>25 years old
>make $18/h driving a forklift
>most other Sup Forums members my age are white collar professionals, skilled tradesmen, business owners and entrepreneurs, all making at least 60k starting
Who else /pathetic failure/ here?
>25 years old
>make $18/h driving a forklift
>most other Sup Forums members my age are white collar professionals, skilled tradesmen, business owners and entrepreneurs, all making at least 60k starting
Who else /pathetic failure/ here?
i make 12 an hour. Fuck off!
>> tfw 25, no job, no gf, live with parents, watch twitch all day in bed.
go back to /biz/
same except im going to school
>tfw 26 later this summer
lookin' bleak
>making $50/hr as longshoreman
fuggin love unions
I only make 50k as a programmer. Just fuck my shit up
count your blessings user, many would kill to have everything you've been given
Bretty gud salary if you're in a low cost of living area.
Want to trade lives? 18 bucks and hour plus free healthcare sounds great and I'm nearly ten years older than you.
I felt the same when I was a warehouse worker, user. And you know what happened?
I lost my fucking job.
Now I'm trying (and failing) to start a business while working at a cafe part-time, making half of what I was making at the warehouse.
/pathetic failure/ is a way of life. And no one makes it out until they have a mortgage.
Y'know, I love capitalism, but Fuck capitalism at the same time lol
>Live with parents
Don't think anyone can beat that.
14/hr DBA because H1B
I know your feel.
Everyday I advicate for nuclear holocaust more and more.
If you earn enough to save a little money after paying the bills, you're doing alright.
>23 quit shitty retail (petsmart) job because manager was one of those feminist cunts who memed on me for being a cis white male scum
>was only job and made $7.25/h
>want to work with alligators but no vehicle or license and all the facilities for that are in a different part of state
>been neet for half a year now
>contemplate suicide but cant trust anyone else to care for my reptiles if I die and they are worth more to me than petty escape
I make minimum, i fell for the university meme.
>I only make 50k
That's damn good money, why are you complaining about it?
Hi, ShareBlue.
>Finally decide to jump into the workforce
>make $10.80 at WWW.LOWES.COM
>uncle sam is merciless on me for being single with no dependents.
>want to die everyday
i'd kill to make $18 an hour. eat a bullet you faggot
Find a new firm to work for that has govt contracts. DBA should never make less than 35 an hour with benefits.
Realising you could have a better life is 90% of what you need to get a better life.
Go do something about it - call the vocational counselling office at your local community college to start.
Go back to India faggot you're the reason I only make 50k
>good money
Baby's first job?
$18/h here is like $13.50 USD, basically a walmart tier wage
Could be worse. My neighbor is a single dad with three kids whose wife died of cancer last year and left them broke due to the treatment bills. Pretty much works his ass off while his kids hang out either with our kids or at their grandparents' house. Tragic fucking life for a white man who dindu nuffin wrong.
OP, don't be a faggot.
Its about how you live, rather than how much you make.
I was super miserable when I was making 75 USD/Hour, did it for years, blew all the money when my dad got sick.
I then started working a tech job that paid only 100 USD a week for an internship, and now I'm only really getting paid 15 USD an hour(Plus bonuses), but I'm no longer a miserable SOD.
I'll take any day of the week now at my 15/H over any 10 minutes of my 75/H.
>23 years old
>make $12/hr plus commision at cellphone sales
>make $3k every two weeks on top of hourly wage.
>make $7920 a month
>no degree only $4-5k in student debt
If you can afford the lifestyle you want to live then you are already rich.
i didn't ask for your life story faggot kill yourself
Good advice. I quit smoking yesterday.
You're an idiot
>Baby's first job?
I would give my left nut for a job that paid 50k. Seriously.
Even mcdonalds pays $15/h in America step up nigga
>1 post by OP
Reminder: if you work, you're doing it right. Stick at it. Show up on time and sober (or at least not too hungover too often). Don't bitch and whine. Don't be the cause of dumb shit. Be responsible. Become trusted. Once trusted, look for ways to improve your situation. There are plenty of very comfortable people who started out as burger flippers and forklift drivers. The difference between them and the ones who don't move up in the world usually comes down to perseverance and punctuality.
You don't need to be a degenerate waving money around on TV to be happy.
dude fuck off with your shit. Im as pol as they come and I'm stuck driving a truck for work until i can even buy my own car.
Ive been broke as fuck for years. mostly bc my family fell apart.
I was where you are, just keep fighting
>Make $9 an hour cashiering
im gonna end it all lads
> $85K/yr
>closet NEED
> near alcoholic
> Still hurts
My family has been in american since the antebellum period you double nigger.
I live in the south so the lower(cheaper) standard of living makes for a lower wage. Hours are nice though.
>Baby's first job?
50K a year is "fuck you money" in some states.
Hell I make like 30k a year and live fairly comfy.
When I lived in NYC I was making 150K + Bonuses, and It wasn't great.
You could give some time instead and learn a useful skill set instead of working at Starbucks and living at home
Dibs on the vacancy created by his suicide
OK I just saw OP has made some more posts
Still saging though
i live in my parents attic and make $200 a month, I am 22.
only urban intellectuals get that though
Rural and suburban retards don't get the privilege of being replaced by robots in a generation
You don't make 3k commission on cell phone sales more like 1k max a month stfu
>50k a year is fuck you money
You made me laugh out loud
50k a year isn't shit unless you live in Idaho or South Dakota
>I would give my left nut for a job that paid 50k. Seriously.
There are a variety of ways you could get that, probably the easiest would be get a CDL and do long-haul trucking. Automation will kill it in a decade or so, but you can clean up before then.
