This isn't Canada
This isn't Canada
So whenever you insult Canadians, please exclude the people from the area shown in OP's post from your mental image of Canada
You're correct. That's rightful American clay.
Let Quebec be free and take the rest of us into New England
You live in Nova Scotia. Are you not Canadian then?
Come and take it Americuck
>This isn't Canada
Many frogs would agree. But if it indeed isn't, why not tell the literal 2-3 million eternal anglos, jews, chinks etc to get the fuck out? Literally a cancerous voter bloc that'll vote Liberal -both provincially and federally - until the end of time regardless of the immumerable corruption and bribery scandals. Fucking parasites. Reminder that if you hate minority rights, blame the anglo-quebecers, they literally invented it
You're wrong, this IS Canada, and the rest of the map you removed isn't.
I wouldn't live anywhere besides in Quebec.
Fuck the rest of the country.
And of course they never cared when it was French people who were being mistreated
>And of course they never cared when it was French people who were being mistreated
I don't care much for the whole "past oppression" game - just that if shills existed IRL, anglo-quebecers would be it. They had a whole anglosphere continent to move to but noooooooo, we'll just keep shitting up the political climate just to spire the frenchies. The next person to tell me that multiculturalism in Canada is Quebec's fault will be castrated with gardening shears. They had their precious minority rights enshrined in the legal code before a single nigger ever came to canada. "Muh ebil french nazis - how dare you tell us to assimilate!" Nigger-tier behavior at it's worst. That being said i have absolutely nothing against the rest of canada on a person-by-person basis, and least not the white ones.
*just to spite the frenchies
No offense to you frogs, but ya fuckin lost on the plains fair and square.
>the whitest parts of canada are welfare dumps
>the less white areas pay taxes to subsidize the shitty whiter areas
Canada is proof Sup Forums is btfo, multiculturalism works get over it.
>bring an army of men literally the size of the entire population of New France, including women and children, to war against us
>fair and square
>but ya fuckin lost on the plains fair and square.
Your point? You had your chance to genocide and/or force us into the eternal anglo ways and you pussied out. Tough break.
That's wrong actually. We surrendered to the British, but it was a conditional surrender. Among other things, the British could not deport us and they had to allow free practice of the Catholic faith
Correct. Quebec should be independent, New Foundland and Labrador are British clay and the Maritimes are rightful Burger clay. Also the Oregon Country is ours, except for Vancouver, you guys can keep that
Day of the Rake soon
Fuck Quebec. We all know ontariofags are the best leafs around.
Sounds to me you didn't value it enough to protect it, or just didn't have the strength. Shit happens, deal with it.
Kek, sparing the lives of you in mercy is now a bad thing? The rest of us love you guys, you just have too many sticks up your ass due to circumstance.
>we had to make do with a consistently insufficient budget for developing the colony, since it wasn't yet self-sustaining
>wow guys, even though you put up a pretty good fight and were outnumbered 10 to 1 it was your fault and a fair fight
Life isn't fair and you guys learned it the hard way. Now look at you. You have a culture but a population that just loves being Canadian. Same with us, but it's not going to last.
Most people don't consider themselves Canadian, whatever you guys have twisted "Canadian" into meaning these days anyway
>what is the Durham report
There was at some point a plan to force assimilation but it failed. In any case, the anglo colony and self-hating cucks over here make sure that we're a carbon-copy of you in many ways so it doesn't matter.
>you just have too many sticks up your ass due to circumstance.
The average QC Sup Forumsack is certainly thin-skinned, but that's understandable in my view. Literally 99% of mentions of us is d&c from other leafs, many of which i suspect are not white.
>the anglo colony and self-hating cucks over here make sure that we're a carbon-copy of you in many ways so it doesn't matter.
How? I've never noticed this
Quebec is a crypto-Papal state and the source of not just the entire countries ills but the entire continent. They never belonged over here in the new world so far from their despot, the original settlers came here to get away from that cancer. If they must infect, keep it benign and south of the Texas state line but noooooo! So you get what we have today.
>Quebec is a crypto-Papal state
If only. In fact, a lot of our problems are due to the fact that we're less of a crypto-Papal state than we used to be
Due to the anglo and crypto-jew minority in QC pushing for minority rights as early as the 19th century, they have their own institutions, media, schools etc which encourage anglo-speaking minorities such as chinks and pakis to move here and enjoy said institutions. They all vote liberal ofc, and will until the end of time. Many quebecers are still attached to their status as the founding people of the country so they don't want to leave, and so they vote for the liberal party as well - ergo, we're both slowly being overrun by undesirables
>source of not just the entire countries ills but the entire continent.
Nigger you have a skewed view of history: the source of ALL ills?
>what are american zionists
>what are niggers
I've already wasted enough time with this b8
second part meant for
This should separate from Canada, we are better than the rest of Canada.