WTF i hate news now?

WTF i hate news now?

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Maybe because there is a Muslim terror attack every week? Even the most brainwashed libtard is starting to see a pattern


Has to be. Anytime Man, or Mann is in the name, it's a kike name.


Yeah they really should stop reporting on all these islamic terror attacks. That's racist as fuck.

who could be behind this post?

>people who know about things that happen act more appropriately
color me shocked

The news tries its hardest to avoid creating more "islamophobia."

It does the exact opposite.


>Keep up to date and stay informed with world affairs by reading the news.
>Realise many issues are bigger than society admits.
>Understand Islam and mass immigration is in fact a problem.
>Be racist.

It's probably because the news keeps reporting on the rape gangs and terrorist attacks.

I have noticed recently, in the wake of attacks, the discussion has been about "starving the terrorists of the air of publicity".
Which I am taking to mean, "don't report on it so that people don't get increasingly concerned".

>people who live near black people more likely to be racist, study finds

So the "muh peaceful muslims" cucks are actually just uninformed on current events. Imagine that!


What a fascinating coincidence. Its almost like how if you study for a test, you are more likely to pass it.


While I'm tempted to just say "yes, these people have basic pattern recognition" it's more likely to be a demographic thing. Old people read the news. Businessmen and stock traders read the news. Professors probably read the news. Numales do not read the news, they reblog #hashtags. Tumblrites do not read the news, they complain about imagined intersectional attacks on their otherkin demiblack identity. Leftist SJWs do not read the news unless it's Vice, Salon, or some other piece of shit nu-news outlet.

So basically rational (especially older) people who contribute to society are more likely to read the news, while leftists do not. Hence the attitudes.


The problem is the MSM only reports on the negative side, the radicals within Islam who distort the faith. 99.9% of muslim condemn and speak publically against the actions of a group like ISIS but their voices aren't given airtime. Stories which can whip people up into a panic sell newspapers.

what does kek mean by this??? is this a sign?

> People who read about the evil acts muslims do more likely to hate their cult



>Australian normieposting
The worst

What's the positive side of Islam?

On the negative side
>child rape gangs
>child marriage
>welfare scams
>more terrorism

what is the positive side that balances it out?

On the negative side you forgot


Learning from others in a multicultural society is the benefit. Even if I granted what you say is true, which I don't, we would still benefit as a society simply as a consequence of having that multiculturalism.

It was pretty funny in a candid, refreshing and slightly annoying way

Is this guy serious

He's just taking the piss and acting like a soft pooftah cunt

Dead serious mate. I live in Sydney, one of the most multicultural cities in the world. We've lost more people to "Islamic terrorism" in the last 10 years to choking on broccoli. It's a total fucking non issue.

All the news about Islam is fake anyways.

More like choking on cock you fucking faggot

All that negative shit comes from a very small percentage of Muslims. Remember that ISIS' victims are mostly Muslims themselves, the kind that hate what ISIS is doing, who are the majority. There have always been Muslims living peacefully in the US and elsewhere who are decent productive members of society. Don't hate the religion, hate the idiots who try to make it an excuse to be killers and tyrants.

You can see my place in this picture mate. They don't call it the lucky country for nothing.

>reading about muslims doing muslim things will make you wary of the muslims




Isn't the media controlled by da joos to keep us thinking what they want us to think tho

Well it makes sense really. The average person is a dunce whose thinking is riddled with logical fallacies. They think that because terror attacks are usually perpetrated by Muslims that all Muslims must be evil. Same with neoliberals who say anybody who supported trump was an inbred racist religious fanatic fucking white male. The fact is that people are dumbasses who make sweeping generalizations no matter their political affiliation

>Oy vey goy, you need to read more of our news!
>Chutzpah! Reading the (((news))) makes you more islamophobic! Stop being bigoted towards Muslims and not read our news!

The minds of these people have really melted haven't they?

sydney is a shitty gook version of southern california.

How can anyone be phobic of the religion of peace? I don't get it.

lmao nice try bilal, i see how well you can shitpost from lidcombe with your early installed nbn.

The only good muslim is a muslim that doesnt like the whole muslim thing. Has literally no interest in being a muslim.

The good boy muslims that the lefties you are pretending to be come across and talk about as being great because multiculturalism are just being good boys because they are a scummy minority and they feel ok living cucked because they are robbing us for our welfare.

Multiculturism is the worst concept ever fucking spewed out of anyones mouth. Here we have australian culture. You can bring superficial crap like your food and if we like them we will allow them - if you think we should change in any way to help your fucked up beliefs then you can fuck right off back to whatever sharia turdhole you came from.

That's what we kept saying when we civilised all the savages. Learn from us damn you!

>>Just in case

If not a troll, learn about the damn "religion" you moron. Muhammad was a genocidal killer and tyrant warlord, muhammad is Allah's perfect muslim, Allah's perfect human prototype who must be copied in 100% of ways to be 100% muslim. Islam is a political system not a religion dipshit. ISIS and other brutal jihadist killers and sex slave owners are copying muhammad quite well.

that's because mudslimes are savages.
you know there's something wrong when you need to be congratulated for being normal

Central manly here and I think you're a brainwashed piece of shit.

The only reason we're the lucky country is because we used to have a white australia policy.

maybe when the broccoli starts blowing people up you can compare the two you fucking retard

Like pottery.

Is everyone falling for the aussie shitposting INTENTIONALLY?


