Can we talk about the fact that our US President is so under threat of assasination he can't use Camp David, trust the Secret Service or Intelligence agencies, and can't travel overseas?
The deep state or jewish cartel is so deeply embedded in the system he has to operate entirely through trusted family.
>britbong tries to kill trump by trying to steal a cops gun kek what a retard
Dylan Carter
That's because Clinton doesn't deserve a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. chance.
Trump is still on his first chance and the only narrative change has been going from >throw anything at the wall and see what sticks to >throw everything at the wall regardless of what sticks
I'm just waiting to see what sticks, really. I hear much more convincing criticism of Trump from the not-fake media than anywhere else. I wonder why this is still so hard to figure out.
Lucas Bennett
that i am getting shilled by multiple responses about russia is the reason i don't take you serious.
you are one and done in my book.
not sure why you think i care about russian connections when the mexican, saudi, and chinese connections are obvious and ignored.
if you were outraged about all foreign influence and the corruption of the process, i would take you serious.
till then you are a shill.
Justin Butler
Right? Like, he is playing his cards in a way that may be disappointing to our need of Happenings but overall is furthering his agenda. But fuck man, Lock Her(Him) up.
Alexander Wood
here is a good article on how they killed mckinley to get their israeli wars
they were so good at branding and media they convince america to go to war over an archduke we gave two shits about for an enemy we had hated (britain) for hundred of years
Even with the SS or Trump's own security force, won't help him from sniper fire though which is the worst since the sniper can be high up enough to get him without the guards getting in the way of the shot.
This happened with Reagan. He got shot by a sniper but he lived to tell the tale though.
Brody Young
youre absolutely right.
here is one for the shill leftists
who knows the entire setup of camp david.
islamists and jews do, thats who.
who couldve setup potential traps everywhere.
the same security forces
so you use a relative unknown place where you have only your team in charge
from same wikipedia, why all intelligent americans know that russia wont assasinate trump
Media reaction
The Los Angeles Times felt "the government was right to drop its espionage case ... not because we think spying for Israel should be subjected to a different standard than spying for other countries, and not because the political ramifications of a conviction were potentially unpleasant. But this was the first prosecution under the Espionage Act of suspects who weren't government employees.... The fact that Rosen and Weissman are private citizens makes an important distinction. When the judge ruled that the government can punish those outside of the government for the unauthorized receipt and deliberate retransmission of information relating to the national defense,' we couldn't help but take notice."[21]
For our part, we're pleased that it's going away—not because we think spying for Israel should be subjected to a different standard than spying for other countries, and not because the political ramifications of a conviction were potentially unpleasant. But this was the first prosecution under the Espionage Act of suspects who weren't government employees. The sole government official involved in this story, Pentagon analyst Lawrence A. Franklin (who initially passed the secrets to the two lobbyists), has already been convicted.
Wouldn't that cover news reporting of leaked information? We can understand laws to keep government officials from leaking sensitive secrets, but once that information is out, do we really want to start prosecuting journalists and others who publish it? That sounds more like Britain's Official Secrets Act than an American law consonant with the 1st Amendment. When Congress passed the Espionage Act, it explicitly rejected a version that would have punished newspapers for printing information "useful to the enemy." That was the right decision then, and there's no rationale for undoing it now.[21]
Ethan Anderson
>January 30, 1835: Just outside the Capitol Building, a house painter named Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot Jackson with two pistols, both of which misfired. Lawrence was apprehended after Jackson beat him severely with his cane. Lawrence was found not guilty by reason of insanity and confined to a mental institution until his death in 1861.[11]
Owen King
lol nice try at a meme shill.
using a magazine layout is a giveaway that you are one
he is tighter with the general president of egypt than either judaism or islam
or in short, he is our first christian president in many many years
Anthony Richardson
they are all british jews. im serious, look past the nice sounding names. thats the jewish trick.
this guy isnt so crazy now
LaRouche is known for alleging conspiracies by the British. LaRouche has said that the dominant imperialist strategic force acting on the planet today is not the United States, but the "Anglo-Dutch liberal system" of the British Empire, which he asserts is an oligarchic financial consortium like that of medieval Venice, more like a "financial slime-mold" than a nation.[44] According to this theory, London financial circles protect themselves from competition by using techniques of "controlled conflict" first developed in Venice, and LaRouche attributes many wars in recent memory to this alleged activity by the British.[45]
Kayden Murphy
The "Greenhouse effect" hoax: a world federalist plot, another book by Maduro, says that the theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a plot by the British royal family and communists to undermine the U.S.[118][119] It was cited by science writer David Bellamy.[120]
Jason Reed
"The very meaning of American freedom," the editorial says, "is for Jews to be freed from the ghetto mentality, and to integrate themselves as a community into the responsibilities of being citizens of the republic." The strong implication is that most Jews, at present, are not responsible citizens.
look what the jews do when you ask them to be decent which is what trump is doing
Putin would laugh his ass off at this type of action in the free and democratic West. No way they'd dare do it.
Josiah Sanchez
lol this idiot never read the art of the deal
how old are you 20? damn you millenials are dumb or shills for sjw pussy or boipussy
hell you could be a foreigner that thinks they are an american
learn to play poker you dumb ass
they dont try to seriously kill you without you being a true american
Oliver Cook
yet 4 dead presidents later and many many dead politicans later here we are
the jews are trying to spin that putin bombed his own subway when we have overwhelming evidence of mossad involvement in 9/11 and its attempted mexico city follow up
what a bunch of losers with their delusion about being gods chosen
jesus had your number down pat
Gavin Cruz
What the fuck are you?
Oliver Reed
Impeach him and you risk civil war. Assassinate him and hire the best Hollywood screenwriters to believably shift blame away from you to a target group you know the people hate (Russians, Chinese) and it may just go the way the JFK assassination went.
Only problem. Trump does his best to make himself a hard target and for the sake of diversity they get a female screenwriter who sucked herself upwards instead.
Asher Nelson
i am the real american reckoning.
no more illegals no more handouts no more dual citizens no more spies no more global war machine
its time for america to reclaim its agricultural and manufacturing machine
death to foreign slavery
long live our Constitution
Matthew Sullivan
reagan didn't get shot by a sniper you fucking retard. I was actually alive and it was a gunman that ran up on him as he was getting out of the limo.
Isaac Gonzalez
america should have 2 military bases at least in every state
we should shut all foreign bases
we should invest in space as our international defense mechanism
i propose that america make an offer to any country that wants to be a part of it and make them legitimate states
Dylan Myers
I think you're just too high for today. Go get some rest.
Kevin Bailey
i also say we should import all the the white population we can to recover our heritage after we deport the latin population back to their countries
they took over the western us to prevent a huge surplus of republican voters
now they try to spin that trump will sell yosemite when the reality is most of the most conservative states have been landlocked to everyones detriment
only the phony clinton parks and the previous ones will be given back to the states
Jesus fuck that is horrible, I cannot imagine how horrible you would have to be to even think of that.
Jose Parker
might want to fire his mexican pool guy who probably dumped a gallon of muerrtic acid.
Lucas Stewart
Sebastian Jones
>being this bluepilled
Luke Walker
good thread
check out this week's Enquirer
Austin Ortiz
>The Secret Service have never had a single traitor in their midst
It's just that Donnie can't trust them to be a fly on the wall when he's selling out the country. Nice propaganda though faggots.
Josiah Mitchell
A successful assassination will result in irreparable damage to the country and most likely will result in a geographical split between the north/south/west. Also, people would be on the streets rioting within hours.