One asylum seeker in Sweden overpowers the 3 female officers sent to arrest him and the old male police officer backing...

One asylum seeker in Sweden overpowers the 3 female officers sent to arrest him and the old male police officer backing them up.

Wtf is wrong with this country?

Notice the Good Samaritan guy who comes in instantly, takes him down, subdues him, and then is told to leave rofl. What a shitshow.

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That's the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time. Why don't the remaining Swedes just kill themselves? It would be a million times better than this.

I also wish this guy could encounter American cops. Watching him get blown away for advancing on them, or picking up a rock, would be immensely satisfying.


I don't even know what to say to this there's just no excuse to be made here

im pretty sure the blonde picks up something off the ground to hit him with and he just taps her and down she goes. the whole thing is so pathetic, the one time i've dealt with disturbance (massive brawl at a party) the 2 cops who arrived were both over 185cm and 90kg, (6'3 and 200lbs) solid cunts in excellent physical shape who were polite but not taking any shit. So much of being a copper is being intimidating because they are often in situations vs multiple people. i cant imagine the sheer retards involve in allocating police resources who think that short unarmed women can handle physical confrontations.

4 on 1 and he wins. He just looks like an average person. No wonder the guys filming are laughing, that entire country is fucked. Imagine if you have 1,000 people who organise to commit violence in tandem, could throw cities into complete disarray, think of the bargaining rights such a coalition could demand. It's not like they are going to get deported or have anything to lose, it's 1000 muhammeds how are you even going to ID them? Middle Eastern man with a beard.

>be american police
>see a citizen is illegally walking in the road
>shoot him
>face no charges

>be british police
>see man is waving an illegal knife around
>call upon the departments highly trained umbrella squadron to disarm and subdue the citizen
>after a long arduous battle and a few civilian casualties, arrest the man

>be swedish police
>see crazy knife-wielding rapist
>call entire department
>get raped
>can't report the incident because claiming a refugee is a criminal is racism
>forcibly consent to the unwanted sex to avoid racism
>see the crowd of swedish 'men' gathering, watching in awe as the bull impregnates the swedish cattle


>Man with 'superhuman strength' filmed pinning two police officers to ground by their necks before fleeing

>Female officer asks "Why are you doing this to us?"

The "male" couldn't fight his boner while he was getting beaten

>Middle Eastern man with a beard.
Implying it's legal to identify suspects based on ethnicity in Sweden.

> implying that the incidents in the US are more than just the police making an honest mistake or the police actually defending themselves
Very rarely is there a shooting where the police are actually in the wrong. That said, when it happens, it almost certainly won't happen on the street, it will happen during a no-knock raid.

Sweden is so fucking doomed. The feminist cunts really have no clue what 100 years of this will do to their country. By the time Swedes finally wake up and want to violently revolt against this it will have been far, far too late.

so if this were to happen in sweden, not only would the cop be dead, but the knife man would not have his wish for death fulfilled?

Just fucking tackle him. Holy shit, knock him to the ground, break his leg or something.

If this is the state of your Police Force, I can't imagine your people.

The guy who helped them was charged with assault by one of the female officers.

> Notice the Good Samaritan guy who comes in instantly, takes him down, subdues him
Wasn't he arrested for hate crime?

Swedish police is full of weak cucks. I have seen many cringy videos about them.


Wouldn't be surprised if the police officers attending stopped trying to arrest the first guy and tried to arrest him instead while the other ran away.

Nordics are such pathetic KEKS

don't lie to me leaf.

provide proof you fucking leaf


>and a few civilian casualties
mate, that's the goal

Lol I am actually not surprised that it could happen

>unarmed women
They had guns, but chose not to use them.

Fuck that hell hole.

They've been tricked by Germany and all the other retards in the European Union, they got what they deserved.

We should of raided the wrong house and shot their dog instead

It's because Beardfish broke up. The whole country has now lost their will.

the whole situation is easy to explain
>Sweden has been a country of peace for a millennia. The people are naturally peaceful and kind
>Became a little TOO peaceful
>Let women take charge
>Women "want to do the right thing" and "feel good inside" and let illiterate third-worlds flood the country
>Widespread rape, murder, theft, etc ... swedes simply don't know what to do since their "masculine" genes have been completely bred out of them

Police officers are lucky they weren't raped but knowing Sweden they were probably begging for it.

Why are Sup Forumstards so gullible?


Shooting the dog is key, otherwise they just don't get it.

to be fair, it IS sweden. Poe's law

The "good samaritan" was actually another asylum seeker.

They were probably angry - if he had subdued him they would not get the extra bonuses and leave time / injury - they wanted this guy to hurt them just enough so they are put on pension for PTSD


google sweden police PTSD pensions

Just taze him? I'm sure the women would accidentally hit one another if they even had them.

Like, I don't believe you, but part of me tells me it's not entirely impossible.

I didn't say I believed. I just expressed that it was not out of the realm of possibility.

>we should make the illegal immigrants into our police force



It's easy: Wehrgymnastik (calisthenics for war), which were, historically, the only reason to work out at all, is unknown or forbidden now.

Can't wait until that one Sup Forumsster gets his hand on the calisthenics book of the Wehrmacht so I can translate it.

>superhuman strength

lolno. Women are just weak.

Anybody got the webm from the airpot in Frankfurt, where two tall, young, fit policemen get beaten up by a Turkish middle-aged guy?

