>LGBT Pamphlet for New Migrants in Sweden


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Honestly, this is pretty good, scaring everyone away.










How the fuck are these boys more effeminate than the girls?

The FUCK is going on there, Sweden?

>the Muslim kid at the end
every time


Jesus christ it's worse than I thought.

I really want to know the source of the bottom left picture

It's some sports players visiting people. Gotta look elsewhere for your cuckold porn fix


Bottom left is Finnish. Still, I wouldn't mind to be in their position. Anything is better than this. At least Germany is giving us some competition.

You must be new.

Haha this is an attempt to get them to flee degenerate Sweden.

hahahahahahahahaha it's the only way


Watched Sargon's video on this, it was fucking hilarious

>current year
>watching sargon


What a disgusting world.

The entire country has evolved beyond pathological altruism

they've destroyed their way of life and future child purity and arent satisfied, now they are desperately trying to replace what's gone with something else

that something appears to be wild race and sex relations, their entire way of life now centers around diversity

and they'll stop at nothing to make sure every boy is raised to be a woman and every girl is pawned off to the nearest shit skin

this is Stockholm syndrome taken to unfathomable levels

i know its cringy for even seasoned Sup Forumslacks

but imagine what the fucking muslims think.

ebin troll swedden

>the economic invaders are totally hip LGBT members wanting to have gay sex, totally not religious fundamentalist that will destroy you

Fuckin hell. Swedes are really messed up in the head

I'm Swedish and bless the day my parents left that shithole.

Stuff like this makes me rage hard. We deserve all the distain the world wants to throw at us. We are idiots, unaware of just how pathetic and lowtest we look to the rest of the world.

Fan Sverige.

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden

What in the name of the LORD ....

The only masculine person I know from Sweden that isn't female is Zlatan I wonder how he'd be if he was growing up in today's climate

christ on a fucking bike can we just nuke these idiots already

>I'm Swedish and bless the day my parents left that shithole.
So how do you like your new hell hole helms deep

>Because I can so fuck off




you're a newfag or retarded, this is social engineering that has been running for at least 50 years, it's all planned, and they known exactly what they are doing, from then, to current day

btw this is plannet parenthood that did this manual, thank you bill gates for sponsoring this with your kike money you fucking dysgenicist whore

They've...they've done it...they've gone full cuck. I didn't think I would ever get to witness it in my lifetime.


Let's be honest here. Nords fucking deserve to go extinct, they literally killing themselves....

I would't have been able to define full cuck without Sweden

I think this is to try to convince the newly arrived Muslims not to go on a jihad against the gays


Comparing NZ to Sweden is like comparing Texas to Massachusetts.

Kiwis like to complain about sjws and affirmative action here but nothing is as bad as the shit I see whenever I go back to Sweden for holidays. Its gotten especially bad in the last few years, its really sad. So sad I don't ever have plans to go back.

People are waking up in Sweden and fleeing like rats off a sinking ship. My mother has three siblings, one brother left last year for Norway. Another has gone to Wisconsin. My 51 year old spinster aunt, however thinks nothings wrong and wants to stay in Uppsala with her 27 cats.

Swedistan has gone fulll cuck

He's a Slav tho. Both his parents are immigrants.

I wonder who will prevail in the end
Muslim faith
or Swedish corruption

My bet is the corruption. Swedish Muslims will start infighting over whether it is okay to ram a man on Ramadan and eat ass during holy fast.

>social engineering

is it really? at some point you got to look in the mirror and admit your people are beyond fucked in the head

Rapists in the U.S. should be sent to Sweden and we would reduce our prison population by 20%

wow that ID so close


The white girl is Jeb Bushes long lost sister


go back to plebbit you fucking retard

I seriously don't get the world anymore.

Bullshit. In a generation, Muslim culture will have superseded local progressiveness because its the most dominant and even though Sweden has the resources to regulate it, their whole moral code forbids it, meaning more and more ethnic Swedes, especially children, and especially boys will likely convert to Islam because its the only way they'll be allowed to be boys without anyone getting in their way.

