I'm lost Sup Forums. I can't keep anything straight anymore. I don't know what news is real and what news is fake...

I'm lost Sup Forums. I can't keep anything straight anymore. I don't know what news is real and what news is fake. Can we have a /fact/ thread? No opinions, no hyperbole just verifiable facts.

Other urls found in this thread:


X tier thread

FACT: the "dead" kids from Sandy Hook sang at the super bowl halftime show

Ok. Here is an exhaustive list:
I (or in your case you) exist.

leaked footage the kremlin has of drumpf. They use it to blackmail him into their bidding

Yugoslavs are the real Europeans

can you provide a pic of them in an obituary to compare or something?




Because you lack hatred.


this is a nice start. can this "fact" be peer reviewed?

The new media landscape - a sick combination of old media trying to reshape itself despite it's intrinsic corporate interests and the new media trying desperately to increase its viewer-base - is thrusting the left and the right deeper and deeper into their own corners. The result is that there is no room for common ground and even less room for one side to admit its mistakes.

It's considered fatal to admit their your side did something wrong, yet both sides make huge mistakes regularly. Perhaps it's a psychological phenomenon that makes us defend the indefensible, and vilify righteous acts done by our political enemies.

All I know is that it is toxic to intellectual development and will cause more strife and suffering as times goes on.

I just wish that most people - not even ALL people - just MOST people, would make an honest effort at being intellectually consistent and not side with party and platitudes whenever they're challenged.


The Franklin Scandal: Elite Pedophile Coverup

Dutroux Affair: Elite Pedophile Coverup

The Finders Cult: Elite Pedophile Coverup

Iran Contra Affair: CIA Drug Running Coverup

All of these did happen, and are worse than you could probably imagine. people throw around "rabbit holes" all the time. Check these out.

holy shit my man


Never give up finding the Truth



>Can we have a /fact/ thread? No opinions, no hyperbole just verifiable facts.

It would appear not, OP.

Crap forgot the image

I feel your pain. Only way to check facts is to go out in the real world and see things with your own eyes. Also, researching really old books and microfilms of newspapers in the library helps.

Surprisingly I agree with you wholeheartedly. If this continues, both sides will be unable to live with one another. The left want to dilute the constitution and create a global utopia. The right are growing in racism and hatred of repression. This hatred will blind them and they will tear themselves apart.

Civil war may actually occur in the future if things do not change.



you god damn reject

Kek alone determines the truth, OP.

FACT: the Bolsheviks murdered more Christians than the Nazis killed Jews (even if you go by the official Jew approved total) before Hitler even took office in 1933.

I think the only two viable ways to obtain cold hard facts on a story are to either have a computer relate exactly what happened without omitting or adding anything, or witnessing that story yourself. Any other way you are witnessing a story that has passed thru another person's judgements, prejudices and personal beliefs

Holy shit, the likenesses are uncanny.

Now, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts; nothing else will ever be of any service to them

I mean i mostly agree with you but none of that is verifiable fact and its exactly what i am trying to avoid. Fact threads shouldn't include your personal hopes and wishes for society.


They used the younger pictures of these kids to be the victims

jews control everything
blacks are niggers
holocaust is fake
earth is flat
aliens are jews
jews are controlled by the brothers who shall not be named
Whatever other shit Sup Forums has.

Still it would be good for Sup Forums to have threads like this, maybe a little less general. Like have a thread about a specific topic where everyone contributes all the infographics, books, etc. that they're aware of.
That being said the correct way to make one of these threads isn't to ask for it, you have to start an argument by claiming to represent the truth while obviously not - but not too obviously.

But it seems to be happening organically...we seem to be doing it to ourselves. I'm a Trump supporter in general, but cringe at some of the shit he has done.

So I open my browser, having heard from a liberal friend that Donald Trump is working to increase the defense budget. I find this to be backed up by multiple sources. I open up a couple pro-Trump forums and find that they are invariably rationalizing this behaviour which is contradictory to his promises and speeches made on the campaign trail. But saying so is considered "shilling" for the left. Offering an honest criticism of the president is dismissed as shilling, why?

Because if I go to the anti-Trump forums and bring up the same thing, they don't merely agree that, "Yes, Trump kind of abandoned his anti-war positions to increase to defense budget." No. They say, "See? I told you Trump was Hitler! This is Germany circa 1932 all over again!"

So where does a normal person - and I maintain that most of us have fairly moderate and thoughtful political positions - go to learn about what is going on in politics? Do I settle for the insufferably delusional left or the rabid right?

I find myself settling for the rabid right, and I'm not so naive to think that it hasn't shifted my opinions over the last 18 months.

