You guys see Crazy Bernie's gibs me college plan?

You guys see Crazy Bernie's gibs me college plan?

>$600 billion
>more than the defense budget
>fucking socialists

Other urls found in this thread:ända_broschyr_2016-03-03.pdf

This guy is yesterdays news. The Democrat party has moved on.

You know how to not pay for college? Don't go.


The entire economic system of the US is based on fraud, and has been since 1913. We CAN have a better quality of life. 8 hours of honest work every day should get you, your wife, and your children a house, decent food, and good healthcare. There is no reason we can't have this, except that TPTB want to control us and fuck up our lives.

I mean if we were smart and gassed all the Jewish weapons contractors we could have the most powerful military by a long shot while spending half of what we already do.

Has Drumpf fucking made it so other countries pay for our defense/pulled out if they don't pay yet?

Kek this only works in the small scale like individual states, such as what Tennessee did.

Except college is shit. You have to go to a SJW cult just to get a decent job?

Someone tell Bernie he lost the primaries

College tuition in the US is fucking outrageous, like healthcare costs. The institutions are riddled with corruption, and are exploiting students. It's not about helping young people build a good life. It's about making a fuckton of money for a small number of people.

>rely on wall street speculation for funding
>investors stop investing here bc they don't want some random jigaboos getting their .50 cents per 100 dollars
>economy tanks

no refunds

This is actually great because this should bring the soaring college tuition costs to the public eye, and make people wonder where all that money is going to.

seriously. instead of promising naive young people "free" shit, fight to lower the outrageous tuition costs in the first place. that's what trump has been trying to do with healthcare

its free when someone else pays for it

im all for free college round up the kikes take their shit and that they stole from the american people and pay for college that way.

What is it with Democrats and adding things that are 1/4 of the current budget?

Did you just figure out that socialists are both logically and fiscally retarded and that their plans are always comprised of costly, unsustainable nonsense that hurts WAY more than it helps?

"organize around the legislation"

what the fuck does this even mean

The system is a mess, but tuition isn't exorbitant. There's no reason anyone should have more than 20k in debt after college. Go to a community college for the first two years, then go to a state school and work enough to pay your living expenses while taking out loans for tuition and school expenses.

The real problem is the faggots who get meaningless degrees and then cry when people won't just hand them jobs after they graduate. Women are the worst for this. My last three girls were majoring in drama, archeology, and gender studies.

You know how to get free college?

Join the fucking military

College for all = leftist indoctrination for all

I would be more sympathetic if they wanted to improve the dogshit public education system where a high schooler can't read cursive.

If K-12 is so bad, what will four more years accomplish?

Woah! You can do that?

Kek, working at a comfy office is for cucks anyways. Vocational graduate here. Went for two years, spent 20k, and now work for 18/h as a CNC engineer.

>gender studies

literally what do people expect to get from this? I feel like the most you can do with it is teach, at least archealogy can get you a nice comfy museum job

No you don't. It takes a bit longer but you can make good money. I have an associates and will make around $74k this year.

>Go to a community college for the first two years, then go to a state
>Where your credits won't transfer, even though you were assured two years ago that they were
Did you miss the "and are exploiting students" part?

Nobody hires archeologists or drama majors except for universities that teach them. The drama major just decided to up and move from Georgia to a college I West Virginia for no obvious reason, then after a year there, she transfered to NC. When u was dating her she had 80k in debt and was only a sophomore.

what do you do

Community College credits transfer right into state universities. Even if you go to state university, it only cost 9k a year. You should be at 36k in debt, at most.

