WW3 When?
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One should never make a threat unless one is prepared to carry it out.
Is it time to blanda upp?
Daily reminder that WW3 is started by a Turk and Turkey is invaded and destroyed by Russia swiftly.
(according to Rensburg prophecy)
It's happening.
anything to do with pic related?
i am waiting
He never said that.
Double doubles toil and troubles.
Ahh crap. Republicans and Brexit.
Russia will step up bombings of ISIS positions in Syria just to make it look like it is doing something, like the French do whenever they are attacked.
I have concluded that the bombing was the work of Buddhist Buryat separatists.
Buryats are extremely ok with russians.
>the bear will leave its cave forever.
So it has come to this. Ruskies, i hope we stand together.
someone drew a little line in the sand themselves.
What is this from? Almost too cryptic to understand, but seems to have biblical references
belly of the dragon dripping with water could mean that the antichrist has only just appeared (the dragon comes out of the "sea"... still wet)
black flag could be isis flag over the vatican or something
island drifting away could be britain leaving the EU
two voices could be the two witnesses from revelation
a rock on seven hills could be the dome of the rock in jerusalem (a city built on 7 hills)
bear leaving its cave could be russia dominating another land and it never being given back (rensburg prophecies has russia taking over turkey + eastern europe + some of the middle east i believe)
I know. That's the joke. Ever seen Goldeneye?
So it was an asian, not a muslim?
They will not survive.
>Central Asian
Top fucking kek!
Russians are just as cuckd as Bongs and won't call then Muslim holy shit this is priceless
Also that quote is fake, Vladdy loves him some kebab
are you retarded?
Russia preparing exterminatus on middle east
I realized that this is a joke, I wrote just in case.
>seen Goldeneye?
long ago and in part
who up for mecca raid
pm me for invite
Answer the question user
>and won't call then Muslim
Every in Russia knows that central asians are muslims as fuck.
stop posting that fake quote
great movie... better videogame
Why do you fags keep posting fake anti-Muslim Putin quotes? He is cucked by Muzzies.
Indeed. They're actually being MORE precise to label him Central Asian, as everyone know's he's Muslim already because Russians aren't retarded. There are different sociopolitical implications concerning Turks and Chechans.
This is just to distract from those anti Putin protests, pic related. Putin is a tyrant that has attack his own people to rally nationalist/racists sentiments and silence critics in the past (1999 Russian apartment bombings). This smells like its from the same playbook.
But Russia has more muslims than Amercia and Europe.
not anytime soon....
Fucking leaf...
Putin organized these protests to push some laws for his rich friends.
>you'll see Germany and Russia duke it out again in your lifetime
Fake quote. Putin is a open borders cuck
Lel that's false. Especially as he enables them in Russia
They do want independence though. It's a popular idea with shitskins. Which is good. They are low iq subhumans from subsidy junkie regions.
Turks are west asians.
Besides russia wouldn't invade a NATO member over one terrorist attack. Stop sucking that mongoloid khazar kike's Putin cock.
He never said anything like that putin shills. Putin is a huge muslim and central asian gook cock sucker.
>are muslims as fuck.
I wouldn't say that but secular muslims are often become terrorists.
Russian cucks.
"Muslim terrorists are mentally ill narrative."
Oh lord kek, please let it be a persian or a pakistani
>be a persian
What problem pooinloos have with persians?
I don't know about others, but I don't like any mudslimes, that includes you Indonesia
He won't do anything since he banned nationalism in russa and important mililons of muslims to russia.
I never said this terrorist attack was said "Turk"
I'm saying its going to be the turks that kick this shit off.
The fuck are you talking about? Didnt you receive english lessons at plumbing school? read my post again.
Remember that time that Turkey assassinated the Russian Ambassador and Russia retaliated with the full force of an angry god, roasting Turkey like a soviet thanks giving?
yeah neither does anyone else.
Russia literally NK tier crazy now.
Russia won't attack turkey so you can forget fairy tales.
So where's the uncensored gory pics from today's religion of peace training session?
they would if they had a reason to
>for his rich friends
Jewish oligarchs
Oh I can assure you, Russia WILL retaliate with the full force… on its own citizens by prohibiting them to do what little else there remains to be prohibited. Like gathering in groups larger than three in the streets or posting on the Internet without previous written approval from FSB. Maybe, if that's not enough, Putin will order a nuclear strike on Voronezh.
wait wasn't there a picture of a muslim?
keep watching he is not a wasted lazy black pig like obama
Right, Muslims shoots down plane
>Russia does nothing
Muslims kill ambassador
>Russia does nothing
Muslims kill 10 Russians
>Russia does nothing
>Like gathering in groups larger than three in the streets
>having two other people to gather with
damn you Putin...
