Canada hate thread
Canada hate thread
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i hate myself
America plz annex us I will become Canadian American loyalist and will enforce Americas will on my countrymen
fuck trudeau and fuck white people
Reminder that this isn't Canada.
60% when will you learn we are allies.
threadly reminder that Sup Forums Sup Forums /mlp/ got to see how bad leaf posts are for example
>go back to Sup Forums spammers on Sup Forums leaf
>Sup Forums sjws leaf
>gr15 fags leaf
>a shitposters are from Sup Forumstoronto irc
>half of /qa/ most likely leaf
day of the rake soon
there isn't really much to discuss here
i think everyone should go to sleep
Just here to post a shit comment.
Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon
yeah, I remember taking a look at /vint/ and people said Sup Forums had a leaf problem, lel, fuck canada
rake crusade soon
canada is the whore of babylon
>soros sponsored refugee program
>legally have to start tfa's in bc at 13$ an hour which is higher than min wage
>350k non whites immagrate a year
>voted a drama teacher in for dude weed
>changed the anthem to be gender neutral
>tax dollars are going to a islamaphobia study
>"syrian refugees" get more gibs than a min wage bc worker
>that fire is still burning in alberta
need i say more?
Can't even describe the feels. Canada reminds me of this emo little brother that keeps telling the world (Britain) they are just as cool as their rebelious older brother (States) that moved out early and succeeded.
Proof that you're not using a proxy.
>that fire is still burning in alberta
come on, its been over year, tell me that fucking fire was put out
Burger larping again, " we rebels, take all our money Mr. Shlomo "
I know I'm a leaf but I can read the bible, something your ilk suppressed throughout the ages!
do you think someone bothered to set up a proxy there?
it would be hard for some italian to just walk there and shitpost from his phone
the bible wont save you from the moose limb hordes friendo
Got me there
But... don't you cry in your nasty 800 thread count sheets about people in Europe and Asia think we own you?
>just ask 'em.
America may have out-anglod us by teaming up with frog but at least they didn't start living with them.
kys canada
West is not Canada.
East is not Canada.
Nothing is actually Canada, we don't actually exist. We are just a real life containment board for shitposters
Your country has been cucked since 1913, you poor burgers just can't see it.
Brasil is better than USA in at least 6 of this.
Gas yourself hue nigger.
It's not Quebec either
Chola mais
It's not our fault King George decided to settle the Loyalists in a country that already had a French population.
We don't hate Europe. We respect those countries that have conquered. What did Canada conquer? You seriously are the biggest nation of cucks. You are continously fucked by the UK and French nationalists and you can't bang their heads or annihilate one. You're Robin. The faggy one that died.
< Brazil is better than you.
Ahahahhahahahahahahahhahajahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahah breathes in HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHaHhahhaahhahahahahajajajajajahahahhahahaha
Rare flag
Also, go fondle children, popefag
Of course we have more :
>hatting of europe,
>shitty memes,
wtf is that
> Conquered one of the biggest landmasses in the world.
Americans really are this stupid.
How can you be so cucked?
le genocide?
You're just jealous our government was smart enough to team up with the worlds best philanthropist billionaire
>Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.
Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.
The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.
>The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said.
McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.
"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.
>McCallum said Soros would contribute funding to the project.
> he's never had an Algonquin snowball
Are you even Canadian?
Yoy can't conquer that which nobody wants. Most of what you live in is not ideal for life. Face it, we have it all. Warm sandy beaches, tundra, deserts, mountains.. etc.
the pope is a cucked faggot
cathocucks are responsible for the downfall of europe
Canada self-containment board when?
Is this real?if so, da fuk Canada. i still love you cunts but come on.
ill try it sometime
Tried it
Got any other ideas?
That's retarded, all the frogs live south of the St. Lawrence.
Good stay in dumbfuckastan, we don't want you retards.