>80k in debt and was only a sophomore

was she clinically retarded

sup commie

>Community College credits transfer right into state universities.
huge fucking lie mate

she was dating him, so yea

I guess it depends on your state, but I don't see a scenario where an associates degree wouldn't allow you to enter a university as a junior. NC even guarantees you a spot in any state university if you graduate from community college with a 3.0 or higher.

that would require a number of things that will never happen lets be honest.

first, you'd have to get rid of all welfare. this includes corporate welfare from the state for businesses. the incentives would have to be found elsewhere for companies to move in.

this will crash our economy most likely by massively increasing labor costs. no one could afford to get paid $6 an hour anymore. the real value would be something at least 3-4 times greater than that.

second, removing the central bank or requiring congressional oversight so we know when and why they raise rates, offer more loans, stop offering loans, offering loans to what companies, etc. and then vastly decentralize it by increasing the power of the state banks. this would probably have an extremely negative impact maybe more so than getting rid of all welfare.

the only federal subsidies that we should probably keep is on food, going through a massive depression would be deadly without access to cheap and plentiful food.

People don't have money because the real value of things has been so skewed that it doesn't resemble reality. there are clear benefits to this but also very bad side effects. the left is right about increasing taxes on the super rich though, (0.1%) that only makes sense in the current economic climate, the problem is that every legislation targeting them doesn't work and just falls on the middle class, the left has no plan or argument for this problem.

The Bernie cult is hilariously deluded. They need to be reminded of how much of a joke Sellout Sanders is.

Go fuck yourself you obvious neo-liberal. >"Hey, college is stupid expensive for no reason! Instead of preventing these colleges from exploiting students, I'm just gonna tell them to go possibly die in some foreign country fighting some sand niggers in a war orchestrated by kikes!"

600 billion dollars a year? Is this a joke?

no its not. that's the way I did it. 2 years community college, 2 years state uni. worked all summers and breaks and weekends instead of fucking partying. graduated 17k in debt. Paid off within 2 years.

>Environmental biology. nobody can build a fucking parking lot without me

Going to go back and get some environmental law which will add 20k onto my salary.

i think it was supposed to accumulate over 10 years but either way its still outrageous and he has no idea what the hell he's talking about

then change the loan laws, there's plenty to fix in there. And stop the constant tuition increases to pad the pockets of school admins.
College should definitely not be free.
and if it was, the funded courses of study should be decided by what the state needs.

The students are exploiting the system as much as anyone else. They live for free off of "loans" for four years, put in just enough effort to graduate with a degree that is worthless, then cries about how much the payments are.

But isn't the US college industry a nesting ground for marxist trans-faggots?

Software Engineer.

The trick is to work at new/growing/startup companies that promote from within. If you work for a major corporation or multinational, you'll never advance from within.

I got my Associates in Electronics, worked in a lab building stuff by hand, then moved into Field Service traveling around the USA doing field repairs, and then moved into the R&D division after becoming one of the top field service technicians.

Waited tables in college, started at $15 per hour after graduation, and now make $74k a year before bonuses. It took 9 years but it is possible.

How's AZ? I'm considering moving there. Sick of this state - I'm no lefty, I was just born here.

B-Bernie can still win!

Comrade Bernie and his Russian Bernie Bros Bots are trying to spread subversive Russian propaganda!!!

SAGE all pro-Bernie thread as they are nothing more than Putin puppets trying to destroy American Democracy.

>"Watching the hearings, I learned my “Bernie bro” harassers may have been Russian bots"



>Sanders’ office pegs the cost of the legislation at $600 billion [over 10 years]
>Sander's office
When total college spending in this country is $500b per year, how do you make it "free", theoretically increasing demand, and only have it cost 12% of what it currently costs?

Socialist math. That's how.


>a tax on Wall Street speculation.

They tried this already in Sweden. 99% of the stock traders just went to London. Good job Bernie you fucking retard.

That's not exploiting that's called being a retard. I have zero sympathy for these people and they should be completely ignored.

>spent 20k, and now work for 18/h as a CNC engineer.
>spent 20k

I've taken some interesting classes in things that weren't my major. I took an elective in the gender studies dept at my University and it continually changed my outlook on life. That said, most kids that majored in this shit are retarded or are just trying to get a general liberal arts degree before seeking out a master's and teaching, or entering some sort of social work.

