Was he right?
Was he right?
A man must be willing to do whatever is necessary to protect the welfare of his family, his nation, and his race - in that order.
But why not go to war with the Japs?
For the same reason why we didn't go full nuclear war with Russia by electing Clinton.
While the world maybe a shit place filled with normies, it's still a world worth fighting for.
But now they will drift in to a nuclear cold war. They should have ended it while being the only ones with nuclear capabilities
>its just a stupid series and the more normi-attention it gets the more sjw-shit will start to occur
>Hitler and Himmler aren't the bad guys
>Resistance fighters are actual terrorists
>Smith makes the most sense
How can they fix this?
How do you go from supporting the United States in the Solomon Islands Campaign to Hitler's main man in America?
Also this guy's acting is very good, probably the best in the show.
I thought they were probably gonna make Smith a traitor and join the resistance to protect his sick son but thats not happening anymore now that his kid gassed himself
kek approves
>fuck shit up to high hell
>America once again bigg heroe
citizen Z and the antique shop jew are also good
>kid gassed himself
>tfw no qt liebenspawn gf
>go to the politics boards
>people discussing fictional stories
>go to work
>workmates discussing fictional stories about Russians hacking their emails
ze zi zo zum i smell the stench of newfag scum
You do have big nostrils, they are almost ape like in apearance. Sadly, you are stupid enough to think you can smell over the internet.
Taste this picture I post and tell me what you think the flavor is:
Leave the thread first, all i smell is leddit
Is it worth a watch?
also, sage
KEK have spoken.
Such big nostrils.