
Let's talk about the Crusades.

Does Sup Forums have anyone who actually knows crusade history, or just deus vult redditors?

Which crusade was your favorite? Why do you think crusaders sacked Constantinople during the fourth crusade?

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I like the Templars, especially when lead by a inquisitor and fought alongside a company of Hospitellers. Teutonics are cool but look a little lame.

I think I would be a templar general, and use a mace to kill muslims. I could use the best armour and kill heaps of enemy camel cavalry. I would coat myself in bacon so I can take on whole enemy formations and they wouldn't touch me.

Crusades would have been epic.

>Why do you think crusaders sacked Constantinople during the fourth crusade?

I thought it was becuase the Byzantine Emperor (king) couldnt give them the supplies he promised or money or something.

crusades were direct response to the aggressions against Christians etc in Byzantium and the Holy lands. emperor of Constantinople wrote the pope for assistance when Byzantium was being attacked, and border towns raided. the pope then called for a crusade to retake and stabalize the holy lands and the deus vult began.

first and second were the best simply cuz shit happened. nothing after that really mattered at all.

crusaders were stuck in Venice trying to get funds and ships to sail to holy lands for another crusade. the resident doge, the leader of the trading superpower Venice, offered to finance them in exchange for attacking Constantinople to put a puppet emperor in place. they succeeded, but the new puppet got murdered in an ensuing populist uprising, and the crusaders just decided to sack the city and steal whatever wasn't nailed down, in the chaos, and continue on their way

It was an accident.
Enrico Dandolo was responsible for the fourth crusade

I'd say either the first Crusade or the Crusade that the Spanish and Portuguese fought for hundreds of years was my favourite.

That's a thought. I don't really accept the idea that the sack of constantinople came about because of a conspiracy, I think it was more because of cultural tensions between Byzantium and Outremer.
I think this guy has it somewhat right.
Maybe? Hard to kill christians by accident.

They were broke and couldnt move further and next thing you know they were taking constantinople, sadly it was 600 years too soon

Let's be fucking honest, Venetians wanted to sack Constantinople because they were greedy as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if they simply wanted to bite a piece of stale Byzantine cake before Ottomans took it all.

Maybe. There was a lot of plunder, but there would have been recordings detailing this motivation prior to the sack, y'know?

there were. Donaldo wanted to put a puppet emperor and steal a bunch of shit and so they did and just swept it under rhe rug since it was a side quest of the 4th crusade

fairly certain Alexios offered to pay off the Crusaders' debt to the Venetian, send Byzantine troops on crusade as well as ships, and submit to the Pope in Rome and mend the schism.

To be fair, the Byzantines played muscial chairs with their Emperors and dicked about far too much to maintain any legitimacy. Alexios IV's dad Isaac became emperor after rebelling and spurring the public to riot and proclaim him emperor; then Isaac's brother led a coup while Isaac was out hunting, captured Isaac and poked his eyes out.

Alexios III then bribed everyone to smooth over the fact he just deposed his brother and spent into bankruptcy.

The Greeks were as good with finance in 1200 as they are today

I have this meme

Greatest of the princes crusade?


>list of kebab removers
>no Alexander Suvorov

>Source: Wikipedia
Not sure if bait...
I liked Bohemond a lot but I prefer Richard the Lionheart.

Bohemund greatest Christian Warrior

Studied the entirety of the Byzantine Empire in University

It ultimately is a long multiplicate of complexity that manifests into a string of events going back several centuries earlier when Eastern Roman control of Pannonia, Italia and Magna Græcia were slipping into the hands of Lombards, Franks, and primarily, the Normans.

The Normans were the most ferverous adherents of the Catholic faith, capturing the lands of Apulia and Campania from the Byzantines. The Normans even managed to wrestle Sicily from the Saracens, who previously captured the Island from Byzantine control.

In a furious response to the military aggressions of the Norman Latins against Byzantine forces, the Byzantine Catholic/"Orthodox" citizens of Constantinople lynched a large number of Latin/Roman Catholic inhabitants in the Latin quarter of the city (look up Constantinople Latin massacre)

Basically, the Catholics were still pissed about that shit, so that definitely was a contributing factor for the crusaders to clap the Byzies' capital in 1204.

(I know there are a lot more reasons, but this is an often forgotten historical perspective of the crusaders at the time, the slaughter of the Latins was still relevant at the time.)

Those crosses with just the right colors make me feel warm inside.

>christianity dividing Europe since dark ages
Just schism my shit up, holy father.

Bohemund leads 200 men on donkeys cows and bulls against 2000 muzzie relief army during the siege of antioch charges first wave of 1000 so savagely they turn and run into the second wave breaking the muzzie army

>Does Sup Forums have anyone who actually knows crusade history
Yes I know about it, my ancesotrs invented the concept.

>Which crusade was your favorite?
The first one of course (not the people crusade) which led to the creation of the frankish kingdoms, the first time europeans willingly united to do something productive.

>Why do you think crusaders sacked Constantinople during the fourth crusade?
Because they were jewed by venitians who were more interested about shekels than the Holy Land.
Byzantines were not free from any reproach though

Be 7'ft 6 inches tall 400 pounds of strawberry blonde haired blue eyed master race perfection. Be bohemund

Does someone knows why all the master of the Templar order were French (execpt one that was Catalan) ?

Because it was a french order composed in vast majority of french knights with their commanderies in vast majority installed in France, just like the Teutonic order was german, simple as that.ères

That's by the way the biggest reason Philippes le Bel fucked their shit up because they were on the verge to rival the power of the french kings since they had lost all their possession in Orient, had still a lot of manpower and were richer than him.

Also you know there is the legend that the templars who were not arrested met in Auvergne then fled in Scotland which would become the first freemason lodge that would then spread their influence and birth the French Revolution centuries later.

>Because they were jewed by venitians who were more interested about shekels than the Holy Land.
>Byzantines were not free from any reproach though

this tbqh. pic related

We gotta retake Jerusalem in the name of the lord

OK. Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest.
You can assign scores however you please.

We need a crusade to happen right about now or else the efforts that our historical ancestor fought and died for will be a waste.

Us letting the invasion of Western Civilisation run silently is an insult to our ancestors.

Ive crusaded a few in my day


The Crusades were a mistake. They sacked Christian cities and towns all the way from Venice to Acre. More damage was done in the wrong direction. It's mostly (((Rome and Venice)))'s fault.
