You faggots never learn. Never fucking learn. It's like I'm talking to a God damned brick wall out here.
Some random ass user comes to Sup Forums and makes some posts saying he's a "Shareblue guy who totally got fired you guys..."
Like, have you learned nothing? Nothing I've been trying to tell you?
He even says in the thread, Shareblue needs more money.
Do you stop for two God damned seconds to think about what's happening? Any attempt to comprehend? No, of course, no. Because you're all a bunch of addicts sitting here waiting for your next happening high.
I mean, none of you thought to wonder, "Hey, guys, maybe...just spitballing here...maybe we shouldn't trust some random ass user who posts some random ass Shareblue thread where he drops random ass names on APRIL FUCKING 3RD!!! APRIL FUCKING 3RD!!!"
You fucking retards. For the love of flying fuck. God fucking damn it.
Just, "Hurr durr let's go boys! Hop on those saddles cowpokes and let's go get 'em!" Like you're a bunch of retards in Blazing Saddles.
Fuckin' hell. God damn it all.
Carson Hernandez
Gabriel Barnes
I always thought shareblue was juat a meme defense to liberals. Do we actually think it is real and happening here at the rate we use it?
Kayden Fisher
i pretend to be shareblue from time to time because i hate nu-Sup Forums so much.
Ian Hall
>Look mom I can type swears xD!
Henry Miller
What's so special here? Cause some random ass jap poster predicted a happening or what?
Who's fucking crazy?
Levi Sanders
1 post from OP
Jackson Hill
I approve of this pic
Aaron Nelson
>tfw no jewish qt to give an oven stuffing to
Samuel Kelly
FBIAnon mentioned that "all would be revealed" on April 3rd
For what it's worth.
Adrian Rodriguez
and it was--susan rice
Alexander Roberts
So when that happens and late in the day someone comes on and is like, "hurr durr fucking bullshit I totally got fired guys here to totally spill the beans..."
You retards jump on it. Take the bait. Hook. Line. Sinker.
Samuel Walker
The guy posted two paychecks, they look legit. I have the last thread screencapped, I'm the verifier from that thread.
It really could be an elaborate false flag by Shareblue, but I don't know, the guy seems legit. Especially since as soon as a new thread was created it seemed like Shareblue created a separate thread to divide and conquer like they always try and do.
Lincoln Richardson
The stupidest people tend to think everything is just a meme without realizing everything starts for a reason
Aiden Lewis
He said he just did editing and that he doesn't really get into much else, they just give him articles and he makes sure they sound right.
Then he says he's done a lot of research on Russia. That raised a red flag.
Christopher Cook
The problem that these shill corporations dont realize is that Sup Forums is like Hotel California. You can check out, but you can never leave
Juan Nguyen
Nolan Phillips
Chase Clark
I want to put a bun in that oven
Christopher Martinez
Austin Flores
Error: Host name SSL not configured properly, see Share Blue Documentation for more help using this Greasemonkey extension. Contact *4460 for more information.
Tyler Brown
shit how do i delete posts lol
William Sanchez
>don't have fun with larps
fuck off, it's the only thing that makes this place bearable.
Jace Sanders
His info seems consistent at least. Judging from the pay stubb you can just make out that he paid ~$850 in federal taxes. I'm not from the states so not 100% on how it works but if that was taxed at about 15% that'd be $5600 ytd gross. Seems to agree with what you can make out on the bottom left. So that works out to about $12 an hour for 3ish months.
Christopher Cox
>OP is a falseflag OP is Shareblue psyop'ing to discredit the revelations
Joshua Walker
I wanna suck her toes SO BAD
Kevin Price
>footfag Kys
Gabriel Cooper
>tfw no jew gf
Christopher Bell
Shareblue is just a boogeyman. People just call me an my friends JIDF or CTR or Shareblue when we post dissenting opinions.
Parker Ortiz
Carter Collins
Okay I wasn't going to respond in the other thread to you cuz I figured you were just retarded but you are posting it in this thread too so I am compelled to tell you you're an idiot. I'm using voice to text because I'm not going to spend that effort typing this out but the guy obviously meant on his own time he was looking into it, not he was paid to look into it. Are you that fucking dense? Now go f*** yourself and I'm going to try to go to sleep but this f****** insomnia I'm having is driving me crazy I can't sleep and when I sleep my dreams / nightmares make me wake up you are pissing me off go f*** yourself and lurkmore goy
Ryder Peterson
Just go look at Reddit/r/politics They bought that thread and pay with so much gold/ ad revenue Reddit has no choice but to let them stay. Bunch of cucks.
Asher Russell
Take a deep breath, it'll all be ok.
It isn't obvious at all that he (you?) was talking about researching on his own time.
Jonathan Watson
Here....let's take care of that raging butt hurt for ya....
Adrian Taylor
Reddit is actually relevant. What would they be doing here? I bet most of them never even heard of Sup Forums.
Hunter James
>Current year +2 >never even heard of Sup Forums
Have a (you)
Julian Hall
They are normies paid to post. Why would they ever hear of Sup Forums?
If normies heard of Sup Forums, then this is probably not Shariablue OR trolls from Sup Forums/Reddit, but the normie infestation.