Fucking chinks, disgusting hate speech cunts

Fucking chinks, disgusting hate speech cunts.
Hold your tongue you filthy commie animals

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According to my scholarly analysis, Canadians have more hate speech than the USA and are the second most active country per capita on Sup Forums.

This is reflected in a meme popular on Sup Forums in which a leaf is said to be behind every shit post.

WORLD WAR MEME has made it into academic journals.


source NOW!

china isn't communist



vid for curious

Op is a faggot. Chinks are good.

>that flag

>frog makes the list
>but cuck doesn't
i see that research grant is going into the right places

It's not even that rare

Part of why nigger is so popular other than it's truth and taboo is it just rolls off the tongue so well. It also looks and sounds exactly like what a derogatory word for blacks should be.

Nigger is the greatest achievement of the English language.

is that vsauce?

>Hey, Vsause
>Michael here
>Blacks are people
>Or are they?
* *

No cuck? What is this shit?

Top kek

This is misleading. They probably classify 'cunt' as hate speech, when it can be a term of endearment. Also, most of our 'hate speech' is directed at other Australians and 'our' government.

Not hate speech, not yet anyway.

saved this picture for argumentation

Go suck a nigger cock you kike faggot cholo fart huffing cunt

>Belgium not even yellow

Time to step it up.

>Czechs almost no hate speech

We have to step up our game.



>wog "exposing" Sup Forums
Why am I not surprised.


Says the blue chink.


>muh fucking nazophobic bigos and frog haters

>australian education

Wtf, i love chinks now

>everytime i call out communism it´s hate speech