With the declining costs of capital thanks to automation, why don't you own the means of production yet Sup Forums?
>pic related, a 5-axis mill in a desktop form factor
With the declining costs of capital thanks to automation, why don't you own the means of production yet Sup Forums?
>the government is corrupt so we should nationalize all industry giving absolute power to the government
So THIS is the power of marxist brainwashing
because it takes more than owning tools to be successful.
You think this is a marxist thread? kys
>angry socialist.jpg
So THIS is the power of marxist denial.
>Private ownership over means of production, the literal black and white extbook definition of capitalism, is marxist socialism
Way to try and dictate reality to people faggot
True, but the skill floor is lower than you think it is. Modern CAD/CAM has reduced the effort for many products to the point that 2.5D milled products are elementary-school-tier difficulty at most.
>be cryptomarxist
>accuse anyone who notices of gaslighting
So THIS is the power of newspeak
Looks more like a router desu senpai. At best it could maybe cut softer alloys of aluminum and only with very shallow DOC's and low feed rates.
Throw away your printer
Most of what I want to do involves using molds under high pressure. Basically, the higher the pressure, the stronger the resulting metastable substance.
The notion of grinding down my precious polymers disgusts me.
Most of the cheap ones are routers, yes. That one is actually legit: 0.0005" backlash on XYZ, 0.05° on AB. Still limited by torque though, so the tradeoff is size for speed.
Current-generation routers can handle up to some steel, if you're cautious. Definitely not the tool for complex 3D jobs though.
>Cutting any steel on a router
I wouldn't, but people do seem to enjoy fucking up their tools for no reason.
Does it use ballscrews or what?
>sees the words 'means of production'
>must be a marxist
>doesn't think about the words being said
>THIS is the power of newspeak
>Private ownership over means of production, the literal black and white extbook definition of capitalism
Private ownership is necessary but not sufficient for capitalism. Feudalism technically had private ownership, but Marxists do not consider feudalism to be the same as capitalism.
What would I make with that shit plastic? A high quality photo printer would be of more use to me.
Ya cause I'm gonna build the hoover dam out of shitty ABS plastic.
B-but you can make a lame plastic choo-choo train toy with your 3d printer. Surely there is tremendous demand for thousands of those.
I bought a 3D printer for my team at work. We just use it for modeling or making little clips, spacers, and shit.
hey OP why dont you go 3d print a big dildo to fuck yourself with
Lead screws, looks like they thought ball screws would add too much to costs. They did think to do proper preloading on everything though so that helps some.
im legit interested in this.
i own a small lawncare company and i often think of my success as a marxist story. you are always better if you can do your job from first to finish and if you own your tools.
That's machinable wax. The only reason anyone records video of that is because it cuts fast, or they intend to make a cast part with the wax as the positive.
>i own a small lawncare company
lol no
i do its called bitcoin, the tool that can make any machine and buy any service / thing
besides, pic related works much better with proper materials and tools
>Carry this inna glovebox because poorfag
>Get pulled over one day for going 5 over the speed limit
>Cop demands to search car
>They find it
>"Son, is this gizmo some kinda firearm?"
>Instinctively answer, "No, this is Patrick."
>Cop thinks I'm a retard who carries a nerf gun
>Let off with a warning and a stern look of disapproval
A 3D print makes a good start point. Then the real fun begins.