At which point, the culture because dominantly conservative and it'll end up being the children of progressives who put their parent's heads on pikes and run the country into the ground because of religious fundamentalism.

And then leftists will find a way to blame White Men.

>the spook if a clown
Ha, nice-

>the mongrel is Cinderella
Fuck this.


Jesus Christ lol this is real?

s-sweden.. i'm sorry. it seems socialism is doing its job.

I've read recently that swedish boys go through a mostly temporary phase of breast development that is causing them depression and stress.
Something is fucking with their hormones big time and should be investigated extra-governmentally ASAP.
The romans often went mad thanks to the lead that carried their water, swedens are going mad from some sort of xenoestrogen, maybe even testosterone blockers.
Conspiracy can't be ruled out on part of the government, corporate, or kike political groups either.

but you've got to admit the women here are pretty atrocious

You are correct. Islam wins in the end.

> Bosnia
> Lebanon
> Syria
> Turkey
> Albania

Not that long ago all majority Christian nations. Sweden doesn't stand a chance.

There is an arabic insult used in North Africa which translates to "you give me your ass" which means crudely " you've laid down in front of me without any fight, put your ass up for me and let me dominate you." They say it all the time when it comes to rapefugees receiving hand outs across europe. When it comes to Sweden its even more apt.

Its not too late Swedes. Take back your birthright.

I'm raging....I just can't deal with this shit anymore....


Ohhhhh who lives in a cuck shed in their back yard Captain cuck Sweden does.

Who's wife lives inside the house with a black man Captain Cuck Swedens wife does.

Who pays off the mortgage living in the cuck shed while the black man lives inside for free , Captain Cuck Sweden does.

Oh Captaaaaaaaaaaain Cuck SWEDEN

Dana nanana nana

Who drew these? Like who sat down and fucking drew these?

All I could find for now.

Also brought my attention to this, apparently more and more boys are born with deformed penises there.
Watch as male to female transgenders explode over there thanks further to this obvious kikery.

>Cuck my life into pieces
>This is my last cucksort

>Cuckocation , no spitting only swallowing
>Sucking mudslime cock

>This is my last cucksort

Um. I'll grant you that. But that isn't what this thread is about. I'd rather live in NZ as a man screwing 5/10 women then be back in Sweden. There women freak out if youre too masculine, we are taught from a young age strong men are assholes, that boys need to be always aware of and intuitive to a womens needs. However women there dont want a weak man, and many guys while being straight have been feminised so badly they literally don't know how to act like a man anymore. Enter some smelly cunt from Libya who is half decent looking who is rough, manly and has been slaughtering goats since the age of three. Is it any wonder Swedish women find themselves attracted to his kind.

>but you've got to admit the women here are pretty atrocious

Sheep are pretty ugly

This isn't funny anymore.. I'm very worried for Sweden...

Can we nuke Sweden yet before they spread ?

Checked, and agreed, maybe if we persuade Muslims that the west is a never ending compulsory gay orgy they will stop coming.

It's not just the looks though, we literally have the most promiscuous women in the world

Hahahaha I had a good chuckle to that meme.


sweden wtf

A sex positive androgynous cucked ladyboy named muhammed who pan handles on the weekdays despite the fact he already collects guvy money. On the weekend ze works for a pineapple themed night club which focuses on discovering new forms of diverse and progressive sex. Some may call zim strange but i like to call zim a sexual pioneer.

hahahahaah wat


you dont even know how amused i am right now. sweden yes.

For fuck's sake why do they have to make it so degenerate? At least make it cute Swedish femboys getting fucked by big strong niggers

why is their skin so yellow? do all swedes look like this?


I literally became numb and paralyzed from rage and disgust watching this



Well, I hope you nordcuck snowniggers are proud about being the """master race"""
>protip: meds are the master race
you filthy kike enablers

sweden plz stop

what the fuck sweden


>Polio Spiderman


No, he's right. Your people are seriously fucked in the head.