
Am I the only one that believes there is a grand scheme in legalizing drugs? I refuse to take drugs like marijuana and sometimes even over the counter stuff because I feel like it does something to us. I live in an ethnic area where drugs, specifically marijuana, are rampant and peer pressure is everywhere but I have never succumbed to any drugs because i just have that deep feeling it will dumb me down or make me a drone. Anyone else feel the same??

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Then don't nigger. Drugs are for losers. It's everyone's free choice if they wish to be a druggie. If you don't want to, then don't do it.

Drug use will lower competition for a clean a sober person such as yourself.

yeah but isn't it weird how people who do drugs are all part of a hivemind that advocate for them and stuff, trying to drag in more people? I just don't know if I would want that in my country but obviously, the war on drugs is expensive.

While simultaneously lowering worker efficacy across the board. I'd rather get paid $40,000 in a functional society than $50,000 in a dysfunctional one.

drugs do change the chemicals in your brain 5ever so get fucked even if you did anti-histamines

This. I can't stand walking around and having everyone have their fix. I don't even have a fun life. I rarely travel and overall life is boring but i'd rather have life be truthful than take drugs but man, pressure has been really getting to me.

>functional society
This is a relative term.

>because I feel like it does something to us.

I think you're onto something

honestly im a advocate for doing them in high school
did coke / acid / weed / and then i turned 18 got a job and never did them again. now i can tell you how much fun they where and not worry about having to party with them

just dont do opiates

And still countries will decriminalization and education don't have a opioid epidemic like the US does its the opposite son the scheme is to keep it illegal

No, you're only the person who thinks drugs are bad

What they see as functional, might be dysfunctional to us... and what might be functional to us, might be dysfunctional to them... hence the drug taking.

>I have never succumbed to any drugs because i just have that deep feeling it will dumb me down or make me a drone.

Congratulations. You have succumbed to DARE propaganda.

You ever consider the fact that a shit load of rich politicians and successful businessmen sniff cocaine like they need it to survive? Or that marijuana has a shit ton of medicinal properties?

I don't take drugs either, but you think that somehow makes you less of a drone?

Even though i'm not the user you replied to, my idea of a functional society(at least in america) is where the people engage in their civic duties, work not only for themselves but for their families and/or others(not forcibly) and are just all-around normal people, with a couple bad apples here and there. From my experience, druggies have a lot of this taken away from them. They are almost always so self-centered without any regard for other nor the law and whenever someone(perhaps another druggie or acquaintance) does something illegal and pays a consequence, they're so quick to immediately defend their action and defend drug use in general. Druggies also tend to focus less on other things such as their civic duties like electing governors and stuff like that. It's just really weird to me and freaks me out.

>Drugs do something
Fuckin' Sherlock Holmes over here. Next tell us how you figured out the global power structure from what Alex Jones read to you on his show.

Drugs being illegal is how the deep state generates funds to do fucked up shit. Read about Iran-Contra and the crack epidemic. Whether or not you wish crack upon poor black communities, that was a president going around Congress in a Democracy. Drug money is huge business and drug legalization takes power back into the people's hands.

What is happening with pot legalization is unfortunate. Trump choosing not to declassify weed as a schedule 1 drug means the rich (jews, if you choose to be a dick about it) get a monopoly on the drug while the people that were originally crushed by the anti-weed policy don't make a dime. It's impossible for normal people to get started on harvesting this cash crop, but millionaires can get started easy.

Anyways, weed is fine, it's helpful for a myriad of problems and it's a fun, social drug. I will never buy blow because I think it's a key asset to the white power structure.

Are you quitting on me? Well, are you? Then quit, you slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit!

Such a bullshit graphic.

Sure, starts with venturing mom and dads cabinet - percs, Vicodin, t3s - but someone who has half a sense of their properties will not succumb to drinking with them and using on the regular.

Shit, I go to my doctor when I get a cold just to get some codeine syrup to make the sickness feel ok. This only occurs like twice a year

>chemicals on top of chemicals that alter your mind
that's a checkmate

legalization would stop any sort of "extra chemicals" in it, and would produce quality strains, drive the CIA out of the business and lower the overall prices (then possibly medicine prices)
it'll also weed out the overly hedonistic degenerates

True, but hopefully the sentiment gets through.

If everyone is mentally alert and productive, then things will run smoothly. I probably won't be paid as much because I would be somewhere in the middle of the pack, but all of the work that needs to get done to keep things running will be accomplished.

Taking it to the extreme, where 90% of people are drug addicted messes barely holding it together, the benefits of being a much more desirable hire are vastly outweighed by the fact that shit simply isn't being done.

