how will western civilization end?
How will western civilization end?
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you're watching it happen in real time, nigger
Islam in Europe.
South American style socialism in the US.
Immigration and degeneracy will be our demise
With our lack of control of women spiraling down into being incubators for their own fetishized races
It happening as we speak, us whiteys may as well off ourselves now
This, marxism is aids and islam is flu, normally we could fight off the flu, but our civilization has aids.
When it conquers the rest of the world and claims the mantle of Human Civilizations.
Digits confirm
with manchildren like you and I, posting infantile cartoons on a Sinhalese paper mache preparation symposium
White people are the problem.
Very slowly. In fact, you won't even notice it. Like a slowly boiled frog.
But someday, you'll look back and realize how far we have fallen
look around
you're an idiot, even if you are trolling
kill yourself nigger
When we achieve inter-stellar travel and western civilization becomes earth civilization
I already see it now. In fact, I notice it on Sup Forums too. /hiddenpol/ can't come back soon enough
But money will be useless without goiym to steal it from
>white people aren't responsible for themselves just like any other people
We giveth civilization and take it away
He has a point, if it wasn't for spineless white folks we wouldn't be in the situation we already in.
We HAD the power, we had the ability to stop all of this at the first manifestation but did nothing.
FUCK white people.
Naw, we're fine.
Every single year to date people think that we're going to all die off. Oh noes! The world will end! Oh no, communism will destroy us in the cold war! Oh noes! Naw, we'll be fine.
from bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
Global nuclear war started by the Brits and the EU.
>If i had all the money in the world, I would buy...
>If I had all the money in the world, money would be worthless.
Its not that we are spineless, every time a white person brings this up we get abused from all sides, people lose their jobs for speaking out
Cultural marxism, mexicans, and refugees. Its over, but we'll go down in a pool of blood and sword in hand.
>random nonsensical trail on from a silly attention whoring previous point
okay then...
White people are the new scape goats for everything.
Be responsible for modern civilization developing
>you did that off of the back of slavery
Free the slaves
>whitey segregates society
Try and equal rights across the board and move communities together
>whitey is gentrifying the hood
My ancestors bent over backwards to build this world, then we tried to include everyone in it and all they can do is bitch and moan about how the world doesn't bend to their entitled asses.
Fuck them, Fuck you.
not with a bang but a whimper
When cislunar civilization enforces its dominion
Feminism and mass immigration
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
and now we're responsible for the fall of modern civilization, so nobody cares what we've done in the past idiot
i can't build the tallest building in the world and then be responsible for blowing it up with thousands of people in it and get off scott free because, hey man i was the one who built it
same argument, doesn't fly-- shut the fuck up.
>further reading
nuclear fire. its inevitable, ever since that day in 1945 humanity sealed its fate
with a nigger dick in your ass
It has already ended.
This plus the Jews are cancer
Both of the people you replied to were correct though. The reigns were in-hand and they were willingly dropped
No, we're not responsible. We have allowed elements to come in and do that, but we didn't invite them to do so.
You're a fucking retard. Stop dribbling on this board and go back to /mlp/
How fucking bluepilled are you
It's been dead since the French revolution
mathew broderick will be responsible for the downfall of civilization.
as fortold in the sacret archives.
The old frog conundrum. It's funny you should bring this up, because it's retarded.
If you drop a frog into boiling water, it will lose consciousness on impact and die within seconds.
If you put a frog in cold water and start to heat the water up, the frog will hop out of the water. In part because vessels hold water, and vessels heat up faster than the water, and the frog will likely come in contact with the vessel.
It is the same with people.
If you suddenly sent the military police into every home with a trace of the chans, and arrested the inhabitants, and took them away to detention -- the frog would die instantly. Simultaneous arrests of all alt-right and neo-reactionary figures would kill the frog. Most people wouldn't even notice or care. Conservatives would throw a fit, but they wouldn't start an insurrection. The best you could hope for would be a few small Tea-Party style protests and Oregon-style militia actions, each easily dealt with, co-opted, infiltrated, and destroyed.
On the other hand, if the state and its leftists defenders slowly ratchet up the violence over time, we will actually ratchet up out own defense to it. We will buy more guns. We will be more careful online. We will form networks. We will become sensitive and reactive to individual small acts of tyranny in just the way that the frog would twitch if it suddenly touched the bottom of the pot - even if the water was only warm.
The old proverb is backwards. It is an illusion.
We WANT the enemy to heat the water up slowly. It limbers up out muscles. It acclimatizes us to the conditions of war and fate. And when the water becomes unbearable - we leap out, and act.
Pray to God Almighty that this is what happens.
Because if they dropped us into a boiling pot tomorrow, we would die in seconds, and no one would care or notice - and that's the truth.
