How do you combat depression after swallowing the red pill?

How do you combat depression after swallowing the red pill?

Everything feels so bleak and hopeless now and I have a panic attacks every few days.

you live for yourself

we are ALL doomed

short term: take a deep breath and walk outside
long term: improve yourself. If you do not know how to do that, you are not redpilled

Life is what you make it user, remember that in the end nothing really matters. Just take what you can get out of it.

>claims to be red pilled, hasn't killed self

Like any kind of depression, time.

I had what I like to call system shock about 5 years ago. I swallowed too many red pills too quickly. Was not only gripped by depression but was having regular panic attacks and fight or flight responses. I spend thousands on guns and bug out bags. I basically lost it for a good period of time.

Eventually you just get used to it and the red pills in life just become usual. Interesting, but usual.

You'll be ok in time, fampai.

That, or you'll have a psychotic episode.

Church life

Start fighting the evils that threaten to swallow you. Take up arms against them.

I didn't sleep for a few days after I crossed the void, turn that despair into anger, then turn that anger into an unstoppable force of will. Just think of it like this, we are probably doomed, so are you gonna sit there and sulk, or are you gonna perform to your fullest, work hard and procreate. Get up off your ass and quit feeling sorry for your self user, no one can help us but ourselves.



For me the red pill was an anti-depressant. Many things suddenly made sense and my life got a new meaning. There are bad people to fight against, and good people to team up with.

Read "An Ascension Handbook" by Tony Stubbs.


Hey OP,

In order to make this country again you have to make yourself great. Go for a run and tell me how you feel afterwards. I gets better OP i swear.

just accept that life is shit anyway and mind your business

Why are faggots less resilient these days.
Stand up cunt and act like a man..

Join the Orthodox Church

After the redpill, the next step is the leadpill. Make sure to use the proper applicator.

What can I say? Welcome to the real world. They call it a valley of tears for a reason.

No joke. Happeiness, laughing, for the sake of entertainment. Its all blue pill shit.

Love duty, love adversity. Fight not because you want to live, because you want to leave a legacy, but because the world around you is so fucking profoundly wrong.

Thats no meme. Its the damn truth.

You need to admit to yourself you're so angry. Then you need to not ignore your anger anymore. Your anger is real. Become confident and walk with good posture.

It'll pass and you'll eventually embrace living a life full of hate

>detox from Sup Forums for a while
>turn the depression into anger and energy

Get a gf, get drunk, get high, find God.

Excuse me but I just came back here after not being here since November. Why is Sup Forums like /doc/ now

I laugh a lot.

I appreciate the moments I have for what they are.

>It'll pass and you'll eventually embrace living a life full of hate


It's painful at first, but once you realize the hate you've ALWAYS felt is 100% validated due to the shittiness of humanity, then it's easier to just say "fuck it" and go on with life.

Seriously, going fully redpilled to where I understood the absurdity of modern life made me finally control my brain to stop the manic ADD shit that used to keep me up at night.

Harness the hate for the power of your own good, that's the next step, OP.


I got dumped a month ago and now all I do is watch MGTOW videos

>1 post by this ID

Real good psy op.

Exercise. Stretch. Drink more water.

Depression is only a phase of the redpill, soon you'll be happier than ever.

depression IS the redpill

It's a phase... happens to every polacks at first.

Come back here everyday for about 10 months and after a while you will loose your humanity and wont feel bad anymore

Learning a martial art helps.

Get addicted to learning and lifting. If you're any good at math learn to code, now. If you're not, learn to draw or play an instrument. Use your anger. Do something great. Repeat. Don't expect to be happy all the time.

I've been red pilled for a long time, but I've given up. I saw a couple walking their baby in a stroller earlier, followed about 50 feet behind by a decent looking chick walking her dog. While she was attractive, I knew I was better looking than her. For some reason it annoyed me to think what she does with that dog, while I sit here a single virgin due to chronic shyness, and she expects ME to man up and talk to her, while she probably goes on about wanting equal rights on social media.

I've come to the point where I like seeing hardcore destruction of women in porn and just want to sit on my ass and do nothing. I don't want to hurt people. I don't want to change anything. I just want to sit.

