Trump signs internet privacy repeal

>President Trump signed a bill on Monday repealing internet privacy rules passed last year by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that would have given internet users greater control over what service providers can do with their data, a White House spokeswoman confirmed.

>The FCC regulations would have required broadband companies to get permission from their customers in order to use their “sensitive” data — including browsing history, geolocation and financial and medical information — to create targeted advertisements.

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Just when I thought it can't get any worse, Reddit doesn't seem to care about this. You'd think of all the dumbasses on the Internet, Reddit would care.

Who gives a flying fuck about reddit.
They're local monopolies who should be regulated. Period. This shouldn't even be an arguement. Or do I have to explain it in snail mail terms?

most retards dont know that before this was law internet companies didnt "sell" anything and they wont again its just a meme to hate on trump

I find it funny how Sup Forums is now trying to rationalize that the GOD EMPEROR just signed away a good chunk of their internet privacy. Now watch everybody try to deflect to something about Hillary.

Please - do explain the bill.

Trump is a con. I'm disgusted I voted for him. He just tweets and plays golf. What a fattie

why did he do this?

is this you defending this bill?


> Trump Embraces One Of Russia's Favorite Propaganda Tactics — Whataboutism
> The idea behind whataboutism is simple: Party A accuses Party B of doing something bad. Party B responds by changing the subject and pointing out one of Party A's faults — "Yeah? Well what about that bad thing you did?" (Hence the name.)

This is all just a hit job from the liberal media.

When Trump repeals this bill, and ISPs will be able to share your data with other companies, this will allow for advertisements to be better catered to you! Now, instead of seeing advertisements you wouldn't be interested in, you'll see advertisements specifically marketed to you. It's an excellent new change for consumers

You sounded like you had a solid grasp of what the bill comprised of. I've never read it.

Way to go you fucking reactionary retards.

sorry to burst your bubble guys, we already had access to all this info.

source: i work in advertsing

Trump repeals unfair regulation which was never put into effect but would've favored companies like Google and Amazon at the cost of providers.

I'm glad Trump did this. Obama's regulations are out of hand.

Trumpkins think Trump can do no wrong... they're just as brainwashed as Clinton supporters.. SAD!

You disgust me


ISPs were already doing this, literally nothing changed. Gtfo shill.

There is literally nothing wrong with this. Obama's regulation was preferential to some companies while limiting others.

why? because i'm a freethinker and I'm not a cuck for Trump? Feel free to be a cuck, I don't care

You don't understand the Internet.

Has anyone in this thread actually read the bill?

Brainwashed much? Let me guess you think the holocaust never happend? btfo cuck

I love love love love this bill bc it's when you pathetic shits have to stare down reality once again. You're still in the basement. You cannot leave.

because you have no critical thinking skills. see we already have this info! how do you think targetted advertising works?!?


Yeah because ISPs haven't been selling your information for the last decade and a half whenever you download Mariah Carey's new hit album and record companies sue you for billions.

Seriously the internet has never been private or secure. This bill does nothing in the long run. If you're a creepy fucking pedophile with child porn this is not going to slow down, or speed up, your inevitable capture.

Now go download a fucking car.

>we don't have freedom, so you should relinquish yours

t. Mexican intellectual

I'm not mad. I am glad that this happened. I knew it would when I voted for him and am therefore not mad

>Implying the FCC is on the side of the people
>Implying the bill he repealed actually helps us.
>implying they donl already use that information

Based Trump does it again! Praise kelce fellow magapedes!

haha, you have no idea do you? trump fucked you and you' continue being a cuck. go away boy

Ok cool what's my browser history you filthy Canuck?

It's like Americans fucking hate the Constitution these days.

>>implying they donl already use that information

This makes it okay.

>finally there's someone in the office fighting for you, the american people

FFS, companies like Google exist only because their entire business model is based on doing all of the things that people are whining about ISP's now being allowed to do.

What's going to become of my 2D giantess / crush collection?


>i work in advertsing
Whoah there leafbro, there seems to be a misunderstanding! Donald Trump is chief executive of the US government, not Taboola. Glad I could clear things up for you! You're welcome :)

>Approving of globalist corporate bribery

What have you idiots done?

trump conned you all. he doesn't even know how to spell and he's fat as fuck.. GROSS!

wew lad. even though i know this is a troll this is infuriating. there's literally NO REASON for anyone but marketing agencies to like this bill. there is ZERO benefit to the average person

So, was Trump a (((agent))) the whole time?

(((They))) truly cucked the burgers

The only thing he did was not sign the tpp,

Hi T_D! I too hate it when liberals question our infallible GOD-EMPEROR and his MEME MAGIC. Praise kek! Wanna go trigger some globalists (pls no parentheses it's anti-semitic) with our BASED black friend?

>The only thing he did was not sign the tpp,

Don't worry he's already flipped on NAFTA and will probably sign something just as bad as TPP into law.



dumb partisan fucks.

>people rape you even though it's illegal
>Therefore rape should be legal

This is okay.

finally Sup Forums is getting based. btfo T_D

his fox approval polls are only at 23%

>very fake news

The point is that leftists are subhuman and are not capable of critical thinking.

>linking to NPR
Are you shills even self aware? Jesus.

Without the FCC you wouldn't even have internet access you cuck.

Typical commie retard fluff.