But check this guy, he's the professor from the class and all his content is online:

Good they should get the fuck out of my country. I hate the stock trade leaches.

>Anders Borg, Sweden's finance minister, has told the BBC that a European financial transaction tax won't work, citing his countries own experiment with the tax. When Sweden began taxing financial transactions in the 1980s, "between 90%-99% of traders in bonds, equities and derivatives moved out of Stockholm to London," Borg said.

>"The impact was basically that we did not get any tax revenue. It brought in very little tax money while moving most of the businesses outside of Sweden.

>"We abandoned [the tax] because it was a very, very bad functioning tax."

Fucking retard. Go live in Venezuela.

>That's not exploiting that's called being a retard
No, it's also exploiting. If they spend $150k in government-guaranteed loans to party for 4-5 years and only pay back a fraction of the real value in their lifetime, that's exploiting the system.

It's also being retarded because zero long-term planning is involved in the decision and it has negative consequences. 4 years of fun now, seemingly eternal misery later.

Worked for me.

> worked for a year after high school and all through college
> 2 years of CC which transferred to actual university beautifully
> graduated with 0 debt thanks to savings, even though it blew through most of it

If only I could find a fucking job though. Feelsbad.

What was your major?

"Free" college is good. The problem is that people will study bullshit like social marketing or genderstudies which won't move the country forward. Universities should be really picky about their courses and students.

I'd support free college IF it is limited to majors that are of some practical benefit to society.

STEM, civil engineering, criminal justice, etc. Stuff that will provide a tangible benefit to the rest of us who are footing the bill.

The flipside would be the end of federal guarantees on student loans for useless majors. Want to study theater, gender studies, etc? Fine, but on YOUR dime.

> $600,000,000,000

This fucker is honestly deranged

>be intelligent poor person
>get full ride in colleges
>stand out because having a degree is still somewhat rare
>everyone has degrees now
>much more competition for the same jobs now
>wages for skilled labor drop like a rock because of the surplus
>thanks bernie

Why do Democrats hate poor people?

>state college
>job hunting

Well, there was your problem. It's hard to network with the people you want to network with at a state college, because they go to better schools.

fuck i want some nandos now


Fucking gommie leaf. It's not free because others pay for your degeneracy.

Bernie knows his bullshit won't work, but it won't stop him from taking donations from dumb kids.

It depends. You have to see if the uni you are going to will accept the courses you took at cc. Usually its just the general education that transfers over, maybe some of your course work toward the AS/AA degree will transfer but most likely not much

This, liberals do not understand what oversaturation of the market is. They failed to remember the STEM boom and the glut of candidates available but no jobs to put them in.

>Community College credits transfer right into state universities.
Not true.

Here's the scenario: The school administration denies your request and, maybe, accepts you as a Freshman.

We know it CAN work, we're saying many times it does not. Schools say they'll take credit, then don't. Many state colleges reject many community college credits and the connections and approvals change over the years.

Saying some system didn't fuck you so it won't fuck someone else is Boomer-tier.

Nigga I didn't go to college but I'm raking in 22/hour doing labor work.

If only you could make it only for stem courses.

It's the same way on the other end of the labor market. They don't see how adding 20 million hispanics to the low-skill labor market could depress wages for poor people.

Students in general don't know how the world works.
I attended a career fair on behalf of the company I work for and after speaking with about 50 different students it was abundantly clear that these kids have no idea how the corporate world works, and that new business degree doesn't automatically give you a director's seat at a company.

I was speaking with this one idiot who really stood out. I asked what he wanted to do after graduating. His answer.
>I want to become an internation business manager
Ok what department specifically?
>international business
So like sales? Supply chain?
>No, I would like to become an international business manager.
Well just so you know chances are you would have to start at the bottom of whatever department you apply for.
> But I'm majoring in international business to become a manager...

That's when I just said I'll keep his resume on file and sent him on his way.

