More evidence that Trump's private server communication was transferring stolen voter roll data so that they could target campaign efforts.
Trump and Russia sitting in a tree
Other urls found in this thread:
>A server is connected to a Russian bank in Trump tower
>This wasn't a completely raw startup. Kushner's crew was able to tap into the Republican National Committee's data machine, and it hired targeting partners like Cambridge Analytica to map voter universes and identify which parts of the Trump platform mattered most: trade, immigration or change. Tools like Deep Root drove the scaled-back TV ad spending by identifying shows popular with specific voter blocks in specific regions--say, NCIS for anti-ObamaCare voters or The Walking Dead for people worried about immigration. Kushner built a custom geo-location tool that plotted the location density of about 20 voter types over a live Google Maps interface.
>As the election barreled toward its finale, Kushner's system, with its high margins and up-to-the-minute voter data, provided both ample cash and the insight on where to spend it. When the campaign registered the fact that momentum in Michigan and Pennsylvania was turning Trump's way, Kushner unleashed tailored TV ads, last-minute rallies and thousands of volunteers to knock on doors and make phone calls.
>The Trump campaign, meanwhile, delved into message tailoring, sentiment manipulation and machine learning. The traditional campaign is dead, another victim of the unfiltered democracy of the Web--and Kushner, more than anyone not named Donald Trump, killed it.
>For fundraising they turned to machine learning, installing digital marketing companies on a trading floor to make them compete for business. Ineffective ads were killed in minutes, while successful ones scaled. The campaign was sending more than 100,000 uniquely tweaked ads to targeted voters each day. In the end, the richest person ever elected president, whose fundraising effort was rightly ridiculed at the beginning of the year, raised more than $250 million in four months--mostly from small donors.
(From the Forbes Article)
You fags are more pathetic and idiotic than the birthers
Why would Russia be in any way connected to the Trump campaign, which this server is?
You Russian shills really need to learn that your job is over and you're going to have to go back to the bread line.
>Why would Russia be in any way connected to the Trump campaign, which this server is?
Because Trump is a businessman. He literally gloats that he has the Bank of China lease his buildings and has multiple properties in Turkey, India and Saudi Arabia. I have yet to hear anyone claim any one of these states were also behind the supposed "hack", especially China which has the manpower and monetary power to pull it off.
You shills expose the situation whenever you do coordinated attacks
In alerts us that somethin is going on that you are distracting us from
The fact you put "hack" in quotes is literal proof you're a shill.
It means you're questioning government reports, intelligence committees, and all common reasoning and faith in your government. Which means you're a traitor or a shill, and either one is equally worthless.
Your mom sitting on my dick.
>It means you're questioning government reports, intelligence committees, and all common reasoning and faith in your government.
You mean the ones by the same agencies that got faulty intelligence tat lead to the Iraq War
nice projecting shariafaggot
its not a "hack" because they got Podestas password through phishing. That has nothing to do with "hacking" fucking informed retard
Nope. George Bush and his cabinet's cronies created that bullshit.
The Russian hacking report came from the actual intelligence agencies.
Maybe if you weren't trying to be a misleading shill you'd know that.
What in the fuck are you talking about Podesta for? Jesus christ you obsessed fucking manchildren, get a grip.
Go shill your blog somewhere else Shariablue faggot
It's the Susan Rice mess clearly. Democrats are guilty of their own Watergate x5 and the media is desperate to pretend it's not a big deal. All it takes is regular folks talking to each other about it. Fuck the media.
Thanks for reporting in, Vlad.
>Nope. George Bush and his cabinet's cronies created that bullshit.
This is a Lark about excessive dns resolution on a trump domain name from alpha bank.
Look shills, if once you get an ip address, you cache it and don't do it 9000 more times.
All the experts say alpha bank was also resolving tons of other domain names and was likely someone sending spam emails.
The only people you are fooling with this shit are baby boomers afraid of computers.
Can anyone defend this post?
It's funny that the Susan Rice meme popped up, I was just about to say something about it.
Susan Rice committed literally no crime. There is literally no wrongdoing of any sort whatsoever. It's not irregular for her position to unmask names. There's not even anything questionable or strange about it.
