
this faggot thinks he is funny
he has no talent and needs to be told this
in the comments youtube.com/watch?v=_zHCK81I_Eo

>but user why should i give a shit and hate the guy

reasons to hate number 1 he's a Satanist
2. he laughs off pizzagate
3. he defends spirit cooking
4. he's an alt lite civic fag
5. he "likes" 15 year old kids

Other urls found in this thread:


6. he advocates abortion

Does he really look like that? I need an adult :(

7. he is bisexual

7. Minecraft


More classics by the Styx.

8.molests cats

9. does minecraft let's plays

10.looks like a bum

11. Dresses like the lead singer of Winger

12. he thinks its halloween every other day
and does a retarded occult video

13. Gives garden update vlogs

make your own youtube channel then

Fuck off Styx

14. lives with his mom

not styx, don't even like most of his shit, but it's wack as fuck that you user pussies are too afraid to make a channel because you're probably too dumb and stunted to talk for more than 20 seconds without cracking and sinking into yourself to the point of tears

15. Knits his own socks

sup shareblue

implying the fat civnats on 4/pol dont

Never seen someone so mad about country music being BTFO


>wack as fuck
Whatever you say bro...

16. literally believes he has magic powers
and that he can summon his bestest
bum chum stolas the demon

I dress just like this.

How am I supposed to look nice on $40k a year?


That's about all
Peace out

lol fag

>not styx

Nice try, but I am on to your tricks styx. THE BURNING DAYS WILL COME AGAIN


Ya he has made a living talking out of his ass.

>Whatever you say bro...
you just yielded to my supremacy
bend over

Stop buying your clothes at the same store you get your car battery.

17. Hardcore Vegan

Has styx finally lost it?


>being this angry over an eceleb
kill yourself, faggot.

>more anti-Styx shilling
Styx is one of /our guys/


And what do you fags do? Post on an anonymous image board for shits and giggles expressing your hate for jews,fags, and niggers with no impact on the grand scheme of things just spouts of bullshit like "MEH WE GOT TRUMP IN DA WHITE HOUSE" or "WE DID BREXIT!!' Fucking stop with this already. You're all a joke. Atleast youtubers like styx and molymeme actually have a platform and making their voices heard. What the fuck are you doing?? Nothing.

18. he likes cross dressing

Jesus you're right youtubers are the last hope for mankind they are literally saving the world

your memes are really bad, on the level of shareblue/CTR, try a little harder

And Sup Forums is better?

>Their voices heard
Yes..to the same Mongolian basket weaving forum we post on for shits and giggles. Faggot

19. he likes varg vikernes

Stop it.

19. Wears a jacket with no shirt underneath

You really think their audience is only this website lel

my maymays are epic bro



oh look you shills improved your tactics a little

20.only eats mre packets sent to him from subscribers like a bum begging for food

Between here and cripple chan I'd say yes about 99% of his subs.

>it's another anti-Styx shill thread
Get a life instead of spamming here about some random Vermonter who makes YouTube videos

cripplechan always complains about e-celebs

and no, they're aren't, his comments look a lot different from here

Have you seen the comment sections on his videos? Half the comments have pepe avatars or odal / black sun. I think Sup Forums gives him over half his views

21. Combs his hair with a broadsword

You can tell OP is a jew.

He's literally cancer.

We're in control now.

Shalom, now bend over amerilard.

ahh so the hate finally comes poring in I guess it means hes doing something right

>Wack as fuck
Please leave you fucking good for nothing nigger.

Really? I couldn't tell with all the pepe avatars and (((jew))) symbols. Fuck off leaf

You know you've made it when some faggot makes fun of you on Sup Forums everyday

Nah faggot I have a job and too busy to fucking make youtube videos like your boyfriend's Styx
I'm only on pol a few minutes a day now to troll dumbasses like you.

Come at me bro!

Implying a fucking leaf knows what's good or not.
How's that anti free speech laws going for you?