When I have to go outside and talk to people, whenever a woman talks to me, it instantly annoys me, and sometimes I just blurt out a subtle insult. I can't stand them.

I just want to watch women engaging in weird degenerate fetishes in porn and watch the world burn.

I just don't care anymore. Everyone is too brainwashed.

The Jews got me pretty good.

I hope this happens with me. I began a redpill overdose about a year ago (was on Sup Forums 6 years ago or so, quit, came back but to Sup Forums a year ago) and it got worse and worse. I think I've gotten through most of it. me and my gf plan on moving to the southern countryside and starting a big family, so I don't want to be wacked out when I'm raising my kids

>is still breathing.

bantz aside tho, I still find it hard to talk about anything. Like with anyone. I will always naturally go political. It sucks. But just focus on moving ahead in life OP. I know things are bad and It will Happen very soon. The Great Prank. But all we can do as individuals is make square with god and work hard to make life better for us and our friends/families.

Just be a good man, OP. God will sort this all out.


>nihilism meme

Take the varg pill, become a man and a leader. If you are not able to attract a qt traditional waifu you are not yet worthy of one. Do your part and raise a big family in the countryside

Alcohol, watching libs get mad at Trump, owning a dog, displaying your power level and playing Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge

I'd rather watch amateur porn where white married couples both get fucked in the ass by a big black dick while their kids are out at the movies with their friends.

So sick and weird. I look at it in a sadistic way. Their kids are going to be just as fucked up in the head as they are, if not worse.

There's no saving me.

You beleive in the afterlife, user? I took the Atheism pill then came back. I could not handle the Red Pill without Faith.

>How do you combat depression after swallowing the red pill?

If you feel depressed instead of angry you are a cuck/hopeless beta bitch.

The real way to alleviate it is to begin the beta uprising/race war.

smoke weed and lift weights

As I say in every thread take the iron pill.
The first step to improving the nation is self-improvement.

You eventually mellow out, and let the world do its thing, waiting for the happening, waiting with your rifle for the day of the rope.

Until then, sit back, relax, stay calm, secure a comfy life, and wait for the happening.

i could have wrote this, we are in the same boat in the middle of an ocean of pure liquid shit user.
i've dropped it all 10 years ago, and live the hikikomori dream. I'm just a sponge, a sponge who can only absorb sadness, knowledge and redpills.

If you come in France come at my home, we will smoke weed and speak about the mystery school of babylon and mossad did 911 while eating burgers, then we will do morphin.

Dont let the fire burn you, let it temper you.

This. Plus I'm just glad that I'm not just another blind sheep.

You don't, you just get more and more depressed.

I wish I was lying to you.

take the horsepill


take a handful of blue pills. join a church group or something

this is a beautiful quote.

ill let this change the way i feel about struggle from now on

Honestly just take a break from the internet. As hard as that is, sometimes you have to force yourself. I don't know what shape you're in but a hike or camping can help.

I've done a couple of hikes to clear my mind and stay for a few days at a time in an area with little or no internet connection and entertain myself with books in my downtime. It helps when I'm in a rut. Exercising also may help to improve your mental state.

That's just the initial shock. Eventually you will be better off, stronger and not deluded, clearer-thinking with self-confidence, and almost unshockable.

I am currently 18, turning 19 in a week, in a college dorm right now, and typing this on my phone. I swallowed a couple red pills, I use to think the Jews was just a meme. But boy, did I fucking learn it wasn't. This red pill was forced into me
The reason I am typing on my phone is because my laptop charger broke/had a shortage or whatever. I went to (((Best Buy))) to buy a specific charger for my Asus laptop. All of them cost 50-100 dollars. I'm like wtf, then went to a worker and asked if they sell a specific charger for my Asus. Nope, they only sell universal chargers. Fuck it, I grab the cheapest 50 dollar universal charger that says it charges my Asus Laptop. Now, I keep my money in my savings and hardly touch it so I put in like 30 dollars from savings to checking prior this event because I didn't expect they only sell universal chargers. I asked if there was an ATM in here. There was but it didn't fucking work. So my roommate bought it for me and I paid him back when we got to an ATM machine back on campus. Once I get in the dorm, low and behold none of the inputs fit my Asus laptop. My Asus was a different brand apparently. That's fucked up. I doubt I can return the shit either. I'm really starting to think the Jews were behind this because now I don't have internet for the next two days and have to go to the library to finish my homework. That doesn't sound bad, but it shouldn't have to be that way, god dammit.