The only reason it's in the news is because it's a really, really, really, really desperate attempt to try to associate Obama with anything close to being Trump surveillance.
Keep linking those fake news sites honey.
Let me know when Hillary Clinton is arrested for her email server crimes, then I will care about arresting Trump.
No you won't because you don't care that George Bush's White House deleted millions of emails when the Democrats were trying to investigate him and the Republicans refused to engage in an investigation because they thought it was fine.
>I just got BTFO
>I'll just call it fake news
Here's something more up your alley:
Seriously Vlad. Stop the fake news. It's like you can't tell what Americans use for real news.
How about a jack-in-box that plays a song and putin pops out. We can scare all the liberals.
>I don't like what I'm hearing
>I'll just call it fake news
Not an argument
>write paper on spoofing ips
>paper references presentation referring to forcing voip to make dns requestions
>both of the companies "communicating" with trump have this very same voip
Chemtrail-tier conspiracy bullshit.
So where is this data coming from exactly?
You know, you can't just find out when servers contact each other right? Unless you do some CIA-level MITM attack (using Vault7 tools to avoid the clients throwing certificate errors)...
Are these guys just bullshitting, or is this evidence that Trump Tower was really wiretapped by the CIA?
"more evidence" means no evidence. Thank you for playing. Sageing this shillery.
>It's like you can't tell what Americans use for real news
You lost here, Shareblue.
>what is aiding and abetting
Regardless, here's your $0.02
>Donald Trump was a lawmaker circa 2004 and knew everything the Patriot Act was about and what was in it. He also voted for it.
This one I can' defend though, although I understand his reasoning.
You realize the gubmint probably already had the terrorist's info right? They were asking for it long after the investigation had winded down. They don't need to get his texts from the phone when it's also gone through a telecom company. It was meant to set legal precedent by forcing a court case while Apple was literally virtue signaling to its customers.
>Links the actual Iraq Report 2002 National Intelligence Estimate
>nahh that's fake news
It's interesting how every time you post something on Sup Forums about one of the key Russian means of affecting the election that you see a huge burst of shills. Aggressive, angry, shitposting shills who deny everything.
Russia lost.
>dns requestions
I mean dns lookups, kek
My sides!!!!
>Aggressive, angry, shitposting shills who deny everything.
We're reaching levels of projecting never thought possible
Your shitty blog isn't evidence, it's fucking opinion.
Did you literally make this article right after the thread was made, faggot? Upset that you're being challenged? You are definitely being paid per post here.
PS: Hillary lost, get over it.
Not only is this literal technical hogwash, but they're actually making a worse implication that the servers are misconfigured to broadcast voice call beacons to one another from prior use.
Holy shit are you actually accusing me of being the author of Palmer Report?
It's fucking hilarious how out of touch with news sources you Alex Jones fags are.
Hillary lost. Is she still paying you for your trolling? At least you have a job still. But y'all are still dumb, useless fucks. #sorelosers. #sorospuppets
CIA being able to disguise their hacks...well what do you know
>inb4 muhh Wikileaks works for the Kremlin.
>real news
>implying CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the like didn't start the fake news train
>implying you libshits weren't cursing their names for helping Trump win and calling them fake news
>implying you even know the difference between real and fake
Either a staunch shill or a complete idiot on the same level of HWNDU protestors.
>Pol call russian shills but they are okay with Trump for being a sellout for oil companies
>Believes an Alex Jones tier conspiracy
>Posts a random blog supporting his fringe theory
>Calls other people Alex Jones fags
>article itself notes itself as opinion
>claim itself as objective fact
>out of touch with news sources
>m-muh alex jones
Shut up Bill, you're not convincing anyone. You literally made that article because you were upset that people offered counter evidence. Better yet, why hasn't been addressed? Do you know what aiding and abetting is? This is the real crime that is happening. Fuck off to r/politics with your faggy spacing too while you're at it.
>What's wrong with having a private server?
>t. dem
>Trump and Russia sitting in a tree,
Be honest OP, is this you right now?
>More evidence
so you mean you finally have something *looks at the presented crap*
... oh its nothing again well that was surprising after 4 months of hyperventilation and screaming with nothing to show for it.
>implying vice is honest and not politically biased
I said it was something his libtard self would like