Why are indians so dumb?
Why are indians so dumb?
Can someone just give me an explanation? Why? They have plates don't they? Who's picture is that man holding?
Give them 3 more years
that's actually very smart
you don't have to do the dishes and you can use the street dogs for the final cleaning if there's any leftover
Pay debts
It's called mannu-sooru and they did it because the Chief Minister of the state (kinda like the senator of the state in the US?) fell ill. I forgot the exact reasoning behind it, but it's basically being done to wish her good health.
To add to this, 'mannu sooru' literally translated means mud/sand rice. (in other words, the ground)
>Normal, sane people would send a "get well card"
>Indian: let's contract some nasty parasite from eating where we shit
Trust me, most Indians think that this shit is disgusting too.
that wet stain on the concrete is from poo isn't it
I'm ethnically indian, but damn, I'm glad for indentureship. I am really happy I don;t live in India. Because of my job I have visited.....and it made me even happier that I don't live there
It's from the pee pee
Wish my ancestors were indentured too.I'm sure the pajeet posters will come on here soon and attack me but goddamnit I really wish India wasn't such a shithole. I absolutely despise the people back home too.
Aside from my disgust, I was equally disappointed. The topography was amazing, the ancient architecture, the landscape, the fauna. It really has the potential to be first world, from income from tourism alone. But, like everything, third world mentality makes a country third world status, not geography.
For a lack of better words, they have to get their shit together and quit shitting over everything.
I'm a bit old fashioned, I want to kick back and probably build a nice stone cottage in rural Sardinia within the next 10 years. I don't like Trinidad, I don't want to live in the US, UK or Canada, far less India. Sardinia is the /comfy/ creme de la creme
Well you are Tamil no wonder, no one likes them
>Can someone just give me an explanation? Why? They have plates don't they? Who's picture is that man holding?
Quick rundown?
Well, there it is.
like moths to the flame, good prediction.
If you would be so kind
Absolutely man everyone complains about India but when it comes to do something about it people just wanna run away it's cool in my books its your life
nice trips tho
Imagine doing this in reverse. Train a horse that it can easily move the chair, and then one night replace it with one that is made of steel and bolted to a concrete foundation
hit the jackpot, getting 777 while inspiring people to change their country, good on you
>I absolutely despise the people back home too
>gets an insult back
>Wow great prediction
sensible people normally ignore insults on an imageboard
then again
>Sup Forums
Mix religion with politics and soon you'll have dirt and dogshit in your food.
Every day
t. Paki
They aren't mixing food on a designated shitting street. I see no problem here.