ITT ask a Zionist, right wing- Israeli born Atheist Jew who believes in US supremacy anything.
Pic related, feminism is destroying the west.
ITT ask a Zionist, right wing- Israeli born Atheist Jew who believes in US supremacy anything.
Pic related, feminism is destroying the west.
Is it true jewish women lust over goy sperm?
I doubt categorically but some do, for sure.
Explain how you believe in both Zionism and US supremacy.
Thoughts on western jews that don't want to immigrate to Israel? Are they real (((jews))) or just )))jews((( ?
Zionism is the right for Israel to exist in opposition to Arab interference.
However, I do believe the US should cut any aid to Israel that isn't beneficial ( directly) to US interests.
In other words, the US spent trillions $ in an attempt to make Iraq a staunch Ally to US interests post-pan arab movement that the soviets launched,
I support the Iraq war ( on WHY it was waged just not HOW) because it destabilized relics of the cold war.
In Israel ( INB4 muh greatest ally) there is a less financial strain on the US and to some extent a moderate beneficial exchange in advancements in technology. In other words the Iraq war ended up being parasitic to the US and potential beneficial for the Iraqis while the Israel/US relationship remains moderately balanced.
I view Israel as a launching pad for US intelligence that Iraqi potentially could have been, minus the lives/money.
If they're American supremacists they should remain in the US to destroy the far-left.
If I wasn't born in Israel i wouldn't care about it outside the realm of being a potential tool of the US against Islam.
Jews of any nation should have allegiance to said nation ( unless in a Muslim nation) as priority 1 or leave.
1. isn't it good for jews to have feminism help destroy the west?
2. What is with the attempt to destroy western nations with sending them the muslim hordes?
3. Why should the jews get their own state when they want to destroy everyone else's?
4. hol up... the pan arab movement was started by the jewsih soviets?
5. what's with all the jewish hypocracy? what gives?
6. why are israelis supporting isis? isn't that insane?
7. why should we allow israel to exist if they have expansionist ambitions for greater israel?
Why should the US keep funding either country through foreign aid, especially Israel which is clearly not in need?
How do you rationalize continuing to send taxpayer dollars halfway across the globe?
>what's with all the jewish hypocracy? what gives?
Let's start with this question because it brings up a good point.
You're highlighting the fact that Jews aren't a monolithic, hive minded bloc. In Israel they have been battling against the left that wants to do the same to Israel as it advocates to Europe in regards to importing sand niggers.
>hol up... the pan arab movement was started by the jewsih soviets?
This is another good question. See point 1) There isn't a monologue in Jewish circles. Especially in Ashkenazi VS Miz.
>why are israelis supporting isis? isn't that insane?
Honestly, I read Israeli news a few times a week and I haven't seen this in Hebrew. It's the first time. Most of us mock ISIS like anyone else.
I can see the historic appeal of several groups and Israel supporting them in Syria because Syria ( like Iraq) is the last remaining relic of the cold war and it should fall.
However, like the US supporting AQI/Taliban I think IF Israel is supporting ISIS its a HUGE mistake.
Western powers generally have too little foresight regarding the inevitable outcome of Islam and the fanatical following it has.
>why should we allow israel to exist if they have expansionist ambitions for greater israel?
I think "eretz Yisrael" is something more common in the insane religious sects of the Israeli government.
It's Israels version of Americas "Manifest Destiny"
If the funds the US gives are not directly in someway for US interests it should cut funding in those sectors.
I disagree with a blank check to Israel just like I disagree with tax payers giving a free ride to illegals in the US.
America First. Literally.
>tfw your fetish
LOL sick fuck
>7. why should we allow israel to exist if they have expansionist ambitions for greater israel?
Why not?
(They don't, if they did, they would have kept the Sinai instead of giving it back)
>its kikes that encourage feminism...are kikes cucks by nature?
Can I convert to Judaism without getting the dick snip, in some hippie sect?
Don't bother. Why would you want to? I think reform does some weird shit where they prick your dick but it still wont count in Israel which is Ironic because Israel allows anyone who has one Jewish grandparent from either side to immigrate.
Why the fuck would you want to convert?
Nice pic op - Frankston, Suburb of Melbourne. Grew up there. Has always been some prime pussy in the area, ready to go. Not really your feminist type of suburb.
It's literally retarded Kikes that do it. Seriously, no normal Jew even likes them.
It was just a hypothetical
Did you know globalist kikes are going to destroy Israel to demoralize Christians who still believe physical Israel matters?
Passover is next week. I'll trade spots with you.
Australia, you never cease to disappoint me in your shit posts.
Why would you want my spot?
So I don't have to be at passover and you'd have to be.
"your spot" as in not being at a seder meal.
Was Meir Kahane right?
Did Baruch Goldstein do anything wrong beyond not killing more Amalekites than he did?
Will the Temple ever be rebuilt on Mount Zion?
for your first two, I'm not religious and don't care about the Kahanist.
Outside of Goldstein shooting sand niggers ( which is good) I don't care why he did it, it's good he did.
Would you prefer to be ashes or fertilizer?
Trick question - you don't get a choice, and you're going to be both.
>Holocaust never happened
>reference holocaust to mock Jews
Sure thing.
That's not feminism just good Australian binge drinking culture. The British and the Kiwis are also infected with it.
These girls probably had at least 5 litres of wine between them before coming into town, and then ordered shots. Now they think it's funny to piss on the social services building.
I guess in a way it's feminism, because they're trying to keep up with the lads. But it's definitely drinking culture that's the problem here.
Zionism is destroying the west, not feminism. Being pro-zionism is being pro-refugees. You believe in removing muslims from middle East and moving them to Europe so Jews can have ME for themselves. You don't fool me, you're filth, just as much as leftist Jews. Don't worry though, you get to visit a gas chamber too.