barbary slave trade (driven by arab shitskins) was much worse
many slave ships used during the atlantic slave trade were jewish-owned, and the people who sold the slaves to whites were largely arab, jewish, etc.
barbary slave trade (driven by arab shitskins) was much worse
many slave ships used during the atlantic slave trade were jewish-owned, and the people who sold the slaves to whites were largely arab, jewish, etc.
Other urls found in this thread:
>that faggot down the street did it so i can do it
nice slippery slope
white christians founded the fucking abolitionist movement
I guess one thing I can contribute to my own thread is this
He's saying terrorism has no religion. Except, RIGHT NOW, terrorism is largely islamic. If everything he listed about christianity was valid, that was still all in the past, and none of it is happening anymore.
>thing literally everyone else was doing at the time.
Also when was the last time a protestant blew away a shopping mall?
He's right though. Shitstianity has also been a depraved terror cult for many many centuries arguably with more devastating effect than Pisslam
all in the past
That's not how Twitter dm's look. You can use any "fake a text" app to make what's played look real.
It's just like the shit threads, sage and move on. Unless you want to argue with another LARP'er, who's bat shit crazy. On that case is urge you to get a job and a life.
Linda Sarsour replied to this.
Holy shit. All of his examples are terrible.
I also love how the atheists apologized to him. Holy fuck.
You can't hold people responsible for the actions of their group in a time where they had no say in the matter, we can hold muslims, Imams, community leaders, and theocracratic regimes accountable for the actions of Muslims today.
The kkk has less than 7000 members, it's a false equivalent.
Anytime anyone dodges a question or uses a historical injustice to justify the wrongs of the present knows they're wrong and seeks to deflect. Jews do this to btw
>Trans Atlantic Slave trade
That's the first time I heard the TAS was made to convert heathens and not for economic necessity.
>Manifest Destiny
Was done in the name of nationalism in order to spread American democracy
>Iraq War
Again, done in the name of democracy, not Christ
>Third Reich
Poo in loo someplace else
>Iraq war
>for democracy
Funny way to spell Israel friend
>The KKK still exists
~3,000 people. They were brutal back in the day but right now even the Westboro Baptist Church makes bigger headlines and they haven't done anything in a long time.
Obama killed more Muslims in 8 years than the KKK killed of blacks in their whole history kek
Barbary slave trade, Fatimid, Abbasid, Ayyubid, Ummayad and Rashidun Caliphates, the Ottoman Muslim slave trade, there's also this.
>there were enormous amounts of Sassanian and Arab Christian casualties.
Basically all the blood flowed into a river which was connected to a bread mill, the muslims at bread made with Christian blood.
They are sick shits.
So what you're really saying is Obama was secretly /ourguy/.
To add if he really wanted historical examples of Christians being terrorists he should point out some of the shit Spain did during it's conquest of the Americas or the Inquisition but he's a retarded sandnigger so it's not like he's smart enough to think critically.
The point is it wasn't a holy war in the name of Christ.
>it's ANOTHER reddit thread
>muzzies are violent now
>christians were violent hundreds of years ago
Muslims killing other Muslims doesn't make them /ourguy/s senpai they do it every day
>Let's go back and pull up medieval history when everyone, including and especially the Muslim world, were violent and brutal shits
we are talking about 2017
>Hitler wasn't Christian
>Christians had no say then but all Mudslimes apparently do now
>“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a
fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded
by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and
summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest
not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian
and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord
at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the
Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight
against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with
deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact
that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As
a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have
the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice…
Pretty sure the overarching lesson here is that mixing drastically different cultures is always a recipe for terrorism and genocide.
Howsabout you pass a nice Christian ban to keep all the big bad Americans out of all your Islamic hellholes, and we finally put in a real Muslim ban to keep you out of our countries. Sounds like a win-win.
The reason there still are niggers in America is because Christians was kind enough to not LITERALLY CUT THEIR BALLS OFF like the muslims did with their nigger-slaves.
Christians ended slavery. Every muslim wife is a fucking slave.
God damnit, I can't for the muslim uprising. They have no idea what they're gonna unleash.
The Fatimid Caliphate with the help of Jews burned down a holy site in Jerusalem, the Church of Holy Sepulchre.
Muslims are scum and they try to justify their modern day bullshit rather than condemn it and it says a lot about their character, they would rather deflect, deny, excuse than admit they have a problem, their refusal to admit the problem leaves the problem unsolvable.
They can burn in hell.
>People die of disease
Why do shit skins try and pull this one? The plagues that have historically devastated Europe have ALL come from the east. Is the same for Native Americans and Aboriginals.
