Have you heard of BLAXIT? Over on voat they made a campaign for black people to move back to africa
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I'm with them.
holy shit lol
There's nothing wrong with voat.
I want to go back to Africa, but I don't have the cash for the trip. Help me anons. Any donation no matter how small.
>Theres a nigerian billionaire offering free home to American blacks wish to leave after Trump win
This was pretty much what Lincoln wanted before he was assassinated. Shame.
I'd give up to 30% of my income to make this happen
That is not enough, you are already giving 60% of your annual income to keep them, it would have to be more like 80% of all your total assets.
Sheeeeeeeit. If he can give me a half a mil, and a house. I'm out.
Niggers take money. Niggers don't go to Africa.
They tried that.
It's called Liberia.
It was a complete failure.
It's as fucked as the rest of Africa.
And this is a bad thing why??
They have to revoke citizenship on the way out
Correct answer
yeah lmao
but keep it secret... (they don't need to know this is the inevitble result of american blacks by themselves)
ok why not try it at least one more time, though? stop being sucha fucking leaf
Fine by me. When do they start packing?
No, send them To Haiti to "Fix it"
There may still be the possibility of some place in Africa having some hope
Wait... So... Blaxit is moving back to africa so they can rule? Wut?
>Movement trying to persuade nigs to go back to Africa along with we wuz kangz
Which one of you cheeky fucks did this?
I want this so much.
Funny thing is American blacks would have a massive advantage over the natives because they were forced through a school system and had the internet for years..
Who knows, maybe they will make a shining beacon of hope for Africa.
Even tho most of us LOVE the idea, it'll never happen in reality
Yes it will.
>Who knows, maybe they will make a shining beacon of hope for Africa.
you cant be serious. even with their 20% european dna theyre still behind.
nuh-uh if they haven't fucked it up yet we should give them the benefit of the doubt
Yes. Good. I encourage any and all Black people who have a problem with the West to move back to Africa. If they are indeed valuable assets to civilization, then they will have made Africa, and their lives, better.
"Westernized" blacks would get fucked immediately in Africa. Blacks in the west are barely able to survive with government assistance and 24/7 protection by the (((MSM))) and (((Civil Rights))) groups so to think they would have a chance is laughable.
Personally, this sounds like the only longterm solution as blacks and other non-white races will NEVER be accepted other than by bleaching.
It would be fun to watch the African raids of the Blaxit compounds the westernized blacks realizing that they were treated like a protected species by the whites back in the in west.
>Western Niggers: #BlackLivesMatter
>African Niggers: Not yours! *BOOM GOES THE AK*
Liberia wasn't a complete failure. For a long while, it was THE most civilized place in all of Africa, barring the Boer settlements.
Plus, it lost support from the US Government. If we'd just kept it and turned it into a US State/colony, we could send Blacks there.
Do you even live around blacks?? You know this will only be a failure. One thing I have learnt in Africa is that you will always expect to much from them and they will always let you down. It's because they almost seem human so you expect them to act like other humans.
Read my lips. WE DON"T WANT ILLITERATE SUB-HUMAN "AFRICAN" AMERICANS IN AFRICA, WE ARE DOING FINE. Black americans are the lowest level degenerates, far below what we have in Africa. Just find an empty island and dump them there.
That sounds like a wonderful idea.
Shining. Beacon.
No they wouldn't, they're so used to gibs they'd get fucking creamed here.
t. Kenya
You guys need to accept 100 African American refugees for every $1 million we send you in aid.
top kek
No we don't, I'm actually against aid. All it does is stagnate a country by inducing the GIBS ME mentality. Fuck you and fuck your aid nigger
Based savannah nigger
How do you get internet in your mud hut? Are you a warlord?
y'know you could outsource your government to Jews, they might try to genocide you once in a while but they'll make sure your people are wealthy and well-fed.
Call it a "colonial democracy" where your people can vote, but for different Jewish foreigners.
Westernized niggers come here expecting us to bow to their retardation. Fuck them. We are starting to get on our feet in Kenya all black Americans will do is return us to the stone-age with their BLM bullshit.
Kenya is pretty modernized, u should visit and see it for yourself.
Apparently that was the original plan by the brits when they settled in Kenya. Exterminate the locals, then send the Jews here.
Literally just start rumors that Africa is making yuge economic gains and giving out tons of gibsmedats and blacks will be leaving in hoards. Bonus points for actually providing them with free plane tickets through crowd funding while posing as a black nationalist (pretty much what Marcus Garvey did but with boats but he just kept the money because nigger)
i want this to happen so bad. once they're in a country where they don't have a privileged minority status and gibs, they'll be crying for whitey to take them back.
We can give them the Sahara desert. Let them use their western education to survive there. no gibs for them.