TFW broccoli comes flying at you 4000 FPS ripping your flesh right off the bone leaving you lying in a pool of your own blood screaming in pain kicking your stumps around while being stood over by a bearded middle eastern that only knows one phrase in english

>Death to America

gives the broccoli mandate a whole new meaning.
Rip scallia peace be upon him.

learning what exactly? serious question.

Here you go McDippy

>News shows how Muslims are responsible for terror attacks
>People start not liking Muslims as much
No shit


so leftist are uninformed ? b b but i thought lefty faggots had a iq advantage ? current events is a section on all real iq test like ones used by mensa

A guy I know never read the paper then went on a trip around africa and the middle east to "show everyone that theyre safe and the media is a liar" so naturally a bomb blew off down the street from him killing 20 people

Why is there no global Islamic peace movement?

The moderates shelter the extremists.

>knowing that muslim niggers are violent problem subhumans who need to be removed is a "phobia"

Most Muslims are inbred and half of them agree with medieval tier policies.

>terrorist attack happens
>it was from another muslim
>muslims don't really give a shit and governments baby them
>people can't speak out against it and governments punish them if they do
>bottles up inside and now have to alter their way of thinking around muslims
>government continues to baby them as they impose their own laws on foreign soils
>"Why are they so angry guys? LOL"

>Learning from others in a multicultural society is the benefit.

Multicultural societies is an oxymoron. In any given society, there can ultimately only be one dominant culture. There may be smaller subcultures around, but those cultures are usually not drastically different and can get along, even if it is a bit begrudgingly.

Muslims do not get along with anything that isn't Muslim. They will fucking kill you. They are oil to the rest of the world's water, they simply do not mix with us, and there is literally no point in trying unless Islam undergoes some kind of reform, which won't happen. Islam is inherently violent and barbaric, traits that do not mix with the West. In western countries, if you have a disagreement with your spouse, you may yell, get angry, break your own property, and maybe if it really is bad enough, get a divorce. What you are not allowed to do is beat her to death or throw fucking acid in her face.

Just because something is not presenting a threat to YOU right NOW does not mean it will not do so later. It's already happening in other parts of the world, in the US and Europe, and you'll probably take some of these cunts in too, and they'll go to a major city, and they will blow something up because Australia is not a caliphate yet.

What's that? Reality makes people islamophobic? Wonder why?

Wow, they didn't even put fake in front of news this time,

Well there is 1 positive thing....

Vice is actually pretty good sometimes. They're the ballsiest reporters.
They had the guy embedded with ISIS. Even the biggest journalism case in years is against a vice reporter refusing to hand over chat logs of him talking to an ISIS fighter, because he wanted to protect his sources. Don't see any rebel reporters in that position

This is a fucking joke, right?

>It's not happening in my backyard hence the problem does not exist

Is this the famous australian shitposting I keep hearing about?

well maybe if Muslims weren't incredibly violent they wouldn't be in the news everyday.

Why is truth always so racist and hurtful?

How do we ban truth?

>people actually believe this

only real positive I found about islam is that shariah forbids usury.
Probably the reason why jews and muzzies dont like eachother

Muslim person spergs out, it is cause of religion. Black person spergs out, it is cause of their race. White person spergs out, mental health issue. Framing matters.

>the MSM only reports on the negative side


let's focus on the good side of a suicide bombing

Chistians forbid usury too.


Neighbour, of course you think multiculturalism is ok when you are in Manly, one of the whitest and wealthiest parts of Sydney. Go traveling a bit and you will learn to value your own culture.
Are you the jallopy with the big refugee welcome signs on his house as you go down the Spit?

Also... Wtf has happened to this board? Half/pol/ seems to be lower in quality than youtube's comment section.

learning about people getting bombed makes you hate the people doing it? who the fuck would have thought

No way that is real

Good point. Something like that would never happen in the Bible.

They are Islamophilic.

They suffer from islamophilia - the irrational love of Islam - so they are blind to anything negative about it.

>if people get informed of sandnigger behaviour, they tend to not like them

Holy fuck Sherlock, it never would have occurred to us

Learning how to blow yourself up is not seen as a good thing you stupid cunt

Old Testament Jews is not Christianity.

Since lefties require pop culture analogies to grasp concepts: The Hobbit is not Lord of the Rings.

>irrational fear
>increases with knowledge

Really makes me chin wiggle..

What timeline are you living in?
Obviously not the one in which,any time there is a muslim terrorist attack, all sections of the media go into notallmuslims lock down mode and start posting random feel good Islam stories

>people informing themselves about Islam less prone to spread their buttcheeks for it

You don't say

Have a (You) for the effort

>99.9% of muslim condemn and speak publically against the actions of a group like ISIS

No they don't, there was thousands of example during Charlie Hebdo attacks from muslims, even in France, cheering for ISIS.

Nice city user, it would be a shame if it was filled with hostile savages


See, this is the problem. All these right wing fake news outlets publish distorted news to incite racial and religious hatred.
They should be banned. Islam is a peaceful religion and 99% of muslims are NOT terrorists. Only a tiny radical minority are



I wonder if that has to do with the whole terrorism thing?

>child marriage

I want normies to leave

>People who have even a basic idea of what's going on are less likely to fall for Islam's bullshit

Imagine that.

There are millions of "moderate" muslims out there who fully support ISIS and their actions.

You should see mudshits partying like crazy on social media everytime a terror attack happens.

>Le small minority meme

so fucking retarded