I've been hyped all of march waiting on april 3rd. Come april 3rd, no fucking reveal.
Where you at japanon?
I've been hyped all of march waiting on april 3rd. Come april 3rd, no fucking reveal.
Where you at japanon?
Other urls found in this thread:
bump, because insta-buried
bump once again, because buried
im beginning to think im shadowbanned
bump because I woke up way early just in case. egg on my face. If this all is true, I hope japANON is okay.
No I see you there, user.
Well, I fucking don't. I bump the thread and instantly refresh Sup Forums, yet my thread won't show up even though it has the latest post.
>babby's first ruze porn
I'll bump for interest
>people still fall for happening hypes
>every single time
for what purpose
>baby's first larp
What japanon? I must have forgotten about him. So many larpers these days
>thinking you bump your own thread
>believing in any Sup Forums hype
you're new is showing
This...but I'd still like to think something happened...
I rest my case.
thanks for proving my point
Thanks for bumping my thread.
>Not knowing about sage
How do you know he bumped your thread?
>hit enter
>no sage
You really don't belong here.
Offering qt feets to Kek
may he show fortune ITT and keep it aloft in the tumult of shitposting
>lucky larry helps the israeli maintenance crew
does anyone belong here?
what is to 'belong'
Well, where's my abortion video?
Fake as fuck LARP. You got hosed Tommy. You. Got. HOSED.
Go back to Plebit you fag.
>implying i use reddit
This is a terrible cropjob, though informative nonetheless
I stayed off Sup Forums for 2 weeks, 4 days.
Fuck you FbiAnon, you fucking nigger.
The reveal happened early this morning regarding a successful coverup of a terrorist attack at a volleyball game in 2008
That certainly doesn't fall amongst the lines of "everything will be revealed"
>tfw your global conspiracy is too cheap to buy a stryker stretcher forcing you to settle for the inferior ferno
>jews confirmed
today was full of happenings
specifically I think this had to do with Susan Rice
it had to do with what the CruzMissile said about democrats during the Rosuch hearing.
LeL good times
I'm not Japanon but I know you're all horny for juicy drops and investigation so HAVE ATS
What do you mean, do you have any links? I see the were attacks during the 08 Olympics but nothing indicating a cover up
The artist of this sculpture died in the attacks.
there a link to the archive?
Now that's irony if I've ever seen irony.
Essential viewing about what really happened.
Well, I decided to question Tarot on the legitimacy of JapaAnon.
I got:
>Seven of Cups
Which means illusions. We've been rused boys.
You are most likely a Jew.
What is a disguise?
I remember that. People were pissed.
c'mon Sup Forums - stop trusting countdown scams! you get burned every single time!
I will have to agree with you on this one user. From now on, whenever I see some rp fag doing his shit, I'll do one of these: I'm fairly confident in my deck, also, see the digits
You guys killed Japan user. (((They))) saw this shit blow up night after night and they finally tracked him down and tied up the loose end.
Sucks but he seems to be gone, he would have showed up again, especially today (his perdiction).
Problem is you're refreshing it "instantly"
You need to praise kek first
Funny how William Cooper predicted 9/11 being blamed on Osama Bin Laden (Tim Osman) months before it happened and then he was murdered by the feds. Seem like AJ took his spot light, all worked out to perfectly.
>I've been hyped all of march waiting on april 3rd.
you're an idiot
Here's my little bud cricket again. Another funny guy right there.
that's a cute cat, user.
Danke :) Heres a grumpy little fish!
this cheers me up, thanks. :)
Here is a funny little stingray face :)
wtf is going on here
Danke! :) If anything does happen today, i'll think of this stingray to remain calm.
Bitte :) Here's a cute little cat 4 u
shills bro
Again, danke :)
>not the superior grafics
Again, bitte :) Ein hummel!
Cool :) take care user.
That dolphin nigger didn't have shit. Nothing will be revealed.
You too user. Gute Nacht :)
cheers! if this is you, Jap user, stay safe.
Bump against the slide threads.
Learn to read reddit. Jap user said not to visit the pedo site after 15 march because anybody who did will be investigate in an upcoming case next year.
And if you missed the happening tomorrow then you are especially brainless.
you retarded reddit and /mlpol/ fags it was a larp we sourced a lot of pics 2 or 3 days ago was a ruse u fuckin faggots saged
The picture jap user is a notorious shitposter on /lit/ who is making a book on how easy it is to produce fake news to the "alt-right"