For now
Apparently, they were changed twice to include "thy sons" and religious references so that's why they said they were justified. It's an unfortunate truth that's being used to shit all over what ended up being a solid anthem.
>Algonquin snowball
Is it true?
>Yoy [sic] can't conquer that which nobody wants
Sounds like a case of sour grapes to me burgerbro.
Keep looking for mommies approval and ask Qubec how goes that sovereignty movement.
Fuck off you self loathing cucks.
Canada is still miles beyond France, Sweden, AND Germany.
We have yet to have a major terrorist attack except AGAINST mudslimes.
A nonbinding motion doesn't change that. I'm not bind to the degeneracy that exists at universities and so on.
But all the cuck-canucks in these threads are a worse sign than anything else.
It's not a proxy, he is a student or something staying in the vatican for a couple months or so he has explained in other threads. He posts fairly often actually, though he doesn't seem particularly devout...
jokes side, why is it that the vast majority of canadian and autralian posters are forcefully pushing the shitposting meme? it's incredibly cringy and hardly ever funny.
very forced, very unoriginal, very sad.
I don't know why but I was totally expecting spiders.
I'm disappoint.
Seriously, the bullying against Canadian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Canadians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Canadian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Germans or Swedes? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Burgers get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Northern America.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful.
Would you call a Canadian man a "cuck" to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Canadian man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behaviour.
O worked 25 years for IBGE (national statistics bureau) from all data I've seem, muslins work like this:
>less than 1% then are good, quiet and educated.
>between 1% and 5% they start educated manifestation.
>between 5% and 10% they form they own community with they own law, attacks begun to happen.
>between 10 and 20% they start to press government for more sharia like laws, start to bullie some random non muslin, but few.
> 20% to 45% is almost war, they start attacking many, impose sharia by themselves
>+45% you are a Islamic "republic.
They remind me of them white guilt faggots, people gotta remember a lot of this is bait. Also sometimes its good to have a little hate on ones nation unless you're from a nigga country then you deserve a nuke.
Yeah, you're cucked. Strap a genie on your grandfather's corpse so we can harness that sweet clean energy as he spins for eternity.
Allright guys, enough. Listen to this man. Let's stop bullying them leafs.
You don't want trolling to be a crime to, do you?
>Strap a genie on your grandfather's corpse so we can harness that sweet clean energy as he spins for eternity.
Also, yes I know it's "set" but I want to know if it's actually come true.
The Australians have always been that way, it's just part of their culture that they shit on each other in a good natured sort of way.
The Canadians on the other hand are just awful wretched people who shit on everything else so that the world they see can be as shitty as they feel inside.
< America proud of betraying her motherland.
I'm a Englishman and damn proud we stayed loyal to the crown.
I would call you a snowflake cuck in front of you and mag dump you with my Glock 19
>This is a 10/10 in leafland
> a fucking leaf
Even Brazil is more civilized than Cucknada, and I'm not even trolling, you should get banned from this website.
I live in Alaska and i think canadians are alright
whats your address so I can actually come culturally enrich your wife
My boyfriend and I live in Toronto.
We'd be open to a threesome, if your boipussy is up for it
why the fuck do millennial love canada but hate usa. i been all over canada
it is as shit if not more shitty then usa
These Canadian hate threads are like hating your brother because he smoked all your white trash father's weed stash.
Yeah, he's high as fuck and blissful about the world right now, but the reality of living in a trailer park is about to come down just as hard soon enough.
hey amerifats at least we have ketchup lays
>Join your local regiment as a military musician at age 18
>Leave army and become conductor of a choir, write some chamber music
>Rejoin army as bandmaster at age 25, become interested in Roman history
>Write a proud military match and name it Entrance of the Gladiators
>A few years later a leaf makes a band arrangement for Entrance of the Gladiators
>In the future everybody associates your music with clowns
**A fucking leaf**
Is there anything the world would miss if canada would be gone? Just asking