Marvel VP of Sales blames diversity for falling comic book sales

I wonder why....

Comic books are based on drawings and drawings are difficult and expensive to produce, meaning that comics books are inadequate for representing the kinds of complex social interactions that city people experience on a daily basis.

Most comic book readers are therefore low-IQ rural and suburban retards, and lack the social awareness to be able to appreciate modern feminism due to their lack of access to the kinds of complex social environments that created that movement, and are unable to relate on any personal level.


They tried catering to a demographic that
>were never interested in buying their books
>are never satisfies

this thread sucked the last two times it was up.


The power of a true Canuck everybody

Whites, who are overwhelmingly the main consumer base of comics don't want to read about super nig Ironwomyn Niqueasha and her alliance with black Captain America?


>Marvel VP of Sales blames diversity for falling comic book sales
wow, racist much?
Someone should lose his job.

It's almost forgot that they are a business and that catering to a fringe market isn't a good idea as a business model.

I mean, I have no issue with wanting to make more diverse characters, but make them unique and don't replace established characters. If you write them well, they'll become popular. There you go, problem solved. Just don't cram so much change down your readerships throats and tell them they're bigots for refusing it.

Did they not do any marketing or demographic research before they trashed every storyline? I imagine it was just going through the motions to have a movie plot that people will watch based on a comic noby watched.

>Bad sales
>Blames the customer
If this was a new company they wouldn't last long.

Nothing wrong with diversity, pic-related was pushing the envelope back in the day with an Irishman, a commie, a native, and a black. What people don't like is when you shove it down their throats. Event fatigue is probably contributing too, we're only four months in and we're already on a second company-wide crossover event.

Events ruined marvel, so they hype up event after event after event without resulting in any Earth shattering consequences. Not to mention they have no idea what to do with their legacy heroes so they can't exactly kill them since they lose too much money. Hence they came up with their diverse strategy but realized now it is going to backfire on them since none of the new characters are interesting, have no interesting rogues galleries of their own and are just piggybacking off of the success of their namesakes.

Also, a Hun and a Canuck

>a fucking LEAF



>states minorites dont buy comic book and it has alienated the orginial readers
>must be punished


This was original, it's not original anymore when you just exchange a white character for a black character with the same power and ability.

None of you guys even fucking read comic books why are you bitching?

The concept was a worldwide superhero group that didn't get along. That's not what diversity means today.

It leaks into movies now, Domino is now black, Valkyrie is gunna be a nog

>drawings are difficult and expensive to produce
a fucking leaf everybody

Many "Businesses" have made this mistake. I see market corrections in their futures. Stupidity!

>None of you guys even fucking did X why are you bitching

I don't make movies or write books, am I allowed to give my opinion on those? I don't run for office, can I tell people what I think about politics?

This is such a ridiculously stupid fucking statement, guy, you need to get off the internet and reevaluate your life.

Those comments, you guys are terrible!

Speaking like a Trump tweet is a shit meme that makes you look like a retard

He'll never be stupid enough to be Australian though

*smart enough, since he's starting out as an American

I used too, but the shitty forced diversity drove me away.

>sam wilson is now captain america, don't be racist

well, that makes sense at least

>thor's now a woman, don't be misogynist

well, I don't see why a woman can't be worthy of mjolnir, but Valkyrie is already a character. as long as it's not Jane I guess

>it's jane



fine, just don't mess with your most popular characters

>miles morales is replacing peter parker

what why? nobody likes him

>racists, also wolverine is now a woman

God fucking dammit

>this black girl is now iron man with literally no explanation and if you question it you're a misogynistic racist

that's it, I'm out

Oh shut the fuck up no you didn't read any of those comics. Give me your pull list--oh you never had one

Woah woah woah, are you telling me like pic related weren't flying off the shelves?!

P.S. Props to marvel for giving the obese female superhero telekenesis, one of the few powers that wouldn't require her to be fast, strong, agile, flexible, or shit, even have to walk up a flight of stairs.

Wee wuz sciiance an' sheeeeut

MB, she's Valiant Comics, still sucks though.

tried catering to a new demographic while alienizing their old one
DC handles diversity a lot better, keeps the A listers who they are, while their extended universe has diverse characters AND genres

>Progressive liberals don't put their money where their facebook posts are
Wow what a surprise

>Domino is now black, Valkyrie is gunna be a nog
This is a joke, right? RIGHT!?