Francois you clearly haven't taken the spiritual redpill. Think about how others will speak to you when you die, and they know you spent your Living Days soaking in your own cum. Redeem yourself, brother. For all of us.

>off by 1

Maybe I should forget what i said and just off myself now, praise kek

You've sunk into women hating because you're alone all the time. Such a view of women is unhealthy for you.

I know you're just shitposting, leaf. But to anyone that thinks this is possible, it's not. The redpill cannot be reversed. You can push it all the way in the back of your mind, but it will always be there, eating away at your conscious.

No one gives a shit about anyone anymore when they die. No one. Even Sup Forums used to encourage people to commit suicide.

I'm still trying to find a video or story with proof of an absolutely useless beta who lets a big dick stud actually impregnate his wife.

No, kek has blessed you.

Lol I fear this will be my future if I don't stay somewhat positive actually, I already smoke a lot of weed and have enjoyed benzos and moderate amounts opioids in the past.
If I ever got in the habit of crutching anger or sadness with pills or hard drugs I'd be fucked.

Self improvement for your benefit and those around you. Begin the nofap diet and start lifting immediately. If you don't have access to weights or equipment do push ups sit ups and lunges. The boost of testosterone you get from combining these will improve your well being instantly. Disregard feelings and degeneracy. Feelings are for women and nu-males. Real men should be making the best of any situation they are in. Degeneracy is defeatist. Just some advice from one user to another.

Laugh, that is all you can do, just sit back and watch the world burn, we can't do much to stop it, but at the very least we can watch liberals fail continuously after they get egg on their faces. The very same people who are such big advocates for LGBTQRSTBLT's are advocates for Islam being a religion of peace.

It is hilarious to see liberals fail and saying I was right.

You sound like a complete autist. Stop.

Take the anime pill. Take it or you won't survive the redpill. It got the nips through hard times it's for us now

This is gonna sound gay as fuck but bear with me.

Next time you have a panic attack close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and picture yourself in a place of tranquility.

Also work out and start going for walks.

That's blackpill

Get pissed. Turn your frustration into fuel to burn the world.

A braindead retard doesn't turn me on to think about fucking it. Especially stubborn retards who go on incessantly about their rights as they get turned into cum sluts.

Imagining having a relationship with a woman doesn't turn me on anymore. It's like they have no consciousness - every single one I've met.

I get turned on by the thought of seeing them get fucked by massive throbbing dicks - all out and as hardcore, weird, and fetishized as possible.

You leave the serious world behind and be sincere instead. You can either look at everything as being a miracle or meaningless shit. :^) choose wisely. YOLO

>It is hilarious to see liberals fail and saying I was right.
>It's funny to see everything you hold dear decay but atleast be able to say "I told you so!"
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate.
You prepare for war, OP. You work to improve your local community, starting at family level, and then you prepare for improving the world. It cannot be accomplished without a war, and question is not if but when.

Can't cure autism, OP. deal with it.

The redpill is we live in a sick world. But your family will care.

What I mean though is you will meet people in the next life and want to be able to look them in the eye. Im not even saying care, because care is sort of a luxury. But you need to redeem your honor as a man before you die.

you walk away
do normie shit
then you come back because you're addicted to the truth

Youve been lucky to meet good people. as have I user. Its a good feel.

learn how to suck your own dick, senpai

You people act like its such a hard thing to swallow fucking sensitive pussies

when your anger will transform in an ulcer, that transform in a 2cm hole in your digestive system, and you are puking blood you deseperatly need to get rid of your anger, i shit you not.
And protonix, this med saved my life.

This guy has it, you gotta learn to find the humor in everything, it's there, even in the goriest video you can find.

Except dog and cat gore, that shit is just depressing.

You gotta understand that these thoughts you have about women are wrong or very skewed. I genuinely don't believe that you haven't meant a bearable women yet. There are good ones.