>le drugs are bad for society
Drugs have been in use for the past 10,000 years what makes the last 50 years so special

This is the gayest shit I've read in a while. People in literally every profession use drugs to some degree of advantage. Just because some people can't handle their shit doesn't mean I should have to give up what helps me forget my troubles on occasion.

God damn. I know high school is tough anons, and I hate peer pressure. But don't tell me what I am based on the fact that I wanna smoke grass and take psychedelics a couple times a year. Mushrooms are great for depression.

Except i didn't even remember what DARE was until you mentioned it, and my thinking is simply based off my experiences with druggies.

Both those examples, especially the businessman, hire people that can effectively do at least part of their job for them, therefor not fully requiring them to be there, physically nor mentally.

>people used them and humanity is still around so whats the big deal

fuck off, poo


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Go back to plebbit

A lot of people are introduced to pills from a party scene. I'm glad I hate opiates or I'd be addicted to them by now, I partied a lot when I was 17-23, and the stuff was usually around.

You opinions are based in the fear mongering your country does cause their are countries right now where drugs are legal and nothing of this sort happens their

I need to be from their to go back Paco

when drug use is comparatively high it's easier to control a populace with selective enforcement of laws (see: crack cocaine). eventually, when drug usage becomes so common, it becomes more effective, as a method of societal control, to let everyone just sedate themselves individually and to peruse another method of societal control.

nothing wrong with a little WEED LMAO as an alternative to drinking, as someone who's had problems with the latter and some psychedelics at least a few times to expose yourself to radically different thought patterns


You are in no position to make insults you subhuman filth. Go shit on a street Pajeet and stan by while Pakistan rapes you again.

your position is only a positive one if you also don't drink alcohol. alcohol is neurotoxic. marijuana and cocaine are not. marijuana damages your respiratory system and cocaine damages your heart but neither is as bad as damaging your brain.

fuck i meant "comparatively low" at the beginning
let's all get some sleep

It really depends on whether or not the lack of drug addiction is made up for by some other addictive habit.

It is possible to stop being a drone. All you have to do is stop being a slave to pleasure and do things for reasons other than feeling good.

They gather more people because it makes them feel good and they want to share the experience or maybe they need people to legalize whatever drug we arw talking about

Well then maybe different drugs can be for medicinal purposes like shrooms and pot(which i know we're doing). I haven't developed my stance on drugs fully which is why i made this post.

I quit weed and never do any pills, not even aspirin.

Can't, I just injected meth into my scrotum. It's gonna be a wild ride.

You don't drink on the weekends?
It's the same as smoking a joint or any other "soft" drug occasionally

The scheme is taxation of sales.

And still every religion apart from Abrahamic religion advocated psychedelic use

And Abrahamic Religion prevailed. Muslims the middle east(and their silent conquest of Europe), Christians and the West, Jews and Israel. Hell, China's government is atheist so you can't give buddhism a point with china.

While the rest of Asia dosent follow Abrahamic religion in sheer population the number of people following Eastern religions are more

use cocaine regularly AMA

Penn and teller's episode on the drug war changed my view on drug laws and use, i reccomend it

Can't wait for drugs to be legalized, regulated, and taxed so that the poor will still buy cheaper, lower quality illegal drugs and still get booked for it. I'm sure everyone will stop using because it's not edgy and cool anymore.

fuck off, scum.

Teens may stop doing it for sure, no odea about adults
Also cheap alcohol is everywhere

OMG so don't fucking take them. I hope there is desu. I enjoy my medical marijuana.

If you have never taken mushrooms, weed or LSD I don't even feel you are on my same level intellectually

I'm a functional alchoholic that prinks two pints of vodka and smokes 3 packs of ciggarrettes a day. AMA

No only psychedelics

I was addicted to weed. People say it's not addictive, but it is. It kills motivation.
I have an occasional cigar. And don't drink alcohol.
Tea is my pleasure. I have some rare teas. Offering a cup of tea to a guest is good manners, or soup.

I use weed and mushrooms regularly and there's nothing you can do about it.
I respect your decision not to use. Why is it so hard for squarefags to respect my decision to medicate my spirit?

I used to think like that and I respect it.

I wish I could be a straight edge stoic to the bone but recently I've come to the realization that you can't fully understand modern society if you don't understand the drug experience, so I've been prone to dabble.

I have never truly enjoyed it (went down the derealization hole too many a time), and I don't care much for drug culture, but still I dabble. You might think I'm succumbing to peer pressure, but I kept it at bay well into my twenties. It's an exploration thing, it might be that I'm just making sure I'm not missing out on anything valuable before I go full stoic.

It's not physically addictive. It's mentally addictive.
You won't get withdrawal symptoms.

