Developed African Countries?

How do we explain the developed African countries? What happens here?

They just dont have to deal with civil wars and fucking tribes and rebel groups.

>North Africa

If anything happens there, it's not niggers.

Doesn't Seychelles have like only 200k people

First two are not North Africa


More like 90,000. However, Mauritius has 1.4 Million.

mauritius is isolated from all the shit going on in the mainland.

Libya is pretty sad. It's one of the few countries with a decreasing HDI.

The first 2 are just vacation islands, the other 3 are north African, not niggers.

They rake in cash from tourism and random illegal dealings and shit.

top two are islands away from the continental feral niggers, algeria tunisia and libya are semitic not black

Sup Forums wins again

>Saudi Arabia
Can I borrow some money please?

>near Europe
>near Europe

3 out of the listed 5 countries (hint: not the two island nations) have had either civil wars or armed active rebel groups in the past couple years


Seychelles and Mauritius aren't black, they're mostly Indians

If I were to guess I'd say:
>No corruption
>No Niggitude to cloud judgement, lots of North Africans berbers or Arabs
>No Tribalism

We just gave your country $200 billion.

You're right, but what happened in the arab spring was diferent than what is happening right now in the congo or the central african republic.


North African countries have no niggers and a lot of oil. That's why they're better off.

They are tiny islands in the India Ocean. Both have substantial french, indian, and chinese populations. Niggers get even less credit there.

Important fisheries. Port-Victoria is the first Tuna port in the Indian ocean.
Mix of African, Indian, European and Chinese populations.

Same as Seychelles for the population.

>North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Libya)
Economy with oil and gas. Would turn shit without it.
West semitic population.

Also the french in Algeria and Tunisia.

Libya is fucked now but Gadaffi did a lot of infrastructure and production growth for the country, setting up new farmers with courses and farming equipment etc. For a drug addict dictator, he was pretty good.

Northern Africa
They're all North Africa/Arabs and not KANGZ
Seychelles is a resort island and I'm pretty sure Mauritius is too

>Niggers get even less credit there
What do you mean by this? I don't understand.

African countries should've taken after Botswana

>Retain non native professionals until they can be replaced by natives
>Pour all your money into education
>Nationalise your main industry so the money goes straight to the government

If it weren't for the AIDS epidemic Botswana would be a reigonal power

Close but no. They should have stayed colonial until properly developed, and afterwards keep close ties with the Ex-Overlord.

Just like every working ex-colony.

yea youre right. i just dont think anybody should be under the impression that the north african muslim states are in any way stable. they barely have control over the saharan tribes and separately its only a matter of time before we have more protests in the cities and the harsh government retaliation that follows that could easily incite more civil wars


They'd still be getting development gibsmedats to this day, the UK was too broke to afford colonies by the 60s, and Seretse Khama did a very good job of industrialising Botswana

Do you think it's real or is it a proxy?

human trafficking as well

Should I move to Mauritius and become King? I bet the cost of living there is way less, and I would get to tell people that I live in Africa. Sounds like a nice place.

Who knows