Share your fav red pill films


first one who says matrix gets a nigger gangrape in their shower

Other urls found in this thread:

they live

Taxi Driver


ooga ooga kebab booga

Romeo & Juliet
the one with Dicaprio

Apocalypse Now


Triumph of the will
Birth of a nation

w how is that a red pill film? a porn for kikes to jerk off to, as they watch the slow crash of our führer????

Those films are all garbage and the dystopian genre is sickening, also far too common in England.


Falling Down


You get to see some nice Tiddues and at the same time learn about Auschwitz


Dude, Where's My Car?


Terry Gilliam has stated he finds it bizarre that right wingers like the film Brazil

He's a fucking idiot

Is Terry a cuck?

On the Beach (1959)

Johnny Got His Gun

No, he just doesn't understand how a film he was originally going to call 1984 1/2 (he's also never read 1984) could be liked by right wingers

He's an idiot

Eyes Wide Shut

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned desu.

This. Stanley Kubrick died after this film.

His later work is a given though, really. I heard he ate nothing but redpills for the last couple of decades. OD'd on them in the end, sadly.

forrest gump

Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now (I hate Martin Sheen in this movie, he just doesn't fit with the main character)
The Wicker Man (1973) (3rd was hard to choose, so i decided to put this one, if anyone else have seen this, your thoughts welcome)

As multiple of you have mentioned Brazil, you shoul check out Kafka (1991), it's an intresting expierence.

>Apocalypse Now
How so?

The Mate Ricks

The Redux is more political so he might be referring to that.

>I hate Martin Sheen in this movie

STALKER, Holy Mountain, Meetings with Remarkable Men, Dark City, 2001, Enter the Void.

There will be blood.


pootie tang

Forrest Gump was bluepilled. It empowers retards into thinking they can do anything when they need care givers that have to make hard choices for them like when they need to wipe their ass and which tastes better the color red or dog turds.

I feel like anyone who says this is like 30+

It is a redpill on women you dumbass.

Only becouse of the Colonel himself.

look whos back was alright, it was a movie light enough to hide some deeper humor

Ah and before I forget...


Fucking Captain Nascimento is REDPILLED AS FUCK

Hood Life Vol. 3

The Brave One

Truman Show

I don't think it fits here, but I enjoyed it. It's the least propagandized depiction of him in mass media -- because it already chronicles his weakest moments, there is little need for them to embellish

Not really a redpill though

It's like a chewy redpill vitamin that you'd give to kids rather than a full blown redpill on anything.


Film is inherently bluepilled. The works of John Milius probably come the closest, but the medium is truly the celluloid Jew. Small amounts of wrongthink are allowed if it lets them extract more money from the goyim.

>Brave new world
>Animal Farm
>They Live
>The Brotherhood of the Bell

The Notebook

>No one ever talks about Kubricks' films in these threads

>Trump is the ultimate "good guy"
>Mariana trench of the friend zone
>Jenny's boyfriend beats her, trump punches him, Jenny fucks the boyfriend
>Jenny rides the cock carousel for 15 years
>comes home, give Gump a pitty fuck
>"Gump has contracted Aids"
>She fucks off for four years
>gump is emotionaly devestated
>she finds out gump is rich
>crawls back into his life
>marrys him to get his money
>Dumps her bastard child on Gump
>"yeah it's totally your kid Gump, even though we only fucked one time, he doesn't have your inheritable mental retardation, and I am literally the biggest whore in the USA 20 years running. Im tote's sure he is yours"
>Jenny dies
>now Gump is stuck with her bastard, no pussy, and AIDs

It would be a redpill if the normies recognized how awful Jenny is, all they see is the romantic story of Gump mopping up the cesspool of shit that is her life.

ah fuck Trump = Gump, ive got Trump on the brain.

Music video freaked me out as a kid.

M8, I knew Jenny was a fucking awful bitch as a child and knew that Forrest deserved better. The only people that don't understand it are all roasties and spinsters.

Gran Torino is really good.

Instict. It's a good movie with a pretty good message but if I remember the source material might have had a dont-trust-whitey message to it

Fight Club
13th Floor
Dark City
They Live

Damn man... it might have been the same for me

Once you're redpilled, Spielberg becomes much more interesting to watch. The Cohen brothers as well.

>inb4 Sweden says Matrix

Ernest Goes To Camp

Death Wish 3.

Equilibrium! Good "thought police" movie (drug induced though). Epic flick, unbelievable action though

Suddenly Last Summer

1984? Are you a fucking retard? Orwell was a democratic socialist who felt the USSR wasn't real communism, and that they used the mask of the ideology to justify their own power grabs. Animal Farm, and 1984 are both satire of Russia's revolution, not a fucking right-wing manifesto, you mouth-breathing-knuckle-dragger.

nigga network's the best film of the 20th century. Are you new or something?

(500) Days of Summer

They Live
Red Scorpion
Omega Man

Every single one of Charlton Heston's movies.



>They Live

>not reading the book


how was this red pilled and omega man was good they still punked out of following the plot of the book

>inb4 czech republic get color tv

The Lord of the Rings

>tfw there will never be a movie like it
>tfw if there ever was going to be a remake of the LotR movies Aragon would be black, Gandalf transgender, Frodo transracial, and Legolas and Gimli would've been a gay couple while Sauron is a fucking white male

The days have gone down in the West, behind the hills... into shadow

Fuck My Dirty Shit Hole volume 3


Planet of the Apes (1969)

Hmm... You're absolutely right and it's infuriating.

What would Gollum be, I wonder?

What about 50 shades of grey?
This film shows you the hypocrisy of most women.

this shit right here.

(((They))) are prepearing for a falseflag alien attack on earth in order to bring a global government from this fear. It'll all begin as an attack on the Empire States building.

>literally porn flick
>badly written with that (it's more stupid than most doujin)
>biggest seller anyway and we should consider it empowering



I didn't saw 1984 but's isn't it about communist government and how bad it is?
I mean today we are getting closer to some of the aspects of 1984 and we live in a capitalist/socialist world.
so it's kinda of propaganda too because our world today is lack of privacy as well