>Antonine Plague 165–180
>Originated in Iraq
>Plague of Justinian 541–542
>Originated Egypt
>Black Death 1346–1353
>Originated in Asia/India
Hitler said a lot of stuff at different points during his political development. Natsoc is not an explicitly Christian political ideology in the way that ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood are explicitly Muslim. Natsoc Germany was allied with the pope, used some Christian and pagan iconography, sure. Enough material for a sophist to run with and dupe some uninquisitive people (like you) but in reality these are apples and oranges. Hitlers ideology was one of blood, soil, and racial purity. Christianity doesn't teach these things, in fact Christian Universalism is a major factor in the west becoming so deracinated in the 21st century
3000 is also the number of lynching murders in all US history. That's like one year of Chimpago murders.
Slavery more or less still exists in the modern Arab world.
What I have been saying for years. Thank you and agreed.
7th Century
>Khalid wipes out Jazima
>Umar conquers Jerusalem turning Christian and Jews into Dhimmis
8th Century
>kill 26,000 hindus at Sind
>enslave 7,000 greeks at Ephesus
>slaughters Armenian nobles
9th Century
>Amorium enslavement begins
>Egyptian christian revolt over Jizya
>new churches in the muslim lands are destroyed
10th Century
>22,000 enslaved at Thessalonica
>Seville christians are massacred
>30,000 churches are destroyed in Egypt and Syria
11th Century
>6,000 jews in Morocco killed
>Jews in Cordoba are massacred
>4,000 jews in Granada are killed
>Hindustan attacked - 15,000 killed, 500,000 are enslaved
>Armenia and Georgia are invaded
12th Century
>Yemen - jews and christians are given the option to convert or die
>Granada christians are deported to Morocco
>India gets the convert or die - at least 20,000 more enslaved
13th Century
>Buddhist monks are murdered in India
>Buddhist nuns are raped in India
>Christians are mass murdered in Damascus and Safed
>Jews are mass murdered in Marrakesh
>Jews are forced to convert in Tabriz
14th Century
>Riots in Cairo lead to church burnings
>Tamerlane goes ballistic on Indians killing over 100,000
>Another 30,000 are murdered elsewhere in India (independent of Tamerlane)
>Tughlaq takes 180,000 slaves
15th Century
>Tamerlane wipes out 700 villages in India
>Tamerlane wipes out Nestorian and Jacobite Christians in Iraq
>Constantinople destroyed
16th Century
>Tamerlane's son goes on a temple destroying spree in India
>Indian women commit mass suicide to avoid rape and sexual slavery
17th Century
>any jews left in Yemen and Persia are forced to convert
>Greek christians are forced to convert
>Zoroastrians are now being wiped out in Persia
>Akbar kills 600,000 in India
18th Century
>Jews of Jedda are expelled
>Jews of Morocco are massacred
>Zoroastrian persecution gets worse
>Hindu persecution gets worse
I believe that "show me the Christian equivalent to ISIS" is asking for a CURRENT comparison...not something 100 years in the past. Show a Christian group that's beheading people now, in this day and age...can't do it. Doesn't exist.
It's ISIS and the narco cartels...that's it.
Fuck all you mudslimes.
19th Century
>Jews of Baghdad are massacred
>Jews in Iran are forced to convert
>250,000 Armenian christians are wiped out in Turkey
>Zoroastrians are completely wiped out in Iran
>Zoroastrians in Persia are wiped out
20th Century
>1,000,000 Turkish Armenians are slaughtered in Jihad
And I didn't include any "islamic" terrorism as we now know it. Or they rampant hate boner for universities/libraries.
Islam has destroyed more knowledge than any other demographic.
They don't see it as a problem, the average muslim would be happy to discover the west had been conquered and raped to death, converted or exterminated by their religion. Kids and grandmothers in the Muslim world even feel strongly this way, it's not even hard to get them to admit it to random western pollsters. They're proud of it .
>Kebabs try and whataboutism while ignoring the fundamental text and role models as usual
Imitating jesus you get something akin to ghandi, imitating Mohammed you get ISIS
This is a textbook example of liberal sophist bullshit. This is what is called gish gallop. Where you respond by providing excessive amounts of induvidually weak points that can be debunked but they are strung together in order to make the conclusion appear stronger than it really is.
This technique puts the opponent in the position of having to either concede or provide an essay length response to deconsruct the gish gallop. Or hopefully by staying keen to liberal trickery, call them out on it.
Indeed, but you get this faggot on the twitter saying.
Burn them all.
None of what he said are connected -- in any way -- to a single religious identity whose holybook justifies the acts.