If it's working this well, maybe we need to do that for machine guns.


Drug counter culture is social engineering by CIA.

Drugs make people suggestible and easy to control. Mysticism has been the tool of tyrants for thousands of years, as a mechanism of societal control. Goes back to imperial cults, Elysium, and probably since the dawn of tribal society.

Look into Jan Irvin's work youtube.com/user/GnosticMedia

Some juicy tidbits:

Who introduced magic mushrooms to time magazine? Gordon Wasson, former VP of PR at J.P. Morgan.

Jim Morrison of The Doors was the son of a Navy Commander during Gulf of Tonkin.

Huxley was connected to the Tavistock Institute which was behind MK Ultra.

CIA was behind the scenes with the Grateful Dead, and supplied acid to the masses to dumb people down. If you've ever met a Dead Head you can tell that it worked.

Unless your will is not strong enough to maintain drug use to a minimum, then yeah. Some of them can have many benefits if used correctly and for the right thing.

>mushrooms regularly

Really? I only do that shit maybe once every two, three months. Anything more is unhealthy. I knew a kid who tripped every weekend, he developed serotonin syndrome after a while.

Do you get your weed from Albanians over there? Do they have good bud?

For some reason, around here the Arabs have the best bud.

I don't trip regularly.
I take microdoses every four days and go on a trip maybe every two months.
Microdosing (0,3-0,5g) makes the world and every day interesting while it doesn't interfere with your ability to function normally.

As far as I know, the Albanians have flooded the market, yeah, but it's cheap laced weed. To my knowledge, the good stuff usually comes from Serbia, is homegrown (a rarity), or from Greece.


Damn dude. I took 0.6 g one time and I actually tripped. Do you grow them yourself? I did and I found the potency increases like 10x when you put good care into it. That's why I tripped from 0.6g

yes and it does

marijuana lowers bloodflow to the brain and reduces your ability to think rationally by overloading your brain with learned observational regression.
It makes you reconsider things you had believed before to be concrete, also opening up your brain to easy reprogramming.

>lacing weed

People actually do this?
I'm shocked, I thought it was just DARE propaganda to make people not smoke out of fear there's LSD or something in it. Seems like it's a waste of money from the dealer's perspective, since it burns up the product.

This js because you have no idea what drugs re about
You think everyone on drugs are dysfunctional and inefficient
Your very own silicon valley uses drugs microdosing and shit
Everyone does drugs but you put them in some big basket of dysfunction alomg with the killers and the addicts. Youre the one overgemeralizing here
You need to dee more of thr world and less of your computer screen
Travel in places where they are legal or at least progressive about it and you will see the difference with the reality and ur little dystopia

>marijuana lowers bloodflow to the brain

It increases it actually. THC is a vasodilator, not a vasoconstrictor.

in europe there has been weed laced with fucking glass before

>It's not physically addictive. It's mentally addictive.

Absolutely retarded. Weed affects your neurochemistry and is absolutely physically addictive on the level of neurotransmitters. It physically alters the chemistry of your brain.

The brain adapts to the unnatural flood of cannabinoid neurotransmitters by producing more receptors to it, hence why your tolerance increases. You must consume more to get the same effect. It is a physical addiction.

Specifically, marijuana floods the brain with ANANDIMIDE, a transmitter that regulates hunger, sleep, and contentment -- and is a primary neurotransmitter involved in PREGNANCY.

Yes, your brain is acting like a pregnant woman when you take weed.

It also increases the hormonal production of estrogen. In Colorado (where I live) there is an epidemic of male teenagers smoking weed who are literally growing breasts. This is not discussed much because the prevailing discourse is about the booming weed industry, but there is a dark side.

Recreational marijuana is total degeneracy.

Sadly they do, and it's probably not LSD either, but something cheaper, which in turn would mean that it's potentially more harmful.
Don't take my word for it, though, I'm barely an expert on the matter.
However, what I've found from personal experience is that laced stuff will often have an acidic flavor.

>but I have never succumbed to any drugs because i just have that deep feeling it will dumb me down or make me a drone. Anyone else feel the same??
Good, you have the right instincts. Don't listen to the shills and degenerates here that will try to expound the virtues of whatever monkey is currently on their back.

>It's everyone's free choice if they wish to be a murderer. If you don't want to, then don't do it.

Holy shit, dude. Fucking glass? How does that even work? Can't even begin to imagine what that shit would do to you.

I´ve used almost every drug under the sun, expect stayed away from hard opiates since I dislike the nausea when I tried it few times.

I do not do any drugs anymore, not even coffee or cigarettes. No porn either. It is amazing what changes occur when you deprive yourself out of cheap dopamine and serotonin sources.

some people like altered perception and others find the idea apprehensive. not a big deal

Care to elaborate on those changes? I'd like to know.