This is now a Yakub thread

>No opinions, no hyperbole just verifiable facts.

Deliver the Goods

You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.

>there is nothing in nature that is straight.
>public media is not credible information.
>these are the facts.
>get on with living because dying is just too damn easy.

I would counter that demanding only facts - with no nuance, context, or elaboration - is almost as naive as demanding only opinions. I think real wisdom demands that all facts must be tempered with context and all opinions must be founded upon facts. Your desire for "verifiable fact" is perhaps the most obvious demonstration that what I said before is true: we're digging ourselves deeper and deeper into narrower and narrower realms of information and understanding. I think the path to wisdom, knowledge, and growth is a WIDER spectrum of experience, empathy, and facts.

Hard Times. I was about to quote that to the guy I'm quoting above.



When did Trump say he wasn't going to increase the defense budget? What did you think "rebuild our depleted military" meant?

And yes, the middle is eroding. But that's a good thing.

> facts of life:
There is a God, one infinite God.
and there are Demigods, lords of duality.
The Jews are evil and trecherous and must be stopped.
Christ is the key.
Only the one true God knows the reason behind all of this.
electricity in essence is a mystery of science.
the White Race are closest to God.

Hitler was not the aggressor

This is how our society sorts out the best way of doing things. Granted it's not perfect and it's not immune to meddling kikes, but in theory it's a good idea. One ideology takes hold but overshoots, and then a corrective force is applied and people go back the other way, but with a new perspective. We've experimented with women's suffrage and it's led us completely astray, and only now is the corrective force starting to gain traction and pull us back to a more patriarchal society. With any luck we'll successfully move back to that type of society but with a new perspective, retaining those of our new morals that are compatible with the more stable, patriarchal society.

Yeah it is hard. You have to really use critical thinking skills and sift through tons of mostly useless bullshit to get small gems of truth. Of all the small little gems I have found, I now am convinced that there are elites that practice abhorrent rites, and have evil hearts. These sects, whatever they are, are growing. It is hard to talk about this stuff, but after researching SRA and other kinds of ritual abuse, as well as elite pedo ring coverups, I now see just ever so slightly that our world is stranger and scarier than I ever could have imagined. People dont need to larp. However small the info might be, there is enough of these chunks of information to show how fucked up our leaders are.

As a general rule just check multiple websites and use websites usually said to be reliable

He spent months criticizing the pointless, costly wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Early on, I'm pretty sure I remember Hillary being called a warhawk, maybe not by Trump himself, but that is something that resonated with me and made me favour his campaign initially.

This, not to mention the overall theme of his campaign of "America first," which was about stopping foreign aid, (free) foreign defense, and wasteful spending on corporate meddling in other countries' internal affairs.


Agreed. Very cogent points, user. Thanks.

There is literally no middle ground anymore. I voted for Trudeau, so clearly I'm an anti-gun safe-space regular LGBTQXD regressive leftist cuck who wants to kill all white people.

Meanwhile even when Trump does say thing that makes real sense then I'm a red-pilled hillbilly dimwit racist who wants to kill all Muslims.

I'm so fucking tired of not being able to have a proper conversation where both sides challenge eachother's ideas constructively and think critically.

It really does seem like the last two years it's gotten WAY worse than usual.

>cant tell fake news from real news

That's a good point. What I fear is that our current technology is actually fast-tracking both extremes, instead of letting time guide us towards a sensible middle-ground. With essentially limitless and instant access to so much information about every little thing that happens politically, we have much less time to sit still and consider what is actually the right thing. I feel that the "micro-news" we consume - two-minute videos, click-bait titles, and tweets - are undermining our natural ability to slowly and thoughtfully process information, and the only way to keep up is to adapt and make snap judgments based on the minimal amount of information. This process compounds on itself and before we know what happened, we've learning how to hold stronger opinions with less information, instead of the opposite.

That's all true, but it doesn't answer my question. Trump never promised to reduce spending on our own military, and in fact promised "peace through strength" and a military so powerful we would never have to use it.

Heart warming post leaf

It definitely has. And until there is some tangible positive punishment, I can't see young people finding a way out of this funk.

I don't think we're special to have recognized this - I hope most people have - but at the end of the day we have to make decisions about whether we're going to be intellectually honest, and not be ashamed of it, or whether we're going to take the easy road and regurgitate the mindless defenses of our political leaders.


I can only elaborate on my personal interpretation of Trump's message. When he criticized Hillary for the pointless foreign wars, when he criticized the wasteful bureaucracies and government spending, and when he bemoaned the national debt, I interpreted that as a move away from wasteful military spending. I honestly read into his words and intention to lower overall defense spending (closing foreign bases, and ending routine foreign interventions) to focus on backing the Russian air strikes against ISIS. That's how I read it.

