how can you deny it exists?
White privilege
Simple. The first guy had drunken sex in an alley and carried on after the girl passed out. This is bad of course, but gang rape is worse.
Niggers commit the most violent crime yet whites are sentenced to death the most. Whites are also killed by police more. Whites are also less likely to have a prior record.
But muh niggers amirite?
Try denying that.
get the fuck out normie redpill yourself
Brock fingered a drink girl while intoxicated himself....the other is a gang rapist.
Gr8 b8 m8
>white guy
>consensually making out with drunk chick in back alley
>he starts fingerbanging her
>chick is so drunk she passes out
>he doesn't realize because he's blackout drunk as well
>gets chased off by random passers by
Not saying he's 100% innocent but I hate how they acted like he was some kind of monster who busted down doors to tie women down and drag them to his sex dungeon.
didnt the guy on the left ask to finger a girl and then continued to do so after she passed out, and california is the only state where fingering someone counts as rape?
i think it might be a little different
What about the intentional mass media cover up of violent crime by negroids?
(((Turner))) Is a very prominent Jewish name. The Judge presiding over the case was also a Jew.
White privilege is Jews using their tribal networks to get an advantage other racial groups do not.
The text literally says taking part in a gangrape.
Thank you, leaf.
>1 guy raping a woman
>1 guy participating in the rape of a woman, implication being it's a gang rape
False equivalency
The first guy is a Jew you faggot. Go bitch about Jewish privilege.
didnt the white dude just finger bang some slut who just fell unconcious who he picked up any way? Its not even comparable. HURR DIS POOR URBAN YOUTH WAS HAVING A SEXUAL EMERGENCY WITH HIS HOMIES AND GANG RAPED A COMPLETE STRANGER AND THEN CANNIBALIZED HER. WHATS THE DEAL REDDDIT? xD
He didn't even have sex. He never put his dick in her, therefore he wasn't guilty of rape. He put his finger in her, which is sexual assault. It carries much less in terms of sentence. Batey raped (yes, actually raped) an unconsious woman with 3 other guys, which means he was convicted not only of rape, but of aggrevated rape because it was a gang rape. As a result he was given 15 years (which is the mandatory minimum sentence, sexual assault doesn't have a mandatory minimum). This isn't racism, it's a different set of circumstances (and somewhat an argument against mandatory minimum sentences).
Different states different interpretation of the law.
White dude had a more expensive lawyer,
This is a class problem, Not a race problem.
Brock Turner didn't commit aggravated rape, Cory Batey did. Cory Batey received the minimum sentence. There were two others who participated in the gang rape with Batey, one of which was a white guy who received a longer sentence than Batey.
>drunk white guy making out with drunk girl who enjoys it, goes out back with her to get privacy and go further, she passes out, he fingers her anyway
>nigger kidnaps passed-out girl with his friends and they take turns shoving their cocks into her for fun
clearly the same crime
He was a Jew with a Jewish judge who had prosecuted cases against antisemitism.
>not about race
Try charging a Jew with a crime in NYC.
You're all blue pilled normie fucks if you can't differentiate these cases.
>left faggot
>charged with sexual assault, forcible penetration with a foreign object
>her DNA was found on his fingers
>her DNA was not found on his genitals
>the left calls this "rape" but is not the legal definition of rape so the punishment is not the same
>right faggot
>charged with rape
>the legal definition of rape
>charged with assault as well
>I believe he was charged for drugging her, and I believe it was pre-meditated
Completely different charges so naturally completely different punishments. The guy on the left got off easy because the judge hates whores.
In a previous case the same judge let off 7 baseball players of varying races and ethnic backgrounds because photographic evidence of the female who claimed was raped had her posing for the camera as she was gang banged at previous parties. Apparently the gangbang with the baseball players didn't go as she had liked, which didn't matter to that judge. If you allow yourself to be gangbanged at parties eventually you'll have a less than enjoyable experience.
If you want to argue the judge was sexist that's cool I might be inclined to agree to a certain extent, but race played no part in the sentencing on the left if you know anything about the judge's history.
>inject girl with a small disease-free benis
>6 months
>inject girl with a large HIV-positive benis, tearing her bagina and giving her multiple STDs
>20 years
sounds fair to me
Fuck off and die tumblrina
>1 post by this id
Stop fucking falling for this you fucks. Fucking fuck off, it's not fucking hard to ignore or identify these fucking bot and shill threads.
But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but MUH FEELINGS!
The nigger also told his victim that she deserved it because she was white. Some mumble ebonics about 400 years of slabery and shit.
Nigger judge gave him the minimum btw.
While Brock turner did get a slap on the wrist he just finger banged the passed out chick the black guy full on raped the bitch, its hardly white privilege when the two crimes are different.
>and california is the only state where fingering someone counts as rape?
>i think it might be a little different
lol it's literally the opposite. You can only "rape" if you put a penis in a vagina, so California's own anti-male legislation saved Brock Turner.
sexual assault =/= rape
Drunken sex vs. racially motivated nigger gang rape. Geeee....I wonder what the difference is?????????????