How cultured is Sup Forums?

How cultured is Sup Forums?

What work of art literally screams (you)?

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anything by hemingway

Is fucking cliché, I know, but Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo are my favorite writers ever.

Honorary mentions; Isaac Asimov and Umberto Eco.



Christ in the desert

Zdzislaw Beksinski

This one haunts me

This is real art

This too, something about portraying Mary's body as dead when the Christian tradition is that Mary simply slept and wound up in the after realm. It makes me think: regardless of whether or not one goes to another realm after death, the pain of them leaving this one is always real, even when you're Mary Magdalene

Nothing better encapsulates the human condition than this sculpture.

The man, representing Man, Truth, Independence, Forward Thought, is locked in an eternal deadlock with a serpent representing Lies, Deceit, and Regression into animalistic urges. Their struggle forever immortalized in metal to stand for eternity, further symbolizing the deadlock mankind faces. The battle will go on forever.

You can see the stern look on the man's face, staring this creature in the eyes as it screams back at him. He thinks he has an upper hand on it, he believes hes uncoiling its mass from around him, just to have it anchor itself to his legs. Their is no clear winner that can be determined. The nihilistic nature of this deadlock is a parallel of the battle we face as Man every day of our lives against enemies within ourselves and outside of us.

Each have a common goal, survival, but by different means. One seeks to eat and destroy the other, furthering its means by using one as fuel. The other seeks to rid itself of the beast coiled around it so that it may live free elsewhere form its grasp.

I could stare at it for hours. I need to see it in person before I die.

I don't know if it screams (you) but I love this painting.

The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch

work of art.

this is real art




None. Fuck off, retard.


String Quartet No. 15 in G major by Franz Schubert






My favorite painting.

Rembrandt - Lucretia (1666)

the story foes that she was forcibly raped by the son of the last Roman king. To save her name from dishonor, she took her own life. The outrage from this led to the deposition of Lucius Tarquinus and the founding of the Roman Republic.

This is her after stabbing herself in the heart, waiting to die.

There's something about the way humans are depicted in Caravaggio paintings thats both disturbing and beautiful.

Shakespeare's Hamlet, probably. I can recite many passages from memory.


this song



Same - Bosch






Millet's Angelus


was THE BOUG a footfag pedO?


I'm not sure why, but there is something about European castles that just gets me. Crenellations and arrow slits, moats and draw bridges.

Aesthetics born of necessary practicality. Which I think is one of the reasons vertical farming interests me so much. The potential aesthetic directions that could be taken are endless.

These obviously aren't works of art, but I can't really think of anything that ever really grabbed me.

Oh, also, anything post modern is cancer and after all the commies are put in work camps we should erase it all from history.


Idk if music counts? But "Do You Hear The People Sing" really hits me in my heart. Always has. Listen to it on the reg when I'm just walking around pretending I'm in some grand revolution where I recapture happiness and levity in my dreams.

One Day.

ya man. A true patrician cunnysseur

a fellow form for function bro

i like it



Lazy clocks


Stand tall and ready, my friend

I have a shitload of fine art but this one always sticks out

I never got this one. What does it make you feel?



>What work of art literally screams (you)?

it's got me surrounded



why are they stealing ideas from The Flash?

Actually, there is some pieces of art that have hit me in the head and heart. But I couldn't name them if I tried.

There is one in particular of endless stairs in every direction, that seem to challenge the laws of physics. Anyone know what I'm talking about?




Polish Art god.

What is that? It's cool

Elliott smith
Pig Destroyer
The works of Philip K. Dick
Favorite movie is tied between Taxi Driver and Network.


Here you go, Praise kek faggots


I..I honestly do not know.





same user. same.

Do you guys just ever look at art and see yourself/wish it was you in the piece? Sometimes I listen to a song on repeat for hours just to run the same fantasy in my head over and over, just so I can live vicariously in the lives of characters I've made up who dance on the lyrics of the songs I'm listening to, watching their lives unfold as I hear each verse. Their whole universe and scenario contingent on the song, modern or classical. I wish I lived a life as deliberate and powerful as the people I've made up. They've fought wars, fought demons, fought other people, made peace, forged alliances, found ways to persevere no matter what.

I'm not really an art fag, but certain pieces of music or art just really make my soul wander. I wish I was as purposeful as whats being depicted or sung about. I feel so lost anymore. I just wanna have a purpose.

allegedly it was Dalis' interpretation on einsteins theory on relatively

personally, i always thought part of it showed the concept of time dissolving, the significance of chronological order eroding, i'd like to think it's a stab at taking time/life seriously hence the surreal landscape


Reminds me of what my grandmother had hanging in the house when i was child, oldschool forsure

Hey guys, am I alone in that when I look at these pictures I see or feel nothing? I mean, when I look at WWII or historical pics, it's a different feeling. I just have no appreciation for this stuff.

Huh.. When you put it like that it actually makes a lot of sense my dude.

Thanks, and nice digits.

'murican painter.


good taste ameribro


Its weird, some people have it and others dont. Some of these that people are really fawning over I have no feelings either way for and I'm sure the feeling would be mutual over the pieces I've fallen in love with for others. Its just interesting to see why it makes other people feel the way it does.

Sometimes appreciating art isn't about appreciating the piece itself, its about appreciating how it makes someone feel.

not a nig nog in the room

Yes, his art. Thank you.



Art that screams me?
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?


also: Arthur Rackham's illustrations of Wagner's Ring

When the muslims rule Europe all of our cutural heritage wil be destroyed.

Edvard Munch captures the existensial horror of modernity.

wew haven't seen this one before

this is also nice