>muh leaf more jew D&C

nigger, the last time a nig used "wack as fuck" was like 1975

yeah 100% is pepe and (((jew))) comments

those are just people who arent afraid to comment, I'd say the other half are normies, and yes you do find basic bitch conservative comments

>too retarded to budget free time
So you admit you're worthless? If you can't contribute to youtube than leave Styx alone.

get a life instead of defending a retard who is trying to normalize Satanism

There is literally nothing wrong with styx

Thanks for confirming you are a fucking jungle bunny. Nasty fuck. I'm sorry boy but you don't belong here. We unironicly hate your fucking kind here

If you can't handle a little edge get what in the actual fuck are you doing here?

>not even the same guy


oi vey its a faygala
get out of my thread

Lol why spend time making videos on YouTube anyways. YouTube isn't god, boy. You probably like faggots like Steven Crowder and sargon.

ah yes so it is shills pushing this "europoor/leaf" shit kek

22.has a pickle dick

I bet you donate to the pay-tree-on too.

23. Puts ketchup on hotdogs.

With all this attention it's almost as if you have a thing for him user

Yeah I donated about $50 to him last week. At least I'm actually contributing to the economy and supporting civic nationalism.

You're just a pathetic neet fuccboy probably.

>Everyone is a fucking shill
This place is a fucking mess ever since the election ended and Reddit faggots migrated here. What fucking point would it make for other entities to pollute this place with shills?
News flash you fucking retard, there are no shills, Sup Forums just has the easiest posters to troll. You guys are paranoid like a fucking marijuana smoker, why the fuck do you think everyone hates Sup Forums except literally /mlp/?? LMFAO. I'm sure OP doesn't give a shit about Styx and is just trolling you. No, wait actually, yes that's exactly what he is doing.

Here's a rare pepe just because I feel bad you guys are worshipping a fucking frog.

woah you dont?

You are the worst

What the fuck?

sadly I'm not his type
I'm not 15 years old

>contributed to the economy
You're fucking dense. I bought a pack of gum today and contributed more to the economy than you dumping money into his bank account.

Damn dude that was pretty harsh. Maybe go easier. People have feelings

The fucker is probably hoarding his wealth like a fucking (((((((Jew)))))))

Proof all leafs should hang

wtfffffff hahaahahah

new copypasta

Newsflash fag, shills do exist no matter how much you try to tell people they don't, especially on 4cuck. Don't act like one if you don't want to be called out. And half the time it's banter. But I think you can figure that out.

>you guys

so you are shareblue

Reason 1488: Said Kalergi had malevolent motives then deleted the video after getting ripped apart in the comments

he actually looks better as a trap

I'm sorry man. ): But yeah seriously, shills are just a myth. Ctr was definitely real but there's no point to shill anymore. This place HAD alot of influence but now it doesnt.
The only things that happen are we get raided or trolls attack.
Shareblue is a meme.

Well I'm going to sleep. BTW, Styx is supposingly hacked. Check his last video and the comments. The thumbnail is just his subcount at 111,111

Not hacked lmao, he just wants people to troll an IRC.

i think you mean benevolent

>no point to shill

this place is more "extreme" than what is in the mainstream dumbass. Of course there is.

lol yes i do


Another day another Shill

So what if it is more extreme? What fucking difference does it make?
>Hurrdurr they don't want our edgy shit posting becoming mainstream
Sorry to tell you this user but the world isn't compiled of fucking retards like the majority of this board is, or at the least becoming.

When someone posts a shareblue url with news does it not occur to you that it's just a person trolling the shit out of Sup Forums? Its likely that it fucking is because this place believes the whole internet is out to get them, especially fucking shareblue. I'm just saying it's extremely easy to troll this place, and the majority of posters believe it's freaking shills.
Ok there are shills, lol yes I was shilling that there aren't shills, but definitely not as many as the fucking election

Really... Pick somebody on the left for a fight and leave styx alone.

>So what if it is more extreme? What fucking difference does it make?

uh i dunno maybe (((people))) not wating what a lot of people on Sup Forums want?

Right now the US is gravitating towards civic nationalism. The most shilled threads on here are ones about ethnonationalsim and serious conversations.