What's more, is he's talking about shit that happened literally hundreds of years ago, ISIS and radical Islam are problems RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
>christians acted like savages in savage times
>muslims act like savages in le current year
really makes me think
>slavery as a Christian, not a capitalist thing
>slaughtering Natives as a Christian, not nationalist thing
>Australian aborigines as people
Let's call everybody who shoots deer a terrorist, too, then
>Christian violence in Africa
Completely legitimate argument, though this is not something that's happening in the West. The problem here is that Muslims see themselves as one civilization, and therefore see Christendom as a single unit as well, whereas most people in the U.S. don't even know where CAR is.
>single largest terror threat
Not sure whether this is saying Christians, the alt-right, white males, sovereign citizens or some other thing that isn't true, but who cares, let's leave that to another thread.
>George Bush
This is the real reason why they're attacking us, but to say that neocohenism is really a Christian thing because George Bush invoked god in front of brainwashed proles is like saying they're American nationalists because they fly flags and play "O, Beautiful for Spacious Skies" before their canned speeches. Capitalism is why the middle east is a slaughterhouse, it's not Jesus's fault.
>The KKK
Now this actually is a nationalist organization. This is Protestantism as Anglo-Saxon identity. Their primary target of worship is the white man, Christ is just seen as part of his culture... And the KKK really just doesn't fucking do anything, desu.
All in all, only the thing about Christian violence in Africa is legitimately worthy of being looked at and blamed on Christian religion, but with that being the case the fucking slimes can go blow up the niggers' huts. Why are you squashing Londoners and raping Swedes over that?
just because a text is long, don't make it true
all of those can be disavowed with Christianity though, "love thy neighbour" is not a thing in Islam
>I condemn ISIS
Allied nations try to destroy ISIS
"Moderate Muslims" justify attacks because of bombings in Iraq and Syria.
>we peace tho don't you dare say we're not!
The hypocrisy of Shitslamics is amazing as well.
>only looks at the negatives of Christians
>benefits of Christianity outweigh them 10:1
>society as we know it exists because of Christianity
>thinks you can argue this when Islam has only negatives
Also, that faggot made up his own factoids with half-truths. We didn't buy slaves that their ancestors sold to "save them"...
We bought them to save money.
Why can't I stop laughing?
theres no point to show a liberal anything against their beliefs. its too late
the muslims were killing 400 years ago and they're still doing it now.
Bill Warner will fucking educate you.
Wow its almost like Christianity has reformed or something. Question is why should we let muslims settle their differences on our lands? They can spill each others bloods on their lands and if they reform their barbaric religion maybe they can come over. (Actually they can still stay there)
You know the Nazis were in bed with muslims all throughout the war and practiced wiccan shit that makes spirit cooking look like d&d.
Stormfags are fucking retarded.
It is, but "thy neighbor" means "thy neighbor" not "people in other fucking countries and on the other side of planet earth".
And "love thy neighbor" can be interpreted to violent ends.
>If I loved my neighbor, wouldn't I want him to have eternal salvation? I must force his conversion, or kill him to save those neighbors who can be saved.
>If I loved my neighbor, would I let false doctrines be preached in his vicinity?
>arguably with more devastating effect than Pisslam
not even kind of, friend
>100 years
We need one of these "screeching" memes for the middle east/muslims.
>another "everyone I disagree with gets called a stormfag so I don't have to argue my failing viewpoints" post
The bible differentiates between your neighbor, brother and enemy.
Your enemies do not get the same kindness and simple love your brothers and neighbors get. Enemies get tough love. People misinterpret how Christian people love one another. Righteous people get precious, good, love. Evil people get tough love.
I love how so many people automatically assume because someone is Christian they have to bend over backwards for every person who challenges their love.
>depraved terror cult
>this is coming from someone who can't decide which god to worship, and can't use a toilet
One step at a time pajeet.
>400 years of the African slave trade.
Lol, when? From 1400 until 1800, or is he just repeating modern black propaganda: 400 years of muh bad treatments.
Or did he mean 1400 years of the Arabic slave trade from 600ad until just last Tuesday?
>Or did he mean 1400 years of the Arabic slave trade from 600ad until just last Tuesday?
muzzies started the slave trade, treated them far far worse, and continue it to this very day in some areas
>tslking mostly out my ass prove me wrong/right
america still has slavery they just call it student loans and right to work
>s arguably with more devastating effect than Pisslam
Islam has prevented a host of nations from becoming civilised. Please.
yet another word that has lost all meaning thanks to kikes and niggers
No poo&loo u don't get to seize the highground here.
>events that happen over random periods of time by completely different people/groups is somehow 1:1 equivalent to a group of like minded terrorists
>slave trade
Already established by Arabs by the time westerners got involved. Whites ended slavery and Islam still accepts it today.