>This is not discussed much because the prevailing discourse is about the booming weed industry, but there is a dark side.
I live in California and there are ads on the radio offering seminars for people wanting to get their "medical marijuana business license" to get in on the industry. Not a peep from the anti-tobacco smoking, supposedly anti-big business left.

It really is about promoting degeneracy and destroying what few moral restraints we have left.

>don't even have a fun life
try smoking a joint every once in awhile you fucking homo

Calmness of the mind without cravings for anything. It took months of sobriety though to even begin to feel it.

The first step is legalizing them the second step is making them incredibly harmful while claiming they help you.

You know, like all those pills that cure depression and shit but have depression and suicidal thoughts as possible side effects.


could possibly be 1P-LSD. just a guess though.

most drugs will alter you rather predictably, marijuana will alter you rather unpredictably, but one thing is certain: Marijuana is not part of any psy op, it's been used by humans since before tobacco and even alcohol, there is nothing wrong with smoking marijuana I would be more wary of literally any other drug. Marijuana may make you paranoid, but on other drugs like alcohol even you will be waking up with a dick in your butt before you start feeling paranoid...smoke weed and nothing else. Also, drugs were legal for hundreds of thousands of years...there is no op to make drugs legal...at the time they were made illegal, that's when the major operation started. You used to be able to buy opium at your local apothecary.

>implying drugs arent what causes homosex

Wouldn't the solution for that be having exclusively private suppliers with limited governmental quality control?
What you're describing COULD happen if a government does everything.

well I've done a lot of drugs and I've never had sex with another guy or done gay stuff, but I know of plenty straight-edge literal faggots.

You are correct. Pharmakea (sorcery) is for those who will not inherit the kingdom.

As a previous drug user I can shed some light.

Main thing is increased drive and long term motivation. If you can immediately gratify yourself with a dope hit, then there's less reason to exert yourself to achieve the goals that actually matter to you (and would give you an authentic dope hit). Also, my mental clarity is heightened, my memory functions better, and I am less prone to mood swings. My anxiety is much lower as well, even though I used to tell myself I took drugs to quell anxiety.

The tricky part is drugs give you an illusion that they are useful to you -- that you need them. There is an ancient survival circuit in the brain that is vulnerable to addiction:

> feels good
> didn't kill me yet
> keep doing it

Good for cavemen but not for modern man. Your ancient brain will create rationalizations to convince you that the drug "makes you more creative" or "feel more connected to people". Without the drug, you will feel anxious and that your survival is being threatened. That may even be true in the very short term, but in the long term you will become burned out and alienate your closest friends and family if you continue your addiction.

I smooked weed and done shrooms before, but what I really want is some legit nootropics. I want the limitless drug, I want a pill that boosts my IQ 30 fucking points. I feel like life is a puzzle that needs to be solved and drugs that impact my cognition negatively don't really do it for me.

>inb4 adderall or modafinil

Nah, while that does have a kick I want something much stronger and not a stim that just gives me the confidence of a genius, not the cognition of a genius. (Studies show you don't really get smarter with adderall, just have more focus and confidence)

vasodilator will lower the blood pressure you fucking illiterate drug addict

Good to hear things have worked out for you.

But notice above how I talked about having the strong will to keep it to a minimum, and by minimum I mean smoking weed once every 3 months or so. That hardly classifies as addiction.

And I never suggested that EVERYONE should do it. I actually believe the same as you, that you're better off without them (if you can manage). But not everyone is the same, and some people experience certain blockades in life through which they can't really muscle through, not without a tool.

And that's all it should be, really. A tool.

its probably the jews

All drug use is toxic by nature, but occasional use of marijuana and light occasional use of alcohol has been shown to have benefits. The world isn't so black and white.

>grand scheme in legalizing drugs
yes, because people want to be out of it and governments don't want black markets.

good fucking luck with that, the brain just stops developing around age 25, after that you are just strenghtening pathways i.e. working with what you got

mkultra probably has data on multiple drugs influencing intelligence but we're not getting our hands on that anytime soon

First weed was a thug nigger drug.
Now it's a sissyboi drug?

so im literally about to do a shot of coke an heroin as we speak and i wish to god it was just legal or have the thing switzerland does to where if u qualify then they give you to shots of heroin a day. I hate my life but god damn it i dont know how to stop

Yes, the jews are behind legalizing drugs.
Ever notice how people get really into media (music, movies, TV, &tc...) when they get high? And jews use that shit to make you a slave.
Say nope to dope and ugh to drugs my friend!


Not all music, movies and tv are jewish.