Whites are the master ra-

whites are the master ra-

That's a Jew.

Meh, she looks like an average white girl

i want to cum on her gigantic forehead

don't blame you, hide that shit up

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

>He's such a subhuman monkey he thinks women with perfect hairlines, strong jawlines, strong cheekbones, and perfectly aligned teeth are ugly

In you go.

This is her after plastic surgery? They did the best they could with the tools they had available.

I'd hate rape her but she's so ugly i'd have to take viagra or else my penis will run away through my mouth

I want to cum in her bum if you know what I mean.

White people are meh at best. You all are jealous of people that make real contributions to society and think that your skin color is some sort of brotherhood. It's not you're just being lazy and justifying your existence on some weird cult shit that wastes your time and energy.

You're right on the fact that being obsessed with your race is stupid, but I wouldn't say that white people are any better or worse than anyone else.

that ugliness is product of "elite" society.

why r those fucking thieves called elite for? elie in all sorts of messed up maybe.

>White people are meh at best.

Spoken like a true black person who's secretly angered by the fact that his women always come up behind whites.



this, the average girl of all races isn't that good looking, you have to get to at least the 65th percentile to be good looking

She is not average at all, she is horrendous. Bottom 10% for sure

>bottom 10%

Soo, that's like the top 10% in Brazil then, right?

Wasn't her father the first black president?

>Jew overlords

no, go on...

that's a cryptojew come on user

I don't even know why you and everyone else are putting her down, she's very likely out of almost everyone's league in here.

fuck you nigger

Get off the computer and step outside. White people irl aren't even that great.

What a hideous monsterous face! BLEH!

>visual terrorist


Just how ugly are you?

>Sup Forums on chelsea: bleehh what a hideous monsterous face!
>Sup Forums on tiffany: what a beautiful angel!

Not only she has a great face but a great reputation amongst politicians
"Backstabbing, Spoiled Brat"

You are whiter than her, because you are a speaker of a roman language

Most people are ugly, that's why the Japanese had to invent anime girls

>You all are jealous of people that make real contributions to society
haha you niggers never stop

Nobody ever said that about Tiffany. The only one we jerk off to is Ivanka, you fucking leaf.

Tiffany is acceptable after a few drinks
