>be me
>wake up at 3 in the afternoon
>roll out of bed and crawl to the shower
>shower until the water's cold
>put back on pajamas
>drink excessive amount of tea and browse the internet
>crawl into bed late in the morning
>pass out
Help. Several months ago I was happy, got up early, made myself food, prayed, and never masturbated. Now I have little to no hope, no goals and no direction. I don't even know if I have friends.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody can pull you out of this but yourself. I've been there, I ended up taking antidepressants. They helped a lot but unless it's something clinical rather than situational, I'd avoid them. You need to be disciplined, strict about your day to day life. Create attainable goals and etch them in stone, once you have the rhythm down for these smaller tasks you escalate. Keep a far future in mind, what values do you want to adhere to, what life do you want in 5 or 10 years? Mull it over, even if it takes days. Find out what man, or woman, you want to be. When I say etch these things in stone I absolutely mean it; write it down, keep it in front of you, never forget about it. It can start with a the smallest routine, you say you used to pray so start there and expand. Productivity is also a cornerstone to feeling accomplished and happy, don't dwell in your mind all day. Move, build something, even something small. You'll find your happiness.
with what? be specific
Physical exercise will help you out immensely user, even something like push ups. Try to stop jerking off.
was going to say this
Fuck off loser.
I have the answers for you, I just dont know if you are ready yet to ask the right questions.
until you know what you specifically want me to help you with, I cant do it...
Thanks. I used to do push-ups.
Y- you too.
leaf fucking kill yourself . one less cuckanda faggot.
Try killing yourself, that should help. Might reduce the shitposting problem Sup Forums's been having lately too. Good luck!
You need to pray.
I don't mean this sarcastically but your post makes you sound sufficiently young and physically able to work. How are you able to pay the bills without working? Because going to work five days a week sounds like the solution to your problem OP
are you a NEET ? you need to start doing things to make your life better. neetdom will only lead you to r9k hell
>tfw no real friends or family to lean on during hard times
don't come to me with muuuh friends that's normi stuff u better than this
fuck off with your slide thread
>select all images with a gas station
This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics. How bout you post this on another board fucko?
Fight it user. Fight depression like you would fight your worst enemy. See in your current self all that you hate, and see your bright future as all you wish to be.
Two years ago I was you bro
You gotta dig yourself out of that rut and get a job to fill your time
Anything that distracts you from your own self destructive thoughts helps
Woman dont find non productive men attractive so you just gotta get up and go out there. You can do it m8 kek believes in you
Abandon all pursuit of pleasure. Period. Harden yourself and then set yourself toward a life goal, a righteous goal preferably. Godspeed brother, it isn't easy. It's the only way to experience true happiness, the happiness that takes years to find.
There isn't anything anyone is going to say that you don't already know. There isn't some kind of magical spell that will make shit better and even if there was you wouldn't be able to appreciate it as much as doing it yourself. You have to make it better. The world is unforgiving and doesn't give a shit about you so you better start giving a shit about yourself. So you can keep being miserable or you can get up and make shit better one day at a time. Choice is up to you.
Really solid advice, cunt
Can cosign for this, have major depressive disorder and these steps will help you improve the quality of your life
To add more.
>last month
>talking to only friend
>tells me that girl I used to know has turned into stereotypical roastie
>has started going to parties and sending nudes
She cut me off a while ago, but I still cared about her. I don't anymore, but now love has turned to hatred, which hasn't really improved anything.
It's a stupid bro response but I'd try to exercise or lift if I was you. It's the only thing that pulls me out of deep shit. You could also try doing little things like making your bed when you wake up just as a little 'goal accomplished' task to get you motived to do other things.
Meditate, jerk it, go lay in the sun in the grass with your eyes closed.
Anything man. I wish I had time like that again.
Not yet.
OP, I was (and I still am to some extent) in your very same shoes.
I'm an aspie neet with lots of comorbid mental conditions that make me unable to work.
You need to pick up a hobby and as rough as it is...no more porn and masturbation (though maybe you can still masturbate with caveat of no porn).
Sex is one of the primary things that drives males, if you trick your brain into thinking that it has a lot of access to it, there is no reason to strive for anything.
The relief that you sought in masturbation needs to be replaced by a relief that brings actual fulfillment.
For instance, I love drawing, I'm nearing 2 months of nofap, and I can draw more consistently in my schedule now. My brain no longer goes "Oh fuck I'm stressed, I better start masturbating". If I'm stressed I might take a shower or go through some other avenue to decompress, but I no longer wank or watch porn.
If it's too hard, some people argue that porn is the actual damage, so you can try to masturbate only a few times a week without porn to see if it helps.
Good luck.
Bruce is right, leafanon. Activity is key.
The girl I am seeing had a very similar schedule to you. She's a 9/10 (used to model part time), very popular. outgoing, with very traditional views on femninity and sex. She always had some depression, i think, but some professional/personal decisions have not gone well. Having to leave her last job let her just drift into inactivity (parents payer her rent for her manhattan apartment), she loses contact with her increasingly few IRL friends, she keeps hours like you, and the cycle worsens. The only time I see any improvement is when she has something to plan for, something to do.
It's tough. She tells me I'm her last meaningful thing in the world, so at least she has that (FWIW) but at the end, its needs to start witht the person suffering from this. You need to set targets, set goals. Even if it's just to wake up an hour earlier each day, take a walk, etc. Start as small as you think you need to.
Best of luck.
May I ask what comorbid issues you have? My girl (I'm the guy who posted below you) refuses to see a doctor, or take meds, as she is ashamed and doesn't want parents finding out. She also has some social...issues, and every job she takes...it seems its doomed to fail.
What city OP? My lifestyle is basically the same as yours and it would be nice to have someone to talk to during the day for a change.
Major depression
Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder (this is the major job killer as it's impossible for me to sleep on a schedule)
Dyscalculia (which is funny because aspies tend to be pretty good with numbers)
I probably have some mild agoraphobia as well as I really hate leaving the house, and social situations tend to wreck me.
same except I don't masturbate
Start with trousers.