No, they were shared. Everyone was consulted and people who shouldn't have had a say, had a say and were listened to / handed control. You can't be responsible for what happens to a thing after it's left your possession, especially when it's "for the good of everyone(diversity)"
you're dumb as fuck
get knife and kill your parents in their sleep, they've raised a stupid piece of shit who will amount to sucking dick to get by and build resentment without action
fuck you guys are stupid as fuck
You don't get it. White people do not use the Jewish tactic of defending themselves on the basis of their race. We don't say "oh plz dont be mean to white people u have to accept all culturs"
That's why there's not word for "anti-Aryan" but there is a word for anti-Semitism. The Jews invented it, just like they invented the terms racism, sexism, etc.
We don't ask to be tolerated. We conquer. We don't worm our way into someone else's civilization. We make our own.
>a nuclear warhead traveling at mach 10 that could blow your rock off its orbit
lamo. moon bois BTFO
It already did...
Drumplf got elected
Swept away in a tide of dumb brown people.
Don't repeat the pep talk you give yourself in the mirror every morning here, we don't care.
>AIDS, makes us weak and succeptible to other diseases
The Globalist crony capitalist system, where we are atomized and deracified, nothing to create or hope for, nothing to bar us from those that wish to cause us harm, modern conceptions of Christianity, and the religions of Equality and Pathological Altruism,
>Cancer, growing among us and causing programmed cell death further breaking down the body unless the tumor is destroyed. Treatments may very well take out a chunk of the body or kill the body outright:
Jews- Left, Right, Diaspora/Cosmopolitan, Zionist/Nationalist, secular, zealous
>Atherosclerosis/Heart Disease, weakening the heart and hardening and narrowing the vessels that pump blood to and from it:
Islam and the Islamic world in specific, and mass immigration in general
>Pneumonia: affects breathing and quality of life, potentially fatal if water fills up the lungs, has a baseline of bad and can spike to shitty when circumstances align:
Scattered niggers.
except you're forgetting the fact that those who have control and choose to hand it over are doing it in good faith-- the judgement of whites has degraded to that of an african tribe over the past decade
stop posting, you're dumb as fuck
In the most preventable ways imaginable.
islamization and collapse through overburdening social systems via shitskin invasions
We don't do shit anymore. We are the scum of the earth in the eyes of the entitled minorities, and it won't be long before they're the majority. South Africa is coming to visit.
i'm 20 living alone because i found self-employment online, i'm wildly successful and my compensation is directly connected with the amount of work i'm willing to put in-- the shy is the limit.
you? a fucking dumb loser who has no sense of responsibility
Ya, that's what I'm saying. We are our own problem and we have to fix ourselves.
>muslim runs up to me and chops my arm off
>it was actually my fault for being white
We don't care about your finger paintings that you sold on fiver. Fuck off and die.
>a nuclear weapon costs a lot more than a chunk of iron launched from a mass driver with basic guidance systems at just the right speed so it falls into Earth's gravity well, making its height the true determining factor of its destructive potential.
get that knife dude, go look into the mirror and ask yourself why you should continue living (protip: nothing)-- you're dumb as fuck, a byproduct of your fucked up parents and you have no redeeming qualities. KILL YOURSELF, KILL OTHERS BEFORE HAND.
Have fun doing that, see how many like minded people you can get killed all at once.
Rome didn't invite the Visigoths but they are still held responsible for their rise and eventual conquest of Rome. Like it or not white people have allowed themselves to be relegated to a position of inferiority. In fact they are the architects of the political ideologies that have led to such weakness.
not to mention the EMP that would result from the nuke. "The cure is worse than the disease."
>Westerners are actively calling for the instatement of Harrison Bergon-esque laws regarding equity that will ensure out best and brightest will be held back in the interests of "diversity"
>Canada, the UK, and many Western European powers have literally made it illegal to say mean things about Muslims, effectively destroying and societal progress regarding freedom of speech and expression
>Meanwhile, there are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Muslims worldwide actively trying to instate a global caliphate, and bring everyone on a swift rollercoaster ride back to the 7th century
The last one only matters because the first two are so fucking dangerous. How naive can you be?
Already told you, we don't care what you say to motivate yourself in the morning. Kys or fuck off but we're tired of your retarded gobbling.
you're a passive aggressive little bitch, you'd be in the fucking corner bawing like a bitch if we met IRL, you're basically a confused faggot who if wasn't degraded to the point of no return would be one of the radical leftist in your shitty country fucking everything up
Good post
Communism was a presidential term away from destroying the US, though.
Islam was a few strongholds away from destroying Christendom, several times throughout history.
There were several population bottlenecks as well- we were a cold away from extinction.
