Trump is a dissapointm-

>Trump is a dissapointm-

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im getting exactly what i voted for



>im getting exactly what i voted for
Except the mudslime ban keeps getting blocked. But we can wait.

It will be enacted when gorsuch is confirmed. That is why the left is trying to delay his confirmation.

America is the new homeland for white people. Europeans are already fleeing there.

That's a bad move on their part, what with the upcoming war against whites instigated by blm

>It will do nothing!
>Lets block it!

Really makes you think.

Please humour me, because I don't understand.

Why is immigration of educated peoples into the US a bad thing?

I'm getting real tired of this fucking mem-

How is fucking over a bunch of immigrants going to help America? Immigrant is the slave class in this country, and pulling engineers from other nations is a brain drain on them and a tactical move on America's part. We gank the smart people from struggling countries to undermine them and make money. That's part of how we stay rich. If we can't bring in smartass Iraquis and Afghanis because of the travel ban than what was the point of the war?

I just want lower taxes and fewer regulations damnit.

I didn't vote for any of this immigration shit. I literally cannot hire rockstar programmers from Canada and Europe because of bullshit H-1B situation. If only you assholes understood how hard recruiting good programmers is in Silicon Valley.

1 rockstar programmer = 10 good programmers
mediocre programmers are actually a net negative

There are literally not enough top-level programmers with US passports right now.

It's almost like that would incentivize companies to train or hire trained Americans to do the job.

Also we all know it's so that you can pay a pajeet 70% less.

By the way, start paying for Americans houses instead of pajeets. We know you do that too which causes suburbs to be worth 1 million dollars. Let's say I was an American rockstar, why can't you pay for my house? Why only pajeet?

Go fuck yourself kike. You scum should be thrown off the highest towers.

Are you saying that you can't provide your nation with the potential for net growth? I think you should be deported along with them then.

We pay H-1B hires the same as Americans. I have not hired a single Indian. Not out of racism, but because all the ones I've interviewed are terrible. IIT produces absolute garbage.

Kids from Waterloo, Toronto and schools in Europe are generally pretty good though.

The biggest downside for them is that they cannot switch jobs if they apply for a green card without jumping through tons of hoops.

> train Americans to do the job.
We hire plenty of Americans. There is just not enough of them that are good. We need to move fast. A mediocre hire is a big negative.

Having to fire someone (I've had to do it twice now) is a huge waste of time and resources.

Tech pubs guy here: You're as full of shit as a Christmas goose.

all the smart city people voted for her and she won the popular vote

she won that election

she is your rightful president!

how could trumpanzees ever possibly sleep at night knowing this criminal injustice has occurred!

Do you work in Silicon Valley? I am talking about the region between Sunnyvale/Mountain View and San Francisco.

Still doesn't explain why h1-bs get housing paid for but Americans have to spend a huge chunk of their paycheck on housing.

That is what makes me mad. And then if you're not a programmer like me, it literally makes working almost pointless because it's extremely hard to even afford a studio apartment.


>h1-bs get housing paid

What? We do not pay for our H1-B hires' housing. I have no idea what you are talking about here. If there is some state run program I don't know anything about it. Link?

You're ironically shitposting right?

Not only will it be inacted, Trump will issue even firmer immigration policy in accordance with the the constitution, which give him sole power over who the fuck comes into this country. Just wait. He'll be banning mother fuckers left and right.

Given that you are Canadian, you may be legitimately unaware of how the system works here. There is no such thing as a national popular election for the presidency of the United States of America. Since 1804 (and even earlier through different articles), the states have cast ballots for the office of the presidency, and are free to choose who they vote for in whatever manner they like.

tbqfh the worse the problem is allowed to get the more support the response will have.

No. This is the reality in SV. Why do you think all the SV companies are up in arms about H1-B visas / skilled immigration in general. We had to have a guy try to get an O1 visa because of H1-B lottery bullshit.

Doesn't the new H1B program prioritize by salary?
Meaning that highly paid (so likely highly skilled) workers have priority?
Surely this would include these world-class "rockstar" programmers?
Unless of course you mean programmers from developing countries that you want to pay less than American workers?

Get americans to do a better job then, and btw most foreigners have higher degrees so they will be better initially.

Pajeet will outperform American for the same money because he was literally living in shit so anything is a step up.

That area needs to be glassed off the map desu along with the rest of silicon valley and especially San Fran.

No there is a lottery and a limited number per year.

There are other Visas you can try to get like the O-1 that require jumping through a lot of other hoops. I actually would not mind priority based on salary/compensation since we pay people pretty well.

Newer startups would get screwed though since they generally pay shit salaries.

multiple anons told me on here from silicon valley that that's what they do. Maybe it's just the larger companies but either way it's complete BS.

Americans need to come first especially for that. If they aren't paying an h1-b enough to buy a house/apartment then maybe they shouldn't hire them. Or maybe they are paying enough idk but it's made it too expensive.

One might also say I just got out of a liberal shill thread where the fucker actually said "tippity top kekkles".

Who the fuck says something like that? That is the gayest shit I have heard in a fucking week. You motherfuckers know exactly why this board sucks. It is you guys stinking it up with your shilling, and then pretending to be mad at the state of it. Hey, everyone, whenever a liberal shills, just remember they say faggy shit like "tippity top kekkles". It will put things in perspective.


They are just cheap shitty workers, better programmers here but you actually have to pay them. Like the Mexicans of IT, shoddy work for shitty pay.

Also, the whole

>H1-B is used to hire foreign labor for cheaper than Americans

is a huge myth. As far as I know in my experience in SV they get paid the same as anyone else. Can't speak for other regions like the midwest or Texas though.

