in their response that will assume responsibility in an "I told you so" fashion for whenever the next time the religion of peace strikes and it turns out that person would have been stopped by the ban?
>muh winning
Yes, and I haven't gotten tired of it.
Can't wait to see your face when news headlines read "Construction for US-Mexico Border Wall has begun" and pic related is on your broadcasting stations
>nadi se mete con los del d.f. Carnal
Excepto el resto del país
I'd donate 1,000 bucks if it made getting my name on a brick.
ésto, nobody is fond of chilangos
It's a meme.