I don't think you realize how many times we've passed through the idea of the needle. It's not to be taken for granted that we got here thus far, it's fucking amazing.
this ts elliot poem is quotes in the intro of death of the west btw
you're getting buttfucked by smarter individuals than you in this thread, you keep vomiting retarded ideas and opinion and you can't defend yourself-- do you seriously think you're going to make anything out of yourself?
you're a fucking loser lmao
Dude, you get tarred and feathered for holding a nationalistic anti-immigration mindset these days. You might think that white people allowed themselves to be cucked, but from the time we are raised in the brainwashing sects that are schools, we're taught not to be racist and to share. Who would've thought that something instilled in us from birth could be bad? (religion etc.)
You want to blame someone white for everything bad that happens, and ignore anything they built before hand, go eat a dick.
>my fault for being white
no, it's your fault for being a filthy heathen
Wow, dude, it's just the internet. No need to lose your cool like that
>hurr durr, you're dumb and I'm beating you on the internet
You're dreaming m80, you best wake up and apologize.
>you keep vomiting retarded ideas and opinion and you can't defend yourself
Just because you can't read anything that absolutely destroys your position due to the damage it would cause you in cognitive dissonance, doesn't mean you can keep flapping your retarded gums at me and achieve anything.
Stop projecting
Haha, a keyboard warrior
I'll have you know I couldn't be bothered fishing out a navy seal copypasta so you'll have to imagine I posted it and after you've pretended reading it, I give you permission to fuck off and masturbate to the memory of me absolutely reaming you.
Then you may walk into speeding traffic at your leisure.
spot on.
Also I love how the same people that say
>>not all muslisms
can often be the same ones who say fuck all cops.
>>Fuck oppressive laws
>>muslisms b cool tho
Again, first country to establish military outposts on the Moon, or simultaneously at L4/L5 is the new hegemonic power. They will hold an unstoppable second strike capability, and will also be able to control all traffic off of Earth into the solar system at large.
And what's plan b? Why do you always assume the resources will be readily available for you to spring into action. The fall of western civilization, of all world civilization, will be due to the law of diminishing returns due to the depletion of our non-renewable resources, which we have no alternative set-up otherwise (besides winging it and can-do attitudes, which you optimists believe will pull humanity out of anything). People will simply starve. It's not going to be a giant bloodbath like you all seem to hope, though when blood is shed it will be your neighbors invading you for the last of your canned food, attacking with whatever utensils are handy (the same you'll be defending yourself with, if your lucky).
ya, nah you're a dumb cunt, you you and your third world country
i'm not projection, it's easy to pick up on traits of a fucking loser, a lot of assumptions will be made but this kid a straight up a frustrated confused piece of shit who is going to get rolled his entire life does to his lack of ability to articulate himself nor take responsibility... his development was obviously flawed in many ways
stay pressed, faggot aussies
>i'm not projection
>I can read people like a book, I have a mind like a steel trap
You even managed to try out some condescension by calling me kid, nice attempt.
You'd need to drop your flag and clean your cheese dust covered fingers, bump your iq up another 40 points and be 100 years old for that to even have the slightest effect.
Keep on being rump-roasted, cuck.
you're gonna leave this thread feeling bad about yourself because we both know i hit some hard nerves, thanks to me i've only built more resentment in your life
when your mental state finally dips below the point of no return (and it will), you will remember me, and you'll kill yourself
fkn clay in my hands :^)
>hurr durr, I win internets because I said stuff
>I'm so hypnotic, kill yourself derp durr
You were tard-raging from the outside with your opening of "kys" and you're still flustered.
The only way you would mould me into anything is if you trapped me downhill in the middle of a long alley. I would look like a failed indiana jones in the first sequence of raiders of the lost ark. I would be flat, I might be dead, but I'd still have the satisfaction of being smarter and happier than you.
Please wash before hand though (wash alot), I don't want your cheese-fart and onion sweat stank to ruin my otherwise beautiful 2d open casket funeral.
Stay mad buttlord, and be sure to reply again to tell me how upset you've become.
By a bunch of retards spending their lives in echo chambers on their computers and convincing themselves the other side is evil and wants to destroy the world
With thunderous applause
k np
It didn't end yet?
>women strip naked and demand abortion in the streets
>white race, who created the wonders of the modern world, all hate themselves and choose not to marry or reproduce
>STDs are seen as a virtue in some communities
>the majority of mainstream culture openly hates god
>the news is propaganda
>the food is full of sickening, dumbing, and feminizing chemical agents
>we celebrate violent, stupid slave races and blame their crimes on the success of others
>Europe is enthusiastically welcoming the invading barbarians that want to rape it until it's brown and retarded forever
>feminism is no longer about equal rights but instead about classifying more and more typical male behavior as types of rape, including sitting with knees apart and giving unasked-for explanations
Do I need to continue? The western world died 30 years ago. These are the maggots.
When white men abandon.
Cheers, save the tears.
Not with a bang but with a whimper.
It's already ending, user
The current birthrate trends mean that muslims will out-populate non-muslims in western countries within generations
Drowned in mud
>Waaaah the black man bringing me down!!!!
So you're literally grovelling in shit. OK then.