>Genocide of Native Americans
This didn't happen. Vast majority of death was disease related. Mass killings did occur, but it wasn't anuddah shoah in scale, scope or purpose.
>George Bush
Scraping the bottom of the barrel there, nobody saw it as a divine action, it was pure opportunism and the country spent billions and a decade trying to get the fuck out, not occupy it.
>KKK still exists
Hasn't been relevant for half a century. It exists in the same way Gayniggers From Outer Space is a movie.
>I also love how the atheists apologized to him. Holy fuck.
This is an ongoing schism in atheism.
The SJWs tried coopting it like they do everything else. They are obviously not atheists as should be apparent from the fact they go out of their way to defend and promote religion, specifically one religion - Islam.
I have no fucking idea how this came to be, but their leftism trumped reason and then Islam trumped atheism and they're essentially preaching Islam to the general public in the most retarded useful idiot terms of "#notallmuslims" and "Islam is peace".
All the big name atheists these same people applauded 10 years ago for attacking Christianity are or were critically opposed to Islam as well.
Dawkins has them so buttfrustrated they have to call him an alt-righter (even though he's a retarded refugee sympathetic lefty) in spite. All because he stays consistent and says Islam is a religion and thus bad, but not only that, it's the worst religion today (as any idiot can see).
Hitchens had plenty of things to say about Islam being awful and we lost a good voice when he died.
Harris attacks Islam so consistently he's gone from being a rightwinger to alt-righter to being compared to Hitler. Again he's probably a leftist, maybe a centrist at most.
SJW politics is just with them or not.
Those people weren't real Christians, real Christians don't do those things
Slavery, war and genocide have nothing to do with Christianity
If I click on this will I get put on a watchlist? no
Anyone want to buy a twitter from 2013 with 14k right-wing followers, including a couple dozen celebrities and TV figures? Some tweets have 2-6k retweets.
Throw a litecoin or bitcoin offer.
>everything white people ever did was in the name of Christ and is written out in the bible
w r o n g
>genocidr of native americans
That was Spaniards read hispanics
>slavery and slave trade
Blacks and whites did it together, alsso arabs were involved
>australian genocide
Killing criminals is bad? Islamists cut hands and kill for lesser crimes that they did
>392 white terrorist attacks
School shootings aint terrorism. Nobody told them to do it, terrorist attacks are preplanned and someone is instructing them.
I fucking hate Islam more then anything. Id like to hear about the ottoman conquests all around europe what he would have to say about them. They were muslims after all and few british crusades wont balance hundreds of their ill deeds. Also, the fact that he has to go dig to history just proves that mudslime wrong, he cant name recent stuff at all since it doesnt exist.
Sweden YES
>400 years a slave
this guys just throwing out fake news factoids, that any sort of research into the subject proves to be laughably misconstrued.
>transatlantic slave trade
Mudslimes did worse and enslaved both whites and blacks. Literally would raid towns especially in the Caucauses for sex slaves. The Janissaries were Christian slaves.
>Injun genocide
The redskins were never genocided. There was no active genocide policy. Most were dead by the time America was really a thing due to disease (with no proof disease was intentionally spread; literally one letter references smallpox blankets as a possible tactic and that's it).
They're not even human.
Nothing to do with Jesus, instead the greedy interests of lots of companies that stood to make a lot of money from war combined with Dubya wanting to finish what his daddy couldn't. Any "GOD TOLD ME" bullshit was just that: bullshit justification to sell to the Evangelical culture warrior tards.
Only a few thousand members, don't do any terrorist shit anymore, most of them are Feds spying on other Feds.
The very first point is dead wrong and therefore I won't even bother with the others.
The whites didn't even put them into slavery the blacks did and whites purchased them.
Had nothing to do with religion either they just needed cheap farm equipment.
The Spanish Inquisition as perceived is largely the invention of Protestant slander. Torture was used in pretty much every court in Europe and the whole power mad sadist torture shit has no basis in reality. In the entire history of the Inquisition (which was centuries long), maybe about 1500-3000 people died.
Well said user.
"You Muslims invented the African slave trade in the 700s and didn't formally end it until the 20th century. The Saudis even attended queen Elizabeth II's coronation with black slaves in yheir entourage. You even had a massive slave revolt that would make Haiti pale in comparison during the zanj rebellion, lasting decades. You don't have many if any black people in the middle east these days because unlike the westerners, you castrated all your slaves. It took Europe to force you to stop slaving, especially since you slaved the shit out of Europeans for centuries. Not to mention that this is all history and I'm speaking to contemporary issues alone, but even with history accounted for, you're still arguably worse than christianity by a mile. At least Christianity spread via trade and missionary missions. Islam spread by conquest. So shut the fuck up"