Euthanize Retards

Retards should be euthanized. We spent 12.48 Billion dollars on downies shitting them selves in schools in 2015 alone. Retards only impede improvement. I dont mean faintly autistic people, I mean 'people' who have the intelligence of an untrained sewer rat. Our money could be spent on better education but no. We have to respect the fucking genetic shitbuckets.

The rational part of me agrees but my heart says no. We shouldn't euthanize anyone (call me a pussy i dont care) unless the parent consents.

There are other things we can cut. I don't think they should go to schools but they should get some form of care.

We should get rid of retard sympathisers first.

But what's the point? Let them live just so they can be unhappy and make others unhappy? I would think that euthanization could just be substituted for abortion as well. What parent wants a shit-flinging money eater?

If we didn't that you would no longer be around to create these retarded posts.

And the same for you.

They say the fittest shall survive

Yet the unfit may live

Like I said let the parents decide. I agree in principle that tards will live an unhappy life but at the end of the day they're still the parent's child and a parent will always have a love for their child so we shouldn't just kill them ALL.

We should have the option at least though because it really is a huge burden, but imagine killing your kid even if it was defective. That would hurt.

Can we euthanize the normal people that are dumb asses first. I have met may people with downs that are better humans( and workers) than ghetto trash.

>current year
Good fucking luck, the only thing you have in that regard are abortions.

I understand but cant relate (have no kids), but isnt that kind of selfish? "I cant accept that my kid is defective so im going to cost everyone aroud me millions of dollars"

Fully agree

Graduataed last year, school was ramping up the tard population. All of them are horrifically ugly, smelly, disgusting things. They literally lack the intelligence to even comprehend where or what they are. All they do is live to make other people feel uncomfortable and inconvenienced. I mean, holy fuck, can we even consider them living? If a human being is so genetically fucked that it literally can't even think beyond basic movement is euthanizing them even so bad? Fuck

Not sure about that, maybe i'm being emotional, maybe I read flowers for algernon recently

exactly, people call niggers proto-humans, but retards literally ARE protohumans.

In the parents' defense, one's priorities should be the child>yourself>everyone else

But yes, it's still selfish, as the child would offer no substantial value to society..

we all know Hitler did nothing wrong

>23% school lunches
Christ can't American parents feed their own children or are you all really that poor?

You think they won't find some reason to kill off new baby's now that they can design them how they want my friend?

I came to this thread for good mongoboy pictures and feel let down.

No. That kind of genetic engineering is still many decades away.

having retards in our community helps to build humility, patience, respect, resilience and compassion in society.

They also serve as a stark reminder that disabilities are truly crippling and that pre-natal screening is available and abortion legal for disabilities.

>Cut off all SpecialEd funds
>Use the savings on military/defense
Top tier prank

People need to use the infant potty training method with downs syndrome kids. Don't teach them to shit their pants, you'll never have to unteach them. (Puppies don't even shit all over themselves.) Babies get colic and stuff like that cuz they don't wanna shit and piss all over themselves. Huggies are an Israeli company. Don't fall for the diaperjew.

Retards aren't unhappy.

Maybe just cut govt spending on them and leave the choice to euthanize them to parents?
Why do you have to be such a cruel asshole? They're not your problem once your taxes don't go to them.

Many children who have smart phones, parents have smart phones, drive nice cars, constantly buy expensive clothes and shoes, buy expensive make up, and get their hair and nails done all the time are considered poor.

Really, they aren't that poor monetarily, they just make poor life decisions and can't plan one month ahead.

I hope your child comes out retarded like its father.


Isn't T1 for kids who are too stupid to move from kindergarten to first grade?

Sounds like you should force them into making better life decisions.

You mean rural and suburban retards. They simply don't get the complex social interactions necessary for healthy brain growth. They should be euthanized

>23% goes to hungry nigger and bean kids
euthanize them too

For every functioning well adjusted downie/autist theres 20 earbiting, diaper-wearing, shitflinging wastes of space that will never do anything but be a drain on society
Holy fuck what happened to natural selection? Why do I have to give tax money to keep people who cant provide for themselves alive? Let them die let life take its natural course

>No one outside of cities talks to anyone, ever.
>You suburban/rural people are retards, not me.


>be me a few years ago
>new neighbor that day
>from the city
>talked faster then a adhd kid on cocaine
why are there so few people from the city that talk normally

Ya, our wellfare state needs to be reigned in bigly.

Is that you Ghostler?

I work as a tard wranggler

> some of them were " normal" but had something happen to give them brain damage
> some of them have job and do 'sports'
> some of them are more productive than people I know.

The majority of them are drains on society and I think if the family can't care for them they should have to fend for themselves.

But they shouldn't be denied life.

It goes Life, then liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They're some of the happiest people you'll ever meet. And often perform basic jobs in service industries with a great degree of dedication.

>they should have to fend for themselves
most would die
the others would get pimped out by people.
I knew a tard who got kicked out of fantasy baseball leagues constantly because he'd always win. If he had to fend for himself I'd totally take advantage of that situation and take care of him in exchange for payment via fantasy baseball winnings.

>not even fucked up about it
>he has a gift and it needs to be put to work


growing up there was a ds tard who lived across the street from my grandparents, he really like anime and playing with clackers but he also was one of the heads of a charity which helped pay for services for their community.

He had a girlfriend (post feels when tard is getting more pussy than you are) but I don't know if they're still together. He was an alright dude.

made some changes
this should be the new budget