Daily reminder that Sup Forums is fucking infested with these faggots, who WILL defend Trump even when he is wrong...

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is fucking infested with these faggots, who WILL defend Trump even when he is wrong. If you dont feel disgusted by this you should GO BACK RIGHT NOW

Fuck off spic, YOU NEED to go back.

Trump/Putin 2020

Get a load of those rural and suburban retards.



Heh, nothing personal kid, but you're likely some brown shit skin. White people are the master race and the key to purity. Please, get enlightened here and then GO BACK to your fucking shit hole country and your fucking shit hole website.

1488 spic

What a fucking retard


This word is self-refuting and those who use it are virtue-signalling idiots.

Sometimes I wonder just how many layers of ironic shilling there are.


Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald merged during the election. Now Sup Forums is overrun with redditor faggots and there's nothing we can do about it.

>that ID
We need to ban


Get cancer kid

>t. another low IQ shitstain on humanity

ITT: redditors screeching that we need to b& all redditors

Quick, post things only for white people.

And the majority of them affiliates with some pussy brand of libertarianism and derails any thread mentioning economics or politics
And will legit defend paedos in another one. Pathetic

> "will defend Trump even when he is wrong"
> image is nothing to do with Trump being wrong

Not only are you stupid, you are also presumptuous that you think you can fathom the mind of the God-Emperor.

We don't want you on our board, every single last of you is cancer. You have ruined the board with your obnoxious ALL CAPS posts, dead meme spam, cucked civic nationalist ideology, and general inmaturity. You are unintelligent and unable to think critically, you contribute nothing to the discussion. Even worse, you detract from the discussion. Your blind defense of Trump and anyone associated with him has made discussing Trump on Sup Forums impossible, Your eternal cuckishness has made it more difficult to discuss actual issues that Sup Forums united around Trump for, such as the stopping of white genocide. You don't know or care to learn the truth about the Jews, racial differences in IQ, or white genocide. You don't lurk, you don't integrate, and your values are in direct contradiction with all of ours. You spend your time posting on a site that is full of censorship of the worst kind, active content manipulation, and a discussion killing karma system. Despite all of this you have the gale to claim you're redpilled. Your mere existance has done more to harm Sup Forums than a whole army of shills could ever hope to. Having a day where half of the board was literal horse pornography was 1000 times better than spending it with you, the metaphorical rapefugees of Sup Forums. The entire board is celebrating your departure and taking the piss out of you, in literal glee that you are gone. We hate every single one of you. You are all cancer, if I could kill every single one of you i would do so without hesitation. As a matter of fact, if a civil war ever breaks out, I will personally kill every single Redditor I see. Make no mistake, you HAVE to go back

>80% of the racism is all fake
>you can redpill but we're changing the complete definition of what redpill is
>believes leaks and insiders are anything other than bullshiters
>TD maks for a great face for the movement (there is no movement and they're definitely not a good face of anything. They're cringey as hell)
>But worst of all
>Sup Forums hating us can't be real. It's a shareblue tactic to divide us from our bestest friends xD
I swear every Redditor is fucking retarded.

You created this you idiots.

/r/donald was your idea. They use your memes and talking points. They are an offshoot of you sanitized for mainstream consumption. Look in the mirror

No its not, the_donald was already a thing before we ever had any idea, that subplebbit got popular and they adopted our memes, they are the cancer of Sup Forums, and they are killing it

He's not defending Trump at all, he's explaining (poorly) the relationship between us and Plebbit.

For one thing, we aren't joking. The racial sentiment here is absolutely real. I am a National Socialist. I want National Socialism. I want an Ethnostate. I do not care about "American Values" which include neocon cuckery and accepting the left's premises. I reject utterly the call to live and let live, to cooperate with the Democrat criminals, to unite in common cause with our enemy. There is no common cause. They want us dead, and we want them gone, death optional.

Trump is a means to an end. The beginning of a massive overton window shift. These people are useful idiots and I don't care if they defend Trump when he does something "wrong" unless it's invading Iran or Syria. I don't care about internet privacy. I don't care about taxes. I don't care about healthcare. I care about the existence of my people and the future of white children, period.

That means comprehensive immigration reform, a fucking wall, and a crackdown on sanctuary cities so severe the switch breaks on their backs and we have to trade it in for an axe handle. The only thing Trump can do "wrong" is concede ground to the anti-white anti-European shitskin lobby, and that is something he will not do--not when the Democrats are gearing up to become the party of niggers even moreso than they already are.

Sad but true
They have every single of our faults without any of the redeeming qualities

>80% of the racism is a joke


Redditers are on a website controlled by mob rule. Go against the mainstream think tank and you'll be banned. Fuck off, and go beg for up votes with some smart ass one liner

They use our ancient, dead memes that we stopped using two years ago. Their original memes are cancerous shit like Bog and their talking points are "Democrats r the real racists xD."



What i meant with "they will defend Trump even when he does something wrong" is that you can identify these redditors here because they will always defend him, no matter what he does, its stupid

Literally 85% of people here browse Reddit

Wow man I agree

Do you know any likeminded people?

No we don't.

Sadly that's how much reddit has infested this board, is fucking bullshit

Can't tell if stupid shill or not. Dems are the real racists...
No, that's pretty much just how Sup Forums is, you stupid shill.

>Dems are the real racists...
Go back to posting your based niggers on the_Donald, you faggot. We don't want you here.

No its not you fucking idiot, it became like that when YOU FUCKING IDIOTS FLOODED THIS BOARD, KILL YOURSELF

I am an oldfag, you stupid newfag. Dems -are- the real racists. If you think that's a stupid thing to say, kill yourself you stupid fucking larping faggot subhuman.

