I'm scared guys is it really going to be the asian century?

I'm scared guys is it really going to be the asian century?



How do we stop this?

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Nuclear war with China. Its the only way.

Its fairly obvious that China is a rising superpower, lets just hope we dont piss them off and dont import any more of them

Should I learn Chinese? I'm already quadralingual.

Yeah, so am i.

We're going to become China our government probably already has it planned to import millions more of them here.

there have been chinese here since the gold rush mate

Yeah not millions.

> learning chinese.

If chinese themselves can't understand each other sometimes. why would you?

Then you have to deal with the Chinese for the rest of your life.

The thing about i like about australia is the people do not give a fuck about international law, if war ever broke out we'd put them all in camps

the answer is to declare war against indonesia. once we emerge victorious, the path to empire will be clear.

We never should have given PNG back

have you seen the state of PNG and its inhabitants?

Tell the goyim that you are an Aussie battler

Sell their land out from beneath them

Make the tertiary education too expensive for locals

Make the country a giant money laundering entity for international capital to land bank

Tell the goyim that they're Aussies and need to be good Aussies so that Australia continues to propser

You know that jews doesn't have power in australia


Are you retarded? or jewish?

Asian culture = good culture.
Capitalism is rotten anyways

yes, thats why we should have kept it and genocided

China has given us some of their best doctors, engineers and experts in nearly every field. I agree there's too many but we need some of them in professional fields as temporary workers whilst keeping the scum out. All my Chinese friends agree that mainland Chinks are soulless.

t. White Aussie guy who grew up with chink mates

I hope that China doesn't rise because after the USA is cucked by immigrants nobody will be able to protect Japan, and they will basically be destroyed.

someone with logic

Nothing an immigrant can do an Australian cant do

>China suffering mass emigration and a rapidly ageing population due to the 1 child policy.
>Japan's population pyramid is upside down.
>Vietnam and North Korea are still commie shitholes with more farmers than factory workers.
>South Korea is having an identity crisis and the government has literally been ran by a cult.
>Taiwan has more half-blind people than regular folk and that's taking into account the Chinese squint.
>Mongolia and Tibet have faded into the night.
Yeah... no. East Asia is in an even worse demographic condition than Europe and the USA. The only people who are winning from East Asian economic growth are the Jews who own their crippling debt.

can confirm, went to school with a lot of international students. the chinese were dicks and never made friends with the rest of us

China is ringed with military bases, they're going nowhere. They have no force projection. Litterally couldn't even invade Taiwan.

Only direction they can go is north (they won't) or west into India, which is a net benefit for all of humanity. A hundred million dead gooks and poo niggers isn't anything to worry about.

If you take the top chinks at the same rate as Australians then you'll end up with like 100 chinks per Australian.

Fuck, fuck, fuck we need to stalp this. Our kids are gonna have no future with chinks flooding the streets, schools and workplaces.

China needs to get their shit slapped.

I hope Trump nukes them.

fuck off Chang

He doesn't need to. The Chicom government can't clamp down on the seething dissent forever. It's a house of cards and it's gonna collapse in on itself.

>Trump nukes Shanghai.
>More people die than live in all of Australia.

Its too late mate.

It's time to think black pilled. Nationalism is temporal for the elite. Our Royal family is German. The elite of America came from England, Scotland, Germany, Jews, Chinese. The rich Australians come from China. The rich Saffas are Dutch. Rich Israelis are Russian and American.

They fed us a lie of culture and we bought it, but now if you swallow the pill you can endure.

we can only hope

looks like youre gonna have to fuck a gook to get some halfu kids who wont be killed after the chinks take over.

>collapse in on itself.

I suspect this will eventually happen, but when? I know economically they are fucked, something like 220% of their gdp is household debt, but their commie government constantly rigs the markets to prevent any crisis.

I hate chinks so god damn much.

Careful, cos that Jap pyramid is gonna flip soon-Old people are gonna die

I heard their economy is only being held up because they are constructing buildings at such a fast rate and no one even lives there. doesnt sound sustainable to me.

ive heard the biggest property developer in australia is jewish. not sure if its true though.


The old people are already dying. That's why Japan's population has dropped by more than some small countries. It's not going to flip it's simply going to shrink.

the chinks are very capitalist despite having a "communist" government.

It's true, Harry (((Triguboff)) is Australia's richest man and the biggest property developer.

The Chinese are planning on world domination within a century.

The European Union and the USA are going to weaken and China is going to start claim sovereign nations. Claiming parts of Australia, Canada, South America but most importantly, Africa and all major trade routes and islands in the East. The Chinese are in it for the long haul.

>asian century
>australian flag poster

but u are chinese colony already

fuck off flip, hows sucking Dutertes dick?

I have visions of tomorrows Australia. I dream of a day when Sydney rivals Singapore as the jewel of the South Pacific, the place where all peoples of Asia congregate to do business, exchange culture and live together. This nirvana is achievable and is on track to come. A day when Australia can stand tall and strong, together with her neighbors.

so there are some powerful jews in australia. wonder if he backs any political party financially?


Malcom Turnbull is a jew, well his mother was anyway.

are you gonna let china take your piece of the south china sea? nothing you can really do to stop then unless america jumps in for you.

>walk down sydney street
>ching chong ning nong
>be angry

poor flip you little bastard, you should better take care your drug dealers shithole before to said to another countries.