Was I off-base to interpret it that way?

Yes, Trump is a populist who lies. It's as simple as that, this weird obsession people have with candidates being 'The One' is just weird when the pattern repeats itself every time in almost every election in every country around the world, though you could just use the U.S election to see it in action.

I have a theory that the mass acceptance of the internet among older people has caused a lot of what we're experiencing now.

I've been around here for just over 10 years now, and using the internet as a community hub in various places all my life.

I remember noticing, and I it comes back to me every once in a while, that around 2007-2011 things started changing a lot. I think Facebook, WoW, and other online communities really opened up the internet as a place of community to the masses like it wasn't before.

I think that the mass influx of people who never grew up with the internet as a community hub, or younger people who never used it as such, have been essentially broken by it. I don't believe that most people have the critical thinking skills or bullshit filter required to get to the bottom of things when seen on the internet, and I think that's why the political spectrum has been so divided. People just haven't been able to navigate the bullshit.

Now I think people with agendas have capitalized on it and we're in the situation we're in now; an endless September of global proportions that's affecting everyone, not just the original community.

Cool, now where are the rest? If it really was the kids named in the picture you should be able to post the others.

Or is it because the kids at sandy hook don't look like the kids singing and therefore expose your bullshit?

If ur serious, I will give u compassion and advice. Please do not take anything on this website seriously, especially/Pol/

Stay away from Fox news and Breitbart. It's complete bullshit. Use your gut and discernment of truth and lies

I agree. But that's a symptom, not a cause of the problem. People will brush off lies and inconsistencies if it means sending a message to the establishment. I am very willing to downplay Trump's many shortcomings because I believed that Hillary Clinton - being the most blatantly corrupt, elite-friendly, and status-quo candidate ever - would be a more competent, but somehow worse, president.

This is the actual reasoning I applied. She was so establishment and so well-connected and so much like all the past candidates of the last three elections, that ANYONE would be better, if only to shake up the scene a little bit. The person who managed to shake up the scene happens to be very ignorant when it comes to policy, history, and decorum, but still serves as a useful counterpoint to Clinton.

Stop taking whatever you read as fact. If you're unsure, research it. Find multiple sources to back up the story.

It's easy for some cunt to post a quick overview on Sup Forums with an out of context picture and for all the fags here to gobble it up.

>Don't believe everything you hear in media guise
>omfg I saw it on pol it must be true

The only fact you need to know: There are no good Jews.

Doesn't even matter what is 'real'. You're still going to choose whatever supports what you already believe.

Why would they do that?

Hey shitfag

"Populist" is the most retarded term ever. Populism refers to "The People" versus "The Elite", which makes any kind of socialism, marxism, redistributionism, criticism of the wealthy populism. Our own retarded Socialist Left (SV) party is a populist party. Every Labour party in the world is a populist party. US media are populist when they portray Trump as an "elite".

This entirely. The Talmud encourages the enslavement of the goyim

>Electricity in essence is a mystery of science
Why and how?

What a dangerous question.

What do you wish to know?

You must learn that outside of material causalities and events, there are no such things as facts in the realm of the political, only narratives and counter-narratives spun by those in power and those who would like power for themselves.

That's a very good insight. I can't disagree. Perhaps it's the lack of having to look a person in the eyes when you lie to them that has thrown off our bullshit detectors, and our own standards of honesty. Being relatively anonymous and being allowed to share our opinions with a relatively wide audience is new to most people of our generation and older.

So whereas in the past, a person with ridiculous or downright embarrassing beliefs would be checked by the awkward atmosphere around the dinner table, or even a public dressing down by an elder, today there is a less rigorous process to check these less-informed views.

What it probably comes down to is how a person born in, say, 1999, can go their first twenty years without having their beliefs significantly challenged. They joined facebook and had their time lines filtered by the algorithm, then joined reddit or tumblr or whatever and communicated only with like-minded people. Whatever criticism they may have encountered was soft and padded with gentle qualifiers.

I'm twenty-seven and my first experience of political debates was listening to my uncles discussing politics around 9/11 and getting seriously angry with each other and storming out of the room because of their disagreements or having been proven wrong in an open discussion.

If nothing else, this experience taught me that if I'm going to hold a belief, I best be able to articulate why I hold in a face-to-face discussion with someone older than me. If I can't do so, it's time to reevaluate why I hold that belief.