>"lines tight"
>maximum cuck power

I've been on this board since before trump was ever mentioned here. Sup Forums has always been that way about trump. you're a stupid newfag larping shill, and you're the one who needs to go back, shitskin.

It's a good thing to say to normalfags who don't know shit about politics and will be swayed by that. I agree. Unironically believing that is cringey and Reddit though. You're probably a nigger yourself.

>80% of the racism you see on Sup Forums is bullshit

Yeah sure you fucking idiot, keep lying, Niggers are subhuman, yet you embrace the ones that support Trump, its fucking pathetic and you should know it. GO BACK TO RIBBIT

t. FBI

>Check out this dank black guy in a Trump hat, fucking BASED

>falling for the Jew-invented "racism" meme

>racism is for shock value to keep normies away
Wait am I the only racist on this board and you are all fucking with me?


>hopefully they know we're on the same side
bitch Sup Forums isn't on any side

you can be racist all you want, but don't go screaming "FUCKING NIGGER!" in public and shit that's exactly what (((they))) want you to do

gtfo bakc to plebit right now

>nigger alert
>nigger alert

i can smell your fried chicken fingers right now, boy.

didnt read

Fuck you, I do what I want.

Trump is wrong on many things. But he is ONLY a step in the right direction. That is why we voted for him. He isn't a white nationalist. He isn't a National Socialist. He is a modern conservative nationalist who wants the best economic outcome for his country and nation.

You faggots are retarded if you think he was some Nazi-tier Godsend who would liberate Whites from the hordes of shitskin morons infesting our great nation.

He is simply a speed-bump in that scenario and we welcome him fully in that capacity.

You should try fucking yourself and giving up on life. Also, please don't have children.

I hate these idiots so much and I hate their arrogance when they come here. They're the fucking worst. Civic cuckcs can all drink the koollaid and kill themselves.

let me give you a tl:dr
>racism in Sup Forums is ironic
>we don't hate reddit, its just shareblue shills
>The_donald is a good public image, check pic related, THAT is what represents us apparently

a-anyone got pony lewds?

We created him. We are the ones moving the overton window, not him. We are just getting started too. You're right that he is a step in the right direction. He has bought us some more time if nothing else. We're still in control and we're the ones who are right. We are the future and he is not.

>racism in Sup Forums is ironic
go back to rebbit

>we don't hate rebbit, its just shareblue shills
this website has always hated rebbit since its terrible conception

>The_donald is a good public image, check pic related, THAT is what represents us apparently
those fucking retards invited themselves over and they're typical rebbitor trash

Seems legit.


>our board

Fuck off CIA.

It's a copypasta that some guy sent to Reddit but then he got banned. He posted it on /mlpol/ and the thread is still up.

I agree completely. But we have to celebrate his victory as ours because we have no other choice.

We have to use his win as a base and drive further in our intended direction or else our people and race will be gone in the wind; we will be Brazilianized.

He has many hang ups: 2 of his 3 children who are married have married Kikes, all of his current grandchildren are Kikes, he has chosen and nominated more than a few Kikes to his administration, and he has threatened war and conflict all for the benefit of Israel.

We need to use his failures as a reason to go rightward more. We need to make it obvious to our people that he and his policies are not enough to keep us prospering and safe and that we need something more to do so.

>80% of the racism you see is used for maximum shock effect
>take it with a grain of salt and laugh
>TD and Sup Forums are in the same fight
>and Sup Forums
>r*ddit redpill are equivalent to "Sup Forums" redpills

the only thing these fucking cocksucking niggers are right on is lurking
but I fucking doubt they even do it

>restrictions on racism and bigotry
What a faggot, and he has the nerve to refer to his board as "redpilled."
>Sup Forums hating TD isn't real
No, we hate them because they are reddit, and it is very real.

The guy seems to suggest that we should be separate, I agree. Redditors need to leave.

I don't. Perhaps you are saying this in an effort to try to validate that you yourself browse reddit. It's not working.

If you think "racism" is a problem, then you are the problem. "Racism" is a jewish-marxist invention that didn't come about until the 19th century. If you were really an oldfag you would know that.

We are not racists. We are race realists seeing inferior races for what they are. "Racist" is a term the jews and left use to shut people down.

I'm racist for real.
>so are 2 of my close friends.

Fucking slavery was a mistake and stopping hitler was a mistake.

>80% of the racism is bullshit
Why didn't anyone tell me?

This post is correct in all the essential points.
Reddit can fuck off with their "internet privacy" tears and Ryancare nonsense. These things are irrelevant. Completly irrelevant. I could not care less. The only thing I care about is reversing the demographic decline of the only people who have ever contributed anything useful to this Earth. All other considerations are ephemera at best and damaging diversionary tactics at worst.

He's not necessarily wrong though. r*ddit is still shit and I recommend no one go there, but it's the one bastion of normie internet that isn't full of commie scum. Keep in mind, people want them deleted the same as they want Sup Forums deleted.

Cede no ground!

Hold on....let's fix that raging butt hurt for you.....

Regardless, Trump will stand up for what is right, he isn't a globalist puppet or an insane leftist.

Nice b8 thread.

>tfw you've been unironically racist this entire time and everyone else was just joking

Why didn't you guys tell me?

You are right. Funny thing, they love to speak about faggit irl. Easy targets

I'm not racist. I want America to be white. I hate violence. I hate the idea of cruelty based on race. But if that's what it takes to make America a white country again...