A thread to red-pill those who haven't caught on.
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>b-b-buh earth is a sphere
A thread to red-pill those who haven't caught on.
Wan't to learn more about the FES?
>b-b-buh earth is a sphere
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This is what they try and hide from us, just like how Hitler knew the WEL was real
if the earth was a sphere then wouldnt the atmosphere we launched off by the angular velocity?
reminder that (((NASA))) is a funnel for jew money
>t. What is relativity?
On a serious note, is there any ACTUAL way we can stop the spread of liberal idealism in NASA? Is trump doing us a solid by cutting funding?
are the other planets flat too? what about the sun? or the moon?
>flat earthers were non-existent on /mlpol/
Come back pony fags.
They don't exist. You've been tricked by the Jews
have you actually been there and seem them? do you have any sources that aren't (((NASA)), Russians or the cucks at the ESA that prove they aren't flat?
Why the fuck would someone hide that the earth is flat
Good Video to watch
>The earth is flat
>(((Nasa))) is a money jewing machine, that does nothing but produce """""Pictures"""" and """"Videos""" of the earth. And hasn't produce, nor have done anything relevant since the early 50s
>(((Nasa))) and the rest of the (((Space Programs))) Around the world have used this as a government beneficiary to steal money from the people
>There is a DOME/BARRIER around earth, and we are in a "snowglobe" of a planet
>The way plans travel, how many plans get lost, lose track of time.
>Shorter flight times then what you're being told. Due to the "Bee-lining" way of flying. The only reason you wait longer is to charge you more and have the illusion that you are traveling on a an orb, not a flat plane
>Why do you think they're called PLANES not ORBERTERES, OR ANYTHING ELSE
>The way the sun and moon hit our planet doesn't coincide with sightings, pictures, videos.
>RIGHT BELOW THE EQUATOR, is FATTER/WIDER "Like a pear" then it is to the actual equator.
>(((NASA))) Astronauts refuse to swear they went to the moon, even to the point of hostility
>(((NASA))) Astronauts go ape shit when called out that they're fucking liars.
>Neil Armstrong so strung out. Obviously unsure of what to say, almost like he has a gun to head.
Shut the fuck up
yep, the sun is flat.
what if it's a double firmament though? The firmament is a dome right? two domes makes a sphere
>the ice wall in antarctica goes forever
if the earth is perceived as a sphere it would be seen as difficult to spread the propaganda that the jews can send without our knowledge
>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" goes down as an "expedition" to "explore" Antartica.
>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" comes back and says theirs a fucking globe over the earth.
>"OPERATION FISHBOWL" was a test to see if the there is infact, a dome, around the earth
>OPERATION """FISHBOWL"""" Look at a fishbowl, land, water, life, and a dome right over to keep everything in.
>Most nuclear blast consist of an impact point, followed by a "mushroom cloud" and rings followed by a vertical take off by said "mushroom cloud".
>"OPERATION FISHBOWL" concludes, that an impact was made, about some 75 miles (120 KM) above the earth.
>There blast was infact, and IMPACT blast, which instead of creating a mushrom cloud blast, That would have a pillar extending upwards.
As seen in the video
>No "mushroom cloud" is seen. A ball of light is seen in the middle.
>But for there to be no "Dome" The expolsion should have been a big ball of gleeming white light, all pushed together with no center. It should have been one big wave of light and no center piece.
>In the center is the "Impact point", and followed around it, is the rings, which in fact PUSH AWAY from the center. Much like an atom bomb. HIITING A SURFACE
>Their is a reason we haven't fully explored the "Antarctica". Completely Blocked off.
>It's the borders of the earth
>There has been a treaty since the late 1900s to not allow anyone in to "Antarctica"
>Out of all the millionairs, entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, etc NO ONE HAS TRIED TO EXPLORE OR DO ANYTHING WITH ANTARTICA.
>There is in fact, another side of earth we haven't seen, or (((They))) haven't told us.
good goy!
Keep reading your text book!
Globalist scum
I agree. These Globe heads think that gravity is a thing. Have you ever seen gravity? Think about it.
What happens is the disc we live on just accelerates upward.
yes, I have also wasted a lot of time on youtube. if you watch enough hours of material, you too could be convinced that the moon is actually made out of cheese and that vladimir putin is a time traveling vampire
how can gravity exist without it being handled by quantum mechanics? if quantum machanics cant explain it it isnt real en.wikipedia.org
Flat earth society is a shill to muddy the flat earth theory waters. international flat earth research society is the real movement ifers.123.st
good photoshop isn't it?
but that's a wide angle lens?
I at least want better fakes for all that money every year.
It's "flat",
We're only 3 Dimensional observers user. don't forget that
Lol, such idiocy.
Eric dubays YouTube channel
Names the Jew too
nice evidence :)
any one of you flatfags want to explain meteorites?
if u don't know algebra you can't start a discussion about the shape of the earth.
I've actually seen Jupiter and Mars thru telescopes.
Are you suggesting they've had hologram projectors for these planets since they were first discovered centuries ago?
a bit, but most of it stays because gravity
Flatfags, the Earth is hollow!
You mean geometry? These no-nutn' globe heads
Are my airplane pilots also in on it???
only the people who think the earth is flat live on a flat earth. when they fucking understand algebra they will live on a spherical earth like the rest of us educated folk
you didnt study algebra. your uneducation is showing
>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" goes down as an "expedition" to "explore" Antartica.
>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" comes back and says theirs a fucking globe over the earth.
cite your source. Where and when did byrd say that?
>There has been a treaty since the late 1900s to not allow anyone in to "Antarctica"
What treaty are you referring to?
Out of all the millionairs, entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, etc NO ONE HAS TRIED TO EXPLORE OR DO ANYTHING WITH ANTARTICA.
presuming the globe view is correct for the purpose of examining this point ( give that you're making a claim that it's inconsistent that we're not doing more "things" in antartica), why would we try and explore or "do anything" with antartic. in your mind if antartica was not a barrier or a crossing over point what do you think we would/should be doing there?
or, over the sea pilots take detours to keep people like you, good goyim btw, thinking the world is a sphere
I found out one of my best friends thinks the earth is flat, I haven't even seen him in like 6 months
okay flattards, I guess we need Ptolemy to BTFO your dumb ideas.
you mean pythagorea's theorem?
euclidean geometry. Of course you'll try to do everything in (((Arab))) math
>have you actually been there and seem them?
what makes evidence credible in your mind?
Why is seeing something yourself ( regardless of your qualifications or understanding of the facts at hand) more credible than other forms of evidence?
dude we've entered the realm of philosophy as science once again. The earth is flat. Old ideas need to go. Is Heaven a dome? is it flat? how close are the stars? are the stars sentient? what is astrology?
I feel the right to use my senses to determine reality again. Where are you in all of this?
the flat earth society has members all around the globe
You dumb fuck, did you just crawl out from under a rock? Trump gave them their budget back.
So literally, their stupidity is global.
it is loaded with oil and gold and coal, goy. with no animals to harm. it SHOULD be ideal for mining. but no...
Yea all there is left ro fight is a fucking army of trolls. all they have left is mockery. But its the simplest thing in the world to prove.
Sup Forums can't refute this cold hard evidence
Is this image real? Looks really comfy.
I have no idea. It's from NASA and so is this.