>the ravens will starve
Either no one will die or people die in a way that leaves no bodies
I highly doubt people won't die
Nuclear war anyone?
you dont just start a WW3 all willy nilly. you need a proper soundtrack for the build up , war and aftermath you pleb . we can make due with the following but there is a lot of R&D money being pumped into the soundtrack for WW3
build up
flight of the bumble bee was no longer good enough for buildup and replacing it has stalled out WW3 since the council demanded a entirely new sound track
It's a central asian, so it is basically both an asian and a muslim
This is what he actually has said.
I think Ravens will starve is a possible reference to the Tower of London Ravens. It's said if there aren't Ravens in the tower the British monarchy will fall and Britain with it
>proper soundtrack
The only soundtrack needed is the screams of mudslimes
>In a statement, the African Heads of Mission said the attacks were "xenophobic and racial".
Indian authorities had failed to "sufficiently condemn" the attacks or take "visible deterring measures", the envoys added.
The students were attacked last month in Greater Noida, close to Delhi.
Five Nigerian students were attacked by crowds, while another was beaten by a mob inside a shopping mall.
The violence was prompted by the death of a local teenager due to a drug overdose. His parents blame Nigerian students for giving him the drugs.
"I think Indians just hate black people"."
Are Indians really racist?
Two voices sounds like two important people will be killed. Their silence will be heard by all.
I wonder if the world cup tournament in Russia will get cancelled now, billions wasted.
They were already regretting it with Crimea and all.
Astronauts, possibly destruction of ISS
>Putin will order a nuclear strike on Voronezh.
Why Voronezh in particular?
Did he relly said this quote?
What do you make of the claims that this was a false flag attack?
>Are Indians really racist?
Yes, and pakis even more.
is this a real quote?
>Only white people can be racist
>Sees attacks on blacks by other racial groups
>B...But White Privelege...
People tend to stick to their own. It's not fucking rocket science.
No, but he said
>Islam is the religion most common in the Central Asian Republics, Afghanistan, Xinjiang and the peripheral western regions, such as Bashkortostan. Most Central Asian Muslims are Sunni, although there are sizable Shia minorities in Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Really gives the ol' noggin a good joggin'
This absolutely was. We'll see more as 2018 elections are approaching.
>only 11 kills
>starting WW3
lmao ok
Indians and Pakis hate each other more than Sup Forums hates Jews.
WW3 is going to start when India just straight up invades Pakistan.
Yes. In India negro is treated like a subhuman he is
>because mudshits don't blow themselves up
It's meme of Sup Forums of 2ch. Sup Forums of 2ch hates Russia and russians - it's extremely retarded.
Remember this.
Many "russians" here from there.
They are extremely brainwashed.
Yes, trust me im indian. You wont find a race that is more racist than indians. Much like white people its internalized hate and rarely outward and physical. More denial of service and thinking theyre better than you that goes beyond a normal human behavior.
We hate other indians from different parts of the country, of course we would hate everyone else.
Really thought, africans have nowhere in this world where theyre viewed positively. In a poor country like india what would they expect, india is a bit better than africa though so I could see why theyd want to go there. Long term its not for them, even certain "indians" arent viewed as indians kek.
Terrorism has no religion. Don't you listen to CNN?
It's amazing how people buy into this vague bullshit. If you knew what would happen in the future you would simply tell people. The fact of their future would be so odd to them that they would simply not believe you and disregard it until said event happened, but even then maybe not.
Goodbye Africa, thanks for your niggers.
Everything in Russia goes against or at expense of ethnic Russians. Voronezh is predominantly Russian city
>tfw Round 2 of the Cold War but this time we are the communists
Why not?
Even the negrorape epidemic in your country was started with just 11 rapes.
Because Russians are gay you fucking economically depressed cunt sack. Die. Пoжaлyйcтa.
Islam is the dominant religion of Kyrgyzstan: 80% of the population is Muslim
Report every post that says it was an asian guy.
They are all shareblue accounts or sandniggers.