You make $18 an hour, but ur a leaf...free everything for everyone especially if you're a minority
If I didn't have any bills either $18 CAD would be sweet
>26 years old
>computer science degree
>Third job since graduating
>Making $45 an hour
How am I doing boys?
>25 years old
>never had a job
>dropped out of highschool
>kissless virgin
>literal autist, never had any friends
at least I don't live in canada.
>Sup Forums is full of lazy stupid cumskins who fail in every area of life
>still believe in white supremacy
Lol! How's that ethnostate full of pathetic losers going to go m8s??
I don't have a rebuttal to that.
>pathetic failure
I make $12.50 an hour to fuck off and work on my manifesto.
You making $18 ain't bad, stupid.
Go roleplay on /biz/ if you want to feel bad, because they'll meme and say they're making $1000 a week passive income.
Making 44k a year.
(usd) I wouldn't say your a failure bro. Just keep building that resume and look out for better opportunity.
I joined the Canuck military and now make 120k of disposable income after three years of free housing in different bases.
Also get a nice pension by the time I'm 43
I do, there is money to be made where I work. So every new activation is $500 so yes I make 3k every two weeks on top of my hourly pay.
What company you work for?
>Make $75-100/day bringing the pain to miniature houses of gain
>Pic related
>100k/year working at TMobile
Literally peasant tier
500k starting as a gourmet chef at wendy's
>being this retarded
No seriously, look up cost of living anywhere outside one of the big metros. It's cheap as fuck to live most places outside of CA and the NE Corridor.
How are you an h1b if your family has been American for generations?
I am a 25 year old virgin with no job. To see you bitch about making 18 a hour makes me want to smash your stupid leaf face in.
Fuck off China.
And I live in the metro nigger
Good luck finding good paying work when you don't live near the city
32 & i make $31/hr plus bonuses being a uaw-ford working. got in right out of high school so also have 12yrs under my belt. comfy fucking job too.
Nigger if you think most other Sup Forums users your age are like that then you're sadly mistaken.
Is 13.46$/h good in the states?
In freedom dollars its like 12/hr
Yeah, how's living in Moose Factory or Medicine Hat? Once you buy your prefab plastic house, and your truck that you're gonna fuck up with a lift kit and body work you're gonna find all that income pretty irrelevant.
I work all day and I make no money nigga, I'm basically a slave.
Good luck in 10 years when you're automated
I get paid nearly minimum wage to get shot at by goat fucking neanderthals
Yeah no shit you live in a metro you delusional nigger. I'm sure you think that there's no work elsewhere, but somehow over half the working population does things elsewhere. Weird.
I work for Verizon can confirm this Anons posts
Im making a lower wage BECAUSE of H1B.
I know reading is hard but you have to try.
>Make 100k+
>Smoke weed erryday
Fuck Trump. Peace and love.
how are all of you past the age of 23 and neet? don't your parents want you dead? why don't you do something part time until you can do something full time that you can tolerate (out of a 2 year program or 18 month program) that can sustain you?
But you get to shoot back. You get the opportunity to kill subhumans with no consequences. I would think that was listed in the benefits package.
Come home white man.
But what matters is you're white and that's alright.
this is wholly untrue, we have high gas prices because our country is cucked, we are taxed to death, I live in BC where I have to pay for healthcare (MSP), ontop of the taxes I already pay for healthcare even though I haven't been to a doctor in over a decade, my yearly car insurance that I bought yesterday was $1120 dollars (with a 40% discount) food here is abysmally expensive, god help you if you smoke cigarettes or drink in this country, I have CPP, EI, income tax and benefits payments taken off my check automatically (over 600 bucks a month)
our government likes to say we have free shit, but they are fucking retarded cretins.
>Good luck in 10 years when you're automated
Good luck in 10 years whoever you are. Everything is going to be automated.
>also, thanks for the flag
are you the user who came up with the canadian forklift reality show?
This I've been back home off and on since I was 18. Any time I go back home my parents don't even want to give me a glass of water
Proofs or gtfo.
could be worse, usually see 15 patients a day in a outpatient clinic
I make 53k per year as a shitty computer technician in a company that thinks I'm actually good at my job. As soon as they get their shit together, I'm getting replaced by 2 Pajeet at that price.
That's true
I'm a welder and I am unemployed. I fucking hate life right now.
Don't forget shit burning duty. You do get that GI Bill for all your shit burning efforts though.
It's better than the $10.63 I currently get paid.
But you have all the socialized freebies up there so it's not comparing apples to apples.
Hey mang, just try to get the job ahead of you. Not the super duper one that pays six figures plus bennies and a company car, but the one that pays another buck an hour for more work and maybe a little responsibility. Be patient, watch for the chance,learn whatever you have to learn, ask whoever you have to ask, take whichever shift that spot is open. Then, after you get that job, start scheming on the next. Rinse and repeat...15 years go by...wake up 40 something with a family and some net worth.
It ain't that big a deal user.
> almost 25
> have bachelor's degree nobody cares about
> few interviews I get, I'm too much of a sperg to do well on and get rejected
> make $9 an hour working overnight shifts locking doors on a college campus
I have a daydream of being picked off by a sniper when I'm walking around at work. I hope all you faggots bitching about making $50K get Stage 37 Ebola
What do you suggest then that isn't blue collar working 60-80 hours a week
nothing is "free" up here...that is a meme.
Just get a CDL.
>tfw 20 making $18/hr to deliver roofing material and basically sit on my ass all day.
>in a year I can drive out of state and at more places + i've spent the past year building experience locally so i'll be set