The police is doing Keysi fighting method, the Turk is doing Muay Thai.

It's really hard to watch, btw.

uSAa! usA! USA!

This ones funnier.

lol i was looking for this clip.

I was expecting this to pop up.

Inexcusable since there's 9 popo

please dont reply so i dont stroke

Is poilce brutality a thing in swedes? In murica maybe...

What a baller.

I hope those bitches enjoyed their cultural enrichment.

nah, it's just their PD filling their diversity quota
> be a woman
> understand PC and "common sense"
> can't even think of disabling crazy person by shooting their limb

literally like the webm

Ex Police here

This is honestly the most rage inducing video ive seen for a while. All three female cops should immediately be fired upon returning to the Police station.

Why are you just standing there? Why are you not hitting him? CS spray? Anything? Bum rush? Completely useless, and scares me to think about the times a fellow female officer "had my back"

A polish friend told me it's not uncommon to see completely drunk policemen entering the tram carrying half-empty vodka bottles. Exaggeration or truth?

damn so it's really just bad apples huh? Every country should be more like Sweden then!

The other dude was a civilian too. I think Sweden may be the first country on Earth to have a majority female police force.

kek this dude would get a hole through the head of he tried that shit here

We know that your cops love to shoot unarmed suspects.

> inb4 he had a stone

>shooting their limb

Cool bait post, you fucking fool.

Exagguration; at least in major cities like Warsaw. Out in the sticks, crazy stories all the time

I won't say that this is the future they deserved.

It's a future they earned.

Hes being aggressive and dangerous.
2000 years ago, a centurion would have speared you. Today, a police officer shoots you.

Nothing wrong with either of those, civil order must be maintained.

Watched it at least a hundred times already, but it's still as hilarious as it was after the first time.

That's what is happening when you succumb to feminism.

Male Swedish cops wouldn't fare much better there.

no, to even get "beat up" by the police in sweden you'd have to be white, unarmed, innocent and "interferring with the situation". Good luck with that one.

Nice trips btw

>Grappling with the man
>Completely ignoring the woman
>Woman is coincidentally pulled down as the perp rolls with the man
>Perp trying to choke out the man
>Keeps ignoring the woman who just lies there like a starfish now
>Onlooker was worried, especially for the woman

hey taliban brother

of course not, being brainwashed by PC-feminism they were taught to be weak beta-numales.

Add a couple thousand criminal and violent immigrant shitskins to the equation, and you got a recipe for disaster.

>An honest mistake
What about when they cop said that the guy took his taser, but was filmed shooting the guy then throwing the taser on his dead body to cover up a murder

If the "victim" was black, then he did nothing wrong. Ghetto criminal trash needs to be taken out.

I never said he did nothing wrong, he was jogging away to escape, he should have been tackled or tasered but why shoot him? All the cop did was put his job as a cop in danger, whats the benefit of loosing your job do kill a random guy?


that's a lie, all three would press charges

Respect for the cop.

Swedes are little more than worthless cucks. I had considered migrating back to the scandi nations before realizing what limp dicked, worthless pussies they've become.

You should be ashamed. "vikings"

because when you cripple your police force to err on the side of
>the guy running away from us is innocent and not dangerous

you end up with weak faggots policing your streets, getting killed by criminals, and being too scared to do their jobs in dangerous neighborhoods.

You think cops had this problem in the 60s and 70s? No they just beat the shit out of people acting out, everyone knew you respect the police and do what you're told or they're going to break your ribs.

If having to choose between police being too violent or not violent enough which one do you think is better? If some guy is going to beat up police officers what do you think he is capable of doing to a civilian?

This is how every interaction with law enforcement should be:
>Do what you are told
>Refuse and die

it's the 21st century, if they rape you or beat you for no reason you will get a massive payout anyway, and they aren't interested in fucking with you for no reason, it's just extra paperwork for them and they can lose their pension and benefits.

They've got stab vests and batons, are they not allowed to club the fucker? Surely they're trained in some armed combat.

This shit is farcical.

>Diverse police force
>equal rights, need women and old men in uniform
>Oh shit they aren't worth a damn

That's why fuck your "equal rights". White people are so mentally weak now they can't even figure out how to fight back.

I don't have a problem with police beating the shit out of criminals, i wish Aus cops would do it to the leb gangs. But why risk your job just to put a bullet in some non-violent probably high criminal? Just seems unnecessary

You forgot the migrant.

Agreed, just give him several fractures. Bullets cost money, but you can club'em all day and not cost a cent.

because in america beating a criminal is worse than shooting him. the media is going to eat you alive.

The first example of yours is about Michael Brown if I'm guessing correct? Cause that nigger was going for the cops gun. If I have a gun and some 6' 5" 300 lb. nigger is trying to grab it from me I'm pulling that trigger. It's his life or yours at that point

This one guy already took the refugee down.

How can they still lose against him? Without him the rapefugee would have raped all three of the cops at the same time.

Needs the Benny Hill theme.

Good exercise too.

More like 11 police and 1 running away at about 15 seconds. Lmao. Why didn't they surround him and Rodney King his fucking ass like in the land of the freeburger.

Sounds like your cops need to spend a little less time learning about how to protect peoples fee fees and little more time learning how to fight.

Also if you send out a female officer, put a male officer next to her, because we all know women are weak as shit.

Not a bad plan. Swedes all kill themselves, there are no more gibs to hand out, shitskins leave or starve to death, whites take back over.