>auscucks openly lubing themselves up for small yellow chink cocks

At least our government has the audacity to deny there's a problem.

>be angry

why? non-communist, integrated chinks arent so bad.

>walk down western sydney street
>get spat at, death stared, beaten up and robbed by lebs
>be truly angry

Why? I've called Sydney home for 26 years. The place has barely changed, I don't see what there is to sook about.

rip english

Did the doctor/shaman chopped a part of your brain after chopping your dicks off?

>rip english
>Did the doctor/shaman chopped a part of your brain after chopping your dicks off?

What suburb? I've lived in Eastwood for about 20 years and its changed so much its ridiculous.
The main plaza used to have mainly Aussie shops, now you'd be lucky to find a single non Chinese in the entire place

Kuringgai but I work at Martin Place. Sure they covered the Darling Harbor fountains we all enjoyed as children but otherwise business as usual.

Brisbane is full of gooks and pooniggers. So many, sometimes I feel like the only Aussie left.

>I live in a cuckshed bubble: The post

It's just appeasement. Chinese population is about to plummet after all their old people die and all their young people decide it's trendy to go places where they're not considered attractive.. such as anywhere besides China.

>but muh yellow fever
Most Chinese girls don't look like your jpop stars.

This is a 10/10 way to make sure no one wants to live in China and is willing to live absolutely anywhere else, great work, you caused a Chinese diaspora!

Honestly maybe.

My college town is surrounded by chink shops and restaurants. It's literally 50% Asian stores with Asian character signs and half the student body is Asian. They're beating the white man.

>cuckshed bubble

I spend much of the year travelling for work with a prominent TV network. I promise I've seen a lot more of what the world offers than you kid.

you're in our neighbourhood Australia.

you better behave.

i live in ashfield. its another eastwood. lived here all my life and its always been chink. so im used to playing spot the aussie. recently a lot of poos are moving here and you see more muslim head-ragged scum in the shopping centre. i prefer chinks to muslims any day.

We don't. We welcome it. Think of how good the noodles and dumplings are going to be. Obviously Australia should be highly integrated with Asia for trade and security anyway. It's not a British colony anymore. Bogans are about the only thing holding Australia back at the moment.

What are you talking about? I eat every so often in Ashfield, the area is as staunchly Italian as it has ever been.

my dad was in the army in the seventies and they were warning them about the chinese then

It won't be an Asian Century. Here's why:

>They have huge populations which need to be fed and kept from slaughtering each other for ethnic/religious differences
>They have little land to be lived on even by the affluent, unlike in North America for example.

>They are usually susceptible to floods and earthquakes. England has no natural disasters.

>Asia has needlessly complex languages and traditions which frequently hold them back. Foreigners never become fluent in Chinese unless they live in China, unlike English.

>Asian countries have great tension between them, e.g China and Japan, whereas Europeans are at peace, and even like each other most of the time. War will happen in Asia, multiple times. Europe will be fine.

>USA is opposed to Chinese ascendancy. Problems there are obvious.

>China is reliant on shipped foreign oil, which can be cut off by US and Japan. USA will produce enough oil for itself within 5 years.

>martin place

nobody cares you got a job at channel 7 faggot

nobody gives a shit what a globalist sell out piece of shit says about anything

>Ashfield, the area is as staunchly Italian as it has ever been.


this fucking yuppie cunt jesus christ

What makes you an expert exactly? I'm telling you I get around and gorgeous Sydney is still Sydney.

are we talking about the same suburb? in inner western sydney? no italian restaurants to be seen. there are a couple italian pizza places the next suburb over in summerhill. not many italians around here. i went to ashfield primary school and ashfield boys high and there were barely any italians.

The restaurants are mostly in Leichhardt but it's essentially the same suburb.

>War will happen in Asia, multiple times. Europe will be fine.

if china goes to war with japan you know america is getting dragged into that conflict which would probably drag europe in too in some way.


apart from norton street Leichhardt isnt even that italian anymore apparently. some of the surrounding suburbs are though. sydney is changing.


check out ashfield: china, india, nepal.

Exactly, there's also the Italian Forum off Paramatta road, that's where I often go for dinner.

What about India though?

Sounds like europe in 17ths

holy shit it happens here in Cuckada too. God I hate the mainland chinks.

Yes, the American century is over and China seems like the most likely candidate to have a crack at the next 100 years.

China always loses you turbofaggots. Asia a shit.

The white man has the natural resources. Most notable of these is food. That's why they are making a grab for our farms.

Since we're (((Americas))) bitch that is a stupod thing to say.

China has fucktonnes of arable land.

Theyre buying more because you cant have enough.

Lowy and his cancerous institute need to be gassed.

They've had a shortage of grain for 30 years.

We can't stop it. We wasted the time in 1960s didn't get our own nuclear weapon, wasted time mining instead of technology, now still wasting time in realestate market instead of invest in high tech, manufacture.

Small, weak and stupid nation will be eliminated, it's called evolution. Guess a country was built by convicts has its limitation at the end.

>Make the tertiary education too expensive for locals

Then blame the Goyim for not being able to compete with Azens



I'm living in one of his apartments. Pretty nice.

Good serf

I rent in Sydney, I accepted slavery a long time ago.

Thank you for your serfice.