Great. But, fuck off we are full

What state are you in? It sounds like you're just making shit up. State universities and community colleges are usually part of the same system.

>$600 Billion
wtf that's billions more than our fucking military budget. And our military actually forwards US interests which keeps our dollar strong, gives us world influence, and keeps oil flowing.

You need to confirm with the college you hope to transfer to before hand.

I got a technical degree in programming and then after 7 years of experience doing websites for local people I managed to get a good freelance contract with the Americans

H1B Is a fucking meme, why would I go live in a liberal hellhole when I can get a good remote salary? Indians are retarded

Yeah, this would be the plan. People who go to college also need to be reminded to be thankful that the nation and people allow them to study for free and that they have to pay their fair share when done.

Going to any type of schooling for programming is a fucking meme.

But then who would protect them if not us?!?!?

But yeah, still waiting for him to shove that down people's throats.

>will make
life is gonna rape you sideways

disregard. read it wrong

The easiest way to reduce cost is force universities to have a standard test for credit system for every course offered, and force them publish the course contents online.

jews like bernie are why nazis are still around.

i hope he dies soon.

Total cost of that 3-year meme for the diploma which assholes require you to have here = $2500

Current salary in a monthly cost of living of $800 per month = $60/hour

The meme was worth it m8

I got through with ~$40k in debt. Spent 2 years staying at my parents afterwards cause job was local and then had quite a bit extra.

Wasn't that bad but it might have taken maybe 4 years if I lived on my own.

I had no idea networking would be so fucking important otherwise I may have just bit the bullet and taken on the debt. Every successful classmate of mine, when I ask how they get their job, it's through some bullshit referral or their dad's sucking executive cock. Applying traditionally gets you nowhere except a paper shredder because there's ALWAYS some dickhead with more experience around the corner.

Only one change needs to be made. Stop the central banking from making all money as debt.

To find out exactly how much inflation and deflation free money you need to make you take the total amount of sales made in the economy, and the total amount of compensation paid to real people.

Subtract and you get your required amount of new currency needed.

"Free" university is worse than you think. It isn't just graduates paying for the next batch. It's everyone, and a lot of majors won't have the state recoup their investment. There's a lot of majors here with negative returns, even. So it's the high-school educated, and those with financially viable degrees, subsidizing worthless subjects like women's studies.

You don't want "free" college.

Sweden is doing great things, you fucking bigot. Just because you can't appreciate the contributions of gender studies doesn't mean it isn't real.

>College becomes free
>Every classroom is filled with 2 thousand people
>Professors can't keep up with the workload
>Quality of higher education drops
>Job Market becomes over-saturated with "educated" people who don't know shit
>Free university degrees become worthless
>People who are serious about education turn to privately funded universities
>Private universities become the new universities, while free universities become high-school 2.0
>50 years later Bernie's wife's son runs for US president promising to make all private universities free, he only needs 6 trillion in tax-payer money to do it
>Rinse and repeat

Why do Americans want free universities again?

I believe the others pictures but this cant be real


not as many people are taking woman studies as you think, what other majors aren't worth putting in?

God damn Sweden free college in action

It's on page 12ända_broschyr_2016-03-03.pdf

The climax of liberalism.

Psychology is extremely oversaturated. Bullshit like media, archeology and pretty much any of the humanities too.

Socialism is the easiest tier 1 scheme any adult should be able to figure out not to vote for it. Christ, look what happened to Brazil and what's happening to Venezuela. Good thing the Dems voted for Hillary instead of that nigger lover Colonel Sanders

That or college acceptance will be much more stricter so if youre white no college for you sorry senpai.

Sounds like you're a fucking dumbness who makes fiscally irresponsible decisions.

which is mandatory if you want a job in the (((modern economy)))

Won't Provost Greenburg be happy his job is secure still at $150,000 a year!

Yes let's put college professors on the public titty so what remains of academia is ripped to shreds. It'll be more socialist brainwashing than ever.