>Trump is our /g----

Holy shit this post predicted everything.



>Don't worry he's already flipped on NAFTA and will probably sign something just as bad as TPP into law.
As long as you faggot commies come here and give us tears, everything is gravy.

why would they link to npr... breitbar 4ever.. amirite??? go and suck trumps tiny cock

Fuck off faggots. We don't suck Trump's dick like you rapefugees

Wow, T_D and Trump shills are here.

Can any of you cunts demonstrate a way that trump has made your life better? Bc the fact that he took you out back with no lube on this ISP privacy deal, my goodness it is fantastic. Maybe he's done something else for you? I buy girls flowers sometimes.

You spelled KGB niggers wrong

>Without the DoE there would be no education!
>without the EPA the environment will get poisoned!
>without the DHS we'll all get murdered by terrorists!
>Without the IRS the government can't take 30% of your income to pay for all of the useless agencies that have no legal right to exist!

that post is shit and completely wrong.

The reactionary forces will be nationalistic as well just in favor of communism style economy.

good to know you're only 12

You dumb cuck

I actually like the bill.

Man, you boys at CTR must really be worried that Sup Forums will buy Podesta's browsing history.

>Can any of you cunts demonstrate a way that trump has made your life better?

He appointed a lot of kike goldman sachs shills to his cabinet. I think my life is significantly better.

>I actually like the bill.

Go to your boss and tell them your entire internet history RIGHT NOW!


He is following the correct plan perfectly. I unironically agree with pretty much everything done since election.

Trump is basically doing everything perfectly.

it's already happening.. you're too brainwashed to see it, sheep. go back to t_d

Consumers benefit by having advertisements that they enjoy instead of ones they don't. This is a win for consumers all over the country.

You don't understand the bill.

try again low IQ moron

Without your mom you have no home :(

>goes on Sup Forums
>shops on craigslist

If they want to sell my browsing history, go ahead, they won't make much money off of it.

saved my friend.

>it's already happening

It has been happening for 30 years you stupid shit. The borders have been open and western society is in decline relative to enemies.

This is rock solid. I am glad I came here, thank you.

>You don't understand the bill.

>no the bill isn't the thing all the sources I've looked at since it passed Congress
>just let them pass it goy and give up all your passwords and information to the state and corporations




formulate an entire copypasta of this for me

explaining it would take too long

Also your brain is probably too shit to understand it if I tried

You should just go back to pre-election when you thought hillary won.

He withdrew from the TPP, saving us all from getting thrown in jail because torrents.

they are sleeping fuck cuck dumb, what would you expect.

Yes correct all the answers are contained on your tv and in your trailer. Thank you brilliant sage

Literally can't wait for the day pantshitterism is defeated here.

See, once we've won, you're "freeze peach" is over. We will twist Asian moot's arm for mods who will enforce rules on hate speech here as stringently as Reddit.

You will literally never have a nazi thread again.

Nigger will be banned.

The sexists of Sup Forums and /r9k/ will be gagged forever.

We will have unironic /antifa/ and /Islam/ general threads.

When the left fucks up, pantshitters get to yell and scream and help Russian trolls wreck elections on these last few tumors clinging to the internet.

When the right fucks up, the left gets back in, and you'd better believe we have learned our fucking lesson: we didn't go hard enough.

Next time, it's hate speech laws.

Next time, it's sites getting banned by Federal edit who support racist hate shit.

Next time, we abort your grotesque ideas before they can gestate in a new generation, and watch impotent white men bounce off the lonely walls in their mother's basements.

Your country is getting browner.

Women are taking their rights.

Islam is rising.

Your future is progressive AF, and there is nothing you can fucking do when the blowback comes and Dems get power back.

>(((He's))) (((following))) (((the plan)))

all of this information is available to them you dumbass

The privacy protections only affected ISPs and not internet services.

How do you think facebook, google, and every other web service makes so much money or valuation? It's selling your data/profile to advertisers.

This bill would have increased your privacy by a meaningless amount.

It also never ever went into effect

Your internet rights in Oct 2016 are the same as they are right now.

You don't get it m8

Trump is winning. Your 4d chess is pathetic.

So hand over all your credit card information and go to your boss and tell them you post on a Nazi Malaysian image board.

Lol all torrent lawsuits are filed domestically by copyright trolls that donated to your fag god

yeah no. this is the level of stupidity that became normal around here


I am happy with everything Trump has done so far. You guys don't understand politics.

There is no important election for years and almost all of the attack vectors used will decay by then.

Go look up Democrat approval ratings and compare to Trump.

How much does Trump pay you shill?

>trump has made your life better?
Your tears make my life better!
Shit man, I can't wait until he wins in 2020 cause you commies can't field a candidate.

You're right I need the 5d. Like the 5 Ds your mother took in one night, resulting in this catastrophe you hilariously call a life. But don't worry bc MAGA

Bad move by Trump.
Consequences will never be the same.

this new order doesn't revert it back to old law. It nullifies both. They now can legally sell your browsing history without your consent.

The same internet regulations have been in effect continuously

OBama's new regulations never went into effect

So literally nothing changed.

The reason it was overturned is because it was a last minute regulation, which is easy to overturn by the senate with a simple majority

If obama was serious about the regulation he would have passed it months earlier when it would be more protected.