He is elite!


you gotta provide more reasoning then that you stupid faggot. as someone who is looking for truth, you offered non, just another retarded assertion without explaining yourself.

its origin is unknown, all we know is how to contain it. it also has a 'spirit' of its own which when paired with technology results in 'Deus Ex machina'

But it's getting to the point where every "primary" source is polluted with biased qualifiers and speculation.

Believe it or not, CNN used to be considered a very high-standard news source. If you saw it on CNN, it happened. But these days, if you see something on CNN, you now have to read to full biography of the "presenter" reading the story and you have to hope that halfway through the panel discussion they don't "lose transmission."

>retard doesn't know how electricity or microchips work
>must be electricity spirit god :D


dumbf is autistic

What's really sad is the fucking brainwashing people my age(18-25) are having right now. literally 90% of my Facebook friends are basically ''Trump is an idiot he's racist and fuck him!'' Ok but why? ''cause he's racist!''

I mean I get that people have their opinions. And that's okay, but you need to have facts/reasons why you have these opinions. People these days just listen to what they hear and then use this as truth, they can't tell you why they think this way but they sure will tell you you're an idiot if you don't agree with them, and that's what pisses me off.

If you saw the number of Facebook posts I see shared that goes like ''here's what Obama did that was nice, here's what Trump did that wasn't nice, we want Obama back!''. But you could do this with literally any president/prime minister that ever got elected, nobody in the world will agree to EVERYTHING someone does. People where I live just hear the bad parts and the propaganda the left is sharing and they all make their opinions up from this, and when I try to start a conversation about it, I just get called racist and ignorant, how ironic.

fact - this user is a fucking retard.

Hi I'm the government and I dont want to ever kill innocent people so I'll only pretend kill a bunch of people and make them all swear to keep it a secret and I'll payoff police and nurses and doctors to keep the lie, just like in Boston, where doctors and nurses and wmts and families were paid to lie about injuries and death.

kill yourself.


Literally not one fact in this whole thread. Just some canucks fucking live journal postings. I thought you were better than this Sup Forums.

The only fact I know for sure:

I don't need to explain. It's a fact Fox and Breitbart are fake. They sadistically twist the truth and turn it into a lie. Any person with common sense can see that, but it's a rarity nowadays. Those who listen to that crap and actually believe it do so in ignorance.

You cound replace Fox and Brietbart with CNN and MSNBC and same thing would be true.

Fact: my dick is huge because I work at wendys

Here's a fact for you
100% true no fake news here
You are a faggot and your flag is not symmetrical or pleasing to see when it blows facing backwards it just looks inside out

Yeah I'm twenty-seven too. Assuming you were born in Canada I assume we share a similar history in relation to the internet.

Facebook is a seriously huge problem. So is most social media, and other sites like Reddit or Tumblr precisely because you can, or they can, perfectly tailor you into a little bubble of self serving content. I've always loved Sup Forums for being able to cut through that.

Thankfully my family is usually ripe with political discussion from all sides of the spectrum, so my younger sisters see a lot of real-world debating. However, I think that most younger people don't see that. I don't know why parents are so against talking about politics in family settings. It's the "don't talk about politics at the dinner table" mentality. But it's that mentality that's been brought to online communities, compounded by hyperbole-as-fact and info-bubbles.

I bet you anything that half of the regressive left, and the alt-right wouldn't act like they do if they were simply opened up to regular rational debate and a little experience at confronting alternate ideas.

Everything is offensive these days because nobody has experience being in an equal position of discussion.

We're all being drawn towards echo-chambers. This isn't a new phenomenon, but it's becoming easier because of how easy it is to communicate with a wider base of people over the internet.

I mentioned before: we're holding stronger and more passionate positions with LESS information. It's sad.

Brother. You already know all the truth you need. You have formed your stance. All you need to understand is this: take whatver others see as the truth and learn to use that to sway or defend your position. Information has always been relative. The only thing that matters is YOUR GOAL.

And?? Your point??

>with LESS information
Leaf, we live in the information age. There is more information at your fingertips right now, than the first 3000 years of civilization combined.

Your post sounded bias
It's really all forms of entertainment news that are like this
And also journalism and articles
There's really nothing anymore thats press related that keeps out an opinion

It's usually pretty easy to spot bullshit.

You get borderline cases like the bombing today that require more investigation, but fake news is discernible generally in the first couple of hours. It's mostly a question of tone.

>your flag is not symmetrical or pleasing to see when it blows facing backwards it just looks inside out
fuck you thailand!!!!

I watch all of them, and I find Fox most biased.

Its true. Electricity is mostly an accident that we "Tamed".

Also for those seeking the truth: look into Napoleon. Many of us think he never existed. Maybe the earliest case of fake news.