There is one thing that is advantageous to the employer in that it's hard for them to switch jobs if they want to apply for green card since it takes forever and it's hard to transfer the application so the waiting time generally resets when you move jobs.

Less than 10% of H1B visas go to Canadians and Europeans. And by "less than 10%" I mean I work at an IBM office in the northeast and have never heard of a single H1B worker that wasn't from China or India in all my years in the field.

>We pay H-1B hires the same as Americans.
Good, then you wont mind raising the minimum H1B visa salary from 60k (decided in 1989) to 130k. You yourself said this isn't for low level crap, it's for quality work.

Come one, come all. What is the problem with having a cultural melting pot?

>cultural melting pot
It's not. Having Western and Christian values is vilified, and third world cultures include the prosecution of gays and the enslavement of women.

It depends on how that 130k is calculated.

It would definitely affect startups' ability to hire. Many startups in SV pay less than 100k salary (as low as 60k-80k are common) but people work there with the dream of the company making it big and their stock eventually being worth something.

I would say something like if you firm is above some number of people (like 100) then a 130k floor is absolutely fine, while there should be an exemption for smaller companies. This is how most employment regulation works anyway.

These leftie activist judges who blocked the travel bans will help Trump make the case for dissolving the Ninth Circuit or even reforming the entire federal judiciary.

>H1-B is used to hire foreign labor for cheaper than Americans
>is a huge myth.
Their very presence is depressing salaries here in the US. Basic labor market supply-demand.

Dude, I don't even live there but I'm legit scared of what would happen next if Trump happens to pass away.
Libtard agendas were being pushed slowly but surely up to this point.
Imagine the flood after his death.

Death or end of mandate(s), of course.

What you're advocating is for the US economy to operate with a labor market shortage.

Please read my other posts. It's not like I'm going to hire some shitty American guy because I can't hire a good Canadian/European/Chinese guy. I'm going to end up hiring no-one because hiring a mediocre guy is net negative.

We would love to hire more Americans. The reality is there is a shortage of top-notch American programmers in SV right now.

>but this will lead to increased wages for the American guys who are good

Yes. This already happening. See the skyrocketing housing prices and general inflation in SV for evidence.

What you're missing is that it also causes the economy to operate at less than optimal levels and hurts employers because their firms don't produce as much as they could have.

>What you're advocating is for the US economy to operate with a labor market shortage.
I'm advocating for a US economy built upon wage growth instead of wage decline.

>It's not like I'm going to hire some shitty American guy because I can't hire a good Canadian/European/Chinese guy.
That is exactly the mindset of national-origin discrimination in hiring by H-1B visa applicants that AG Sessions is promising to stamp out, and I hope he does.

>Yes. This already happening. See the skyrocketing housing prices and general inflation in SV for evidence.
I've never lived in SV but it seems like an absolute economic shitshow purely because of state and local regulations. Other regions of the US can generate IT employment without the horrendous cost of living of SV and they could generate even more if H-1B workers weren't displacing and undercutting American workers nationwide.

Yeah seriously.

>That is exactly the mindset of national-origin discrimination in hiring by H-1B visa applicants that AG Sessions is promising to stamp out, and I hope he does.

I am not saying that American workers are shitty in general. What I am saying is that I am not going to hire one that is shitty. Hiring no-one is a better option. And this is actually the reality because there is a shortage of good Americans right now.

Have you ever considered they prefer making the same salary in places where rent doesn't cost 24k a year?

Yes, I've considered moving to Texas myself.

It doesn't really change the hiring equation though. I doubt there is surplus of good programmers in Austin. One of the reasons some companies are hesitant to move out of the SF Bay Area (even to LA) is because of the perception (I don't know whether this is true or not) of a lack of top-level tech talent elsewhere.

I think the real problem is that MIT/Harvard/Stanford/CMU/Berkeley only graduates so many kids a year -- and not all or even most of them are good. And finding top talent outside of the top schools is even harder.

Your argument falls through when you have shitters like Dell and Disney Interactive importing entire colleges worth of Pajeets.

A labor market shortage is a labor market valuation. Besides the US has plenty of people not working/underemployed
>The reality is there is a shortage of top-notch American programmers in SV right now.
Blame that on whatever the fuck you want to blame it on - a depreciated higher education system, the fact that cheaper states like Texas, the South, Colorado, etc have their own burgeoning tech industries.

Wages still haven't caught up with inflation because of pajeet and beaner shitters

Fuck off you lying kike. All you want is cheep labor. God forbid you have to pay a white guy what he deserves for your shitty program.

They are composed exclusively of estrogen, soy, and shame.

Yeah you're making a good decision. It seems pretty bad in SF.

who cares it will become a more wide ranging ban as soon as supreme court tells hawaii to fuck off

Just relax. Trump isn't going to just die out of nowhere. He's fine. I understand the existential angst that comes from the knowledge that everyone is mortal, but he's protected by the best security in the world, and has the best medical care of anyone in the world. He'll be fine.

I didn't vote for a waste of my taxes for some guy to play golf. I didn't vote to have my personal information to be sold to the highest bidder.

I fucking love Trump.

You're protected under multiple acts such that your private information has to have a significant degree of anonymity. They won't know anything personal about you just that someone in your area browses x

If you can't even bother to write a summary then I won't bother to look at the image.

Saged due to OP's lazy posting habit

You know what always pisses me off about that "hurrdurr muh rents sooo high, it doesn't even matter I make $80k, that's just like $40k in kansas!"? That they don't account at all for things with a fixed or semifixed price, like online purchases or buying a car.

How naive are you?