Well it's more of the fact that we should let the enemy make as many mistakes as they want, because they wind up alienating normal people who hold similar views due to guilt by association. With each mistake those retards make, and their behavior revealing how unhinged they are is brought more to the forefront due to frustration, average people who may have shared their views become more and more disgusted at what they were a part of.

I've been redpilled for more than a year now and the initial shock really bummed the fuck out of me. I started through the manosphere so most of my angst was on muh womyn and then all the good shit came later.

I'm glad I took the red pill. I like seeing the world for what it is. It really gives you power and an advantage over those who are still plugged in (which is almost literally 99.999% of people you meet).

My point is, it's worth it. Once all your anger and sadness dwindle you start seeing the world clearly and more intelligently. You'll feel more at ease and confident. You'll be 10,000 steps ahead from your average chump. Stay strong, user. I unironically recommend you look up meditation. It's helped me a lot.

Some people have lived relatively easy and carefree lives before being redpilled. They may have been the social, extroverted types. It's understandable that they have a difficult adjustment period.

Outcasts like me who have had a relatively shitty social life and some difficulties, and are introverted take redpills more easily.

I can watch most types of gore but I can't stomach animal abuse too well. It's probably for the best as it reminds me that I still have a bit of humanity and able to feel some empathy.

Calm down user. You're in phase 2 of the redpill. It doesn't go down easy and you'll get very depressed, antisocial, angry, suspicious (like you've taken literal drugs and these are side effects) Its hard. Find a hobby. Learn survival skills, farm, fish, read. Go through it and find something useful to do.

Not worth taking the chance. They cheat on their husbands all the time. All of them. More often than you probably know, and definitely more than they state in studies. I've witnessed it.

It is not worth it, believe me.

His point still stands, though. Finding humor in this shithole we call Earth is one of the few things we've got.

You just sat there and constructed the whole world for yourself,where you shamed the women with the abstract picture your five senses has painted,I am red pilled too but I can't give up my natural duties,since the big bang,men had certain responsibility,we were the driving force of civilization,we built castles and shit,we drove empires,we fought wars and shit.

Since all these years so much progress has been done and you want to stop it with here? just because a bunch of companies are LARPing as god? man up,I know they are putting something in the food which is making us less of a man,but don't give up like that,when you do,they win.

You are in a first world,seriously,you have better resources at your disposal,the only set of people who are conscious about the degradation of humanity is just us,the mere 0.1% autist,we all are chosen one,believe it or not,we are the modern day vikings,the strategy of war has changed,the objective is different.

Millions of them are unaware of this,and if they have different set of priorities,so be it,that's Darwinism,people who can't detect the rising degeneracy and somehow deem it 'cool' have no right to live,desu.

This world needs you,the race of humanity needs you,just because a set of companies tried to infiltrate the natural rhythm,doesn't make us less of man.

Take action,work hard,earn bucks,buy a piece of land,grow food,get cattle and chickens,cut yourself from the corporations.
Don't be so fucking selfish you fucking dick,some people in some part of history took a bullet so that we can have a better life,they didn't thought for a blonde QT giving a fuck about them or not.

Remember this you lose,((they)) win.

lift & nofap you pussy

Do you not now the economy will collapse globally soon?

Buy silver and BTC

Be rich get a cute virgin teen wife

shitskins largely starve normies get bombarded with red pills when their society shatters and they try to figure out why in the information age and go full 1488 on jews

future is pretty bright actually

I remember a long time ago on here, when a new supervisor of a company installed a keylogger on every worker's computer. He said that all the women would argue about who was going to fuck him first - even most of the married ones.

There's your red pill. And it's true. Even married women give out blowjobs like candy for a guy who is in greater authority than their husbands.

There is no point, and it is not worth taking the risk. You're trying to convince someone who doesn't give one flying shit.

Are you me? Basically same thing happened, was afraid to go out in public after all the info I discovered.

Time is absolutely the fix, also if you're drinking heavy cut that out, leads to it.

Red Pill: How to improve yourself.
>Stop masturbating.
>dont be degenerate.
>work out.
>have kids (do not race mix)
>dont trust jews.

And how does Bitcoin saves me asshole?

Work out, lift weights , no porn use. Go outside and do shit.

Fuck, this is me right now. I'm having fun though, I like shooting and ammo hardly ever drops in price. Do you still have the guns?

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?