Didn't they change Green Lantern to a black gay character?

>In B4 Green Lantern isn't an A Lister

>P.S. Props to marvel for giving the obese female superhero telekenesis,


>black on white xxx runs at a deficit

Is this true?

those were all new original characters at the time (unless you count Wolverine showing up in the Hulk)
They didn't replace anyone
However, when they want diversity they replace characters or create cheap imitations
They have done this again before (Runaways, Averages Academy, and countless X-teams)
But they'd rather make a black iron man then acknowledge these characters


>go buy my favorite burger I've spent over hundreds of dollars on this same tasting burger I love to eat everyday
>one day they tell me my burger recipe changed it now taste like earwax
>make the obvious choice to drop burger and go eat pizza at the shop down the street
>burger shop completely lost as to why a customer left
Why is this hard to understand? It's just a choice of what a person likes and it's not really diversity it's changing a character you follow into something you don't follow
It's just common sense
If you read hellboy it's for hellboy I don't care if they make it about another male demon of the same race and sex
It's still not hellboy
Companies are fucking stupid these days
They took a risk and lost customers to pander to a community that liked what you made and never said they wanted it to be a different
Females can read comics it does not mean they want the character they read to turn into a female or else they would have never liked it to begin with

they don't change green lanters, they simply add new ones

Hal, Guy, and John are still lanterns, now theres Simon Baz and some mexican woman as well

>lists what drove me away
>no fuck you


Well DC is guilty of doing shitty things to
Making Alan Scott gay was stupid (especially considering his son in the old continuity was gay and he struggled with being an old fashion man having to accept his gay son)
But there's dozens of Green Lanterns anyways.


Stop being children. Don't read this garbage.

>Potato squirrel girl
>Every character now is a "kids these days"

Meanwhile dc made rebirth, cutting prices and improving the creation process

Valkyrie is not guaranteed to be THE valkyrie or A valkyrie yet
But domino is black with a white dot, so it still fits. Domino's race was never relevant to her character either.

Mary jane being renamed to something less 420 and still being called mj, so they could make her black and not a redhead is Sony's fault though.

Nope. Blacked wouldn't exist if the market didn't favor it

>this black girl is now iron man with literally no explanation
She better turn out to be an illegitimate daughter.
That's the only way to make is palatable.

Now this is shit posting.

>people that mock Sweden will defend this

Things can be subsidized if (((they))) want to promote a line of thought.

I'm doubtful it really does run at a deficit, but your reasoning is no proof either way.

Trudeau must be proud.

I don't even know anybody who actually reads western comic books and only a small handful that read manga. I guess the format just isn't appealing.
There's always room for niche products, but they must be scaled down accordingly.

10/10 parody, busted a gut laughing when you started the "rural and suburban retards" line.

I would think so. Ives watched a lot of porn , milf, teen, Latina, ebony girl, tranny, Asian, but blacked is a boner kill for me




lel Canada is king of shitposting

>squirrel girl
>moon girl

Top kek.

nice touch

third day in a row that this gay ass topic has been discussed. move on faggot


>tfw blacks don't even buy picture books when pandered to

Damn they are butchering everything, huh?

>Later on, after the comments were picked up by numerous outlets, Gabriel clarified how Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, The Mighty Thor, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, and Moon Girl continue to prove popular and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
I just got cancer from reading these titles

>Thread continually hits bump limit

Diversity and multiculturalism are a component of the "new bubble" and it's bursting more and more each day. One bad catalyst and the whole thing is over.

He's right, here's hoping the message is heeded.

Never read comics because comics are for permavirgin fags.

But a black female Iron Man living from social welfare? Who the fuck came up with that?

Who is the target audience for this exactly? I don't think many lesbian Latina's with a boner for America are interested in comic books.

hey, squirrel girl is decent. leave her out of this.


Catering to snowflakes is legit the stupidest business move possible. They don't actually care about what they are whining about, they just like to whine and paint themselves as victims.

If you try to pander to these people you actually end up pandering to no one.

Most of these women want more available men as beta providers, so they infiltrate and ruin their fun. However it is backfiring hard as many people are now just going to simply pirate older comics to spite the companies for enabling that shit.

Exactly it's not for lesbian latinas
It's for liberal art students that think this needs to be how it is to show the company is progressive not that the company has any quality
The people in charge right now really have no idea what they're doing
They're giving jobs to people that couldn't give a shit about the company they just want to keep pushing their liberal thoughts into a superhero universe but it's turning into some pbs comic book special
Hell diverse Captain Planet is better than the quality of this horse shit

The thing is, diversity in capeshit was never an issue until they started shoving it down everyones throats. Static Shock, Storm, Raven, etc. were all great. Now they just take an existing character, turn it into a black lgbtqbp muslim and expect people to eat it up.

these flagrant displays of diversity are in fact succeeding even when they destroy the infiltrated medium.

for the logical conclusion of the left is the utter destruction of a nation. so it is no loss to the leftist when they destroy a medium by using it to disseminate blatant propaganda, for the destruction of anything of value to the nation is desirable so they gain a two-fold victory, the destruction of a national asset, and a catalyst to disseminate propaganda during its death throes

I still don't get why they say "these minority titles are not selling" but then they also say "we aren't stopping making the minority comics because they are popular." Makes no sense.

Damn Australia, Canada has snatched the crown

It's called doubling down

Liberals often do that. But Money Talks, and money is saying it isn't viable and is a failing venture. It is the shareholders that determine the company's survival.

Rural and Suburban retards BTFO yet again.

It won't be. This shit happens all the time, this is just a little different because Marvel actually admitted it.

It's a never ending cycle

>SJW's be loud on social media demanding that the people want diversity/lgbtq shit
>Meida itself also demands this
>Companies believe them
>Make a product that is diverse and gay
>Product fails

>no one's buying comic books anymore
>what the hell should we do
>shoehorn in a bunch of diversity then call people bigots for not buying it

It's because the character is popular people like the drawing or post it on twitter whatever
But they aren't buying the comics
It's like weebs that buy their figures but don't buy the anime
The characters are trendy to landwhales but Not to comic fans

This is the correct answer, everything else is just commentary.

Replacing originals with niggers, faggots, and cunts for the sake of diversity caused people not to want to buy your products?

WOW... I am sooooo surprised!!

Im not really into comics but I remember when for instance the Thor movie had the black character mainstream comic fan sites started filling up with comments from racist blacks attacking anyone critical of it. On top of that they were attacking Scandinavians.
It was a case of a tiny retarded group chasing away normal customers.

This is usually one of the reasons why pushing for diversity for political reasons fails. People want to indulge in media to get away from it all, not to further be dragged along the quagmire of the politicization of society.

The problem is and always will be

this will only naturally lead to another unified nationalistic europe, right?


wait, Iron man is a black loli now? How did they even try to ass pull that?

honestly i liked squirrel girl and even ms marvel until they started getting overly political

i stopped buying because i was tired of being called a evil straight white mail who who shut up in what i considered my escape from reality

funny thing is they lost a ton of big customers
i would buy 1 of every new issue that came out for marvel but stopped when they started drastically going to shit and i know many others in the community stopped buying also.

diversity is not the issue calling me the person who forked over fuckloads of money to your company scum and insinuating that im evil because im male is why i stopped buying from you what dont they understand if you sell something maybe you should not insult your customers thats like business 101

Day of the rake when?

>Max out number of neckbeards who will pay for your comics
>Hmmmmmmmm who can we sell to
>None bought it! SHIT!!! WHO ELSE
> I dont know, mmmm gays? No they dont buy them? Uuuuh trannies??? Illegal mexicans? Did we hit the lesbian mexican group?
>Someone other than neckbeards must buy this shit

Uncuck comics and put Garth Ennis in charge of Marvel. I would love to see Punisher purge the SJWs with a fifty caliber sniper rifle. Black Spiderman, Boom! Headshot. Kill Iron Nappy Headed Ho in a drive by. Castle gets his hands on a nuke. Muslim Marvel, ackbar this! Nuke her and Mecca at the same time. And make Nick Fury white again.

Nick Fury: (Drinks beer) Hey, remember when I was black and everybody had to bow down to faggots and feminists?

Punisher: Yeah. Thank god for President Trump. (